It was honestly funny sometimes the way they would desperately stretch. Remember how freaked out they got about Obama's LIES. His TERRIBLE LIES. I think one was 'if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.' They could never get a good scandal going on Obama but they tried SO HARD.
Can we all remember for a while (couple decades) that the federalism, states-rights, EO arguments made by the right for last couple decades were all in bad faith? Just a little memory retention? Please?
My only faith is in the American people. As they are truly a completely unruly people, whose pride in bucking eventually bucks everyone it doesn’t kill first.
Well, we're going to have quite a few people die. I don't think most people supporting Trump are going to care until it personally affects them in a very negative way.
I mean the only thing you need to say about them are they're a racist publication who's run by a racist that feels comfortable saying the N word on live tv.
The only logical explanation I can see for the way Republicans have abandoned their “limited government” beliefs is that they now think that they will never be in the minority again. It’s easy to dismiss the possibility of future liberal tyrants if you don’t believe there will be elections again.
They just never believed in them. It was a lie to get more power and they done believe Democrats, especially black ones can legitimately hold any power.
But clearly Democrats win elections, so as long as there are elections, they should believe in limits on elected officials. But they no longer seem to believe there will be elections.
It's hard to know what they think. I'm sure that's the thinking of some of them sometimes, or rigged ones more likely. Id imagine many if not most think they will have some kind of herrenvolk republic, but I don't even see how that works with the new grand vizier system we've got.
Yeah, it's not like there's a PLAN to keep power forever. They just assume it's the natural order of things. Been this way forever. They absolutely cannot HANDLE a Dem in the White House since LBJ died lol.
Because the Dems became the party of black people and they hate black people. Not all of them individually but it's the most deeply held motivator of the moment from Trump to Musk.
"States' rights" only ever meant "when we want something different from the feds." Ask any Lost Cause asshole "so what if the feds had tried to impose slave-owning on the North, would the South have gone to war over that?" and it reveals the lie. Plus every time red states target blue cities.
That's exactly what I think. I mean, Trump did say, "You'll never have to vote again." I took that both seriously and literally, in the spirit in which it was intended. They're going to try their damndest to keep us from voting in the future. The midterms are going to be very interesting.
He also said he didn’t need people to vote, and he and Mike had a little secret, and Elon is so good with computers and vote counting machines… and a strange “Russian tail” in Nevada
Yeah, I very distinctly remember those comments. He said he might tell us what it was after the election. And then he told the Elon/computer story. Trump is always confessing.. right out in the open.
They have understood for decades that they were and are always going to be the minority and used everything they could to game a system that favors minoritarian rule, and some good old fashioned cheating
right up there with the SCOTUS pearl-clutching, my stars, it just can't be possible to make all 50 states expand medicaid, darling, each of them should get to choose
Bulwark types are ex-neo-cons who actually believed in “promoting democracy through strength” (I think). The neo-cons were ex-liberal-hawks who in the late 50’s/early 60’s get mad at dems going all peacenik. That is my “I was a gov major 20 years ago” understanding
The savvy folks will say “we tried to warn the democrats not to keep the executive so powerful” so naturally it’s ALWAYS the democrats’ fault in their framing. It never just starts and ends with calling out the GOP for being lawless pieces of shit.
Commentary magazine isn’t thrilled with everything that Trump is doing, despite being a Conservative magazine. The just had a conversation on their podcast, “why can’t the Dems stop or slow Trump?”
On a personal level I’ve seen this type of BS from my “libertarian-leaning” friends. I used to consider myself libertarian until so many lost their minds to trump. Now it’s just embarrassing, completely whacked out priorities.
Libertarians are the most utopian dreamers ever where everyone's "self-interest" leads to an economic Eden instead of a free-for-all dominated by monopolies and oligarchs.
And apparently they are also extremely racist and bigoted because that’s trump’s true through line. How one can excuse racism for any other “small government” [insert eyeroll] justification is beyond me. But I had to take the blinders off that MANY prominent libertarian thinkers are/were racists.
Sad to compare which things horrify which party. The tyranny of health care, the horror of DACA, the absolute gall of regulating massive corporations so they don’t steal and pollute, the shock of pandemic information, the evil of healthy school lunch, the filth of creating clean energy jobs
The beloved leader won and so his will is the will of the people. His power is unlimited and needs no authorization. He can even legislate agencies into existence.
Ironically, for all their whining about America being Republic, not a democracy, Congress is pretty much pre-requisite for that. Now that they openly cheer for bypassing Congress, they can't claim to support Republic either. They're openly fascist.
Exactly. We are at a moment similar to the time when Julius Caesar stacked the Roman Senate with his own supporters. Eventually they appointed him dictator for life. That seems to be what the Republicans want to do with Trump. They are clearly willing to let him act like a dictator.
There are a few, but they're the ones that say Trump is terrible but would praise McConnell. Just no awareness that they were part of the extremism treadmill that got us Trump.
Anyway, that was a blast.
Do you not remember the fiasco we will suffer because we have a Black President?
How lovely it would be to have those problems again!
*In the true Marxist sense, not like Mao or Lenin or the like
Don’t forget “out of.”
Remember when Obama refused to send troops to Syria without congressional authorization? John McCain said that maybe he should just do it anyway.
They don't believe in Congress. They don't believe in democracy.