god this guy is an idiot. like, a stone cold idiot who sincerely believes that war fighting and preparedness is about having the biggest dick
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Hegseth at NATO summit: "We can talk all we want about values. Values are important. But you can't shoot values."
You shit the fuck up traitor. You DO NOT speak for me.
Never has.
Never will.
RIght now "defence" budgets are used to make the whole world suspicious of each other and make wars more likely where those who are better able to kill and destroy are the victors
That stings.
He has hundreds of one liner quotes like this. A brilliant man.
for the first 1.5 yrs. Then … Putin pissed off USA citizens for his evil shit.
I hope Europe figures it out…soon👉No question he’s going for more land.
(Fuckwit, imbecile, traitor).
unless he stopped drinking-
total flunkee who had big VA 💰money come up missing he was in charge of-
Not to be trusted,Americans w/common sense see thru🤥💩🤡s lies.
Ask me how I know...
He's a predator,w/alcohol+ commitment issues(have they even checked him to see if he quit drinking? Big💰 came up missing at his VA job he was responsible for-
🤪🤥💩🤡Fraud in 🤡DTs 🎪
We're back at being the laughingstock of the world soon to be a pariah.
They moved faster this round.
Now, it’s just another cabinet member.
30 minutes earlier, the Green Beret platoon leader: "Good news, boys. We're going jogging today!"
What plan do you have over there, to get rid of these fools?
I mean: let's not talk about Europe, the rest of the world: They are destroying America in full front bright light day. What's your plan to get rid of them?
Even they vanish the next two months: It will take
America has already lost big way. It just can get worse and worse.
So: What is your plan? Memes? Using more social meida? Crying? Bitching? I mean: you have a plan?
Word at Fox was he liked to have a buzz on before he got on air, the words flowed easier.
actually have all reporters secretly attach once to a microphone they put right up by his mouth
I can't blame them at all.
Gonna see the fight of our lives. It’s our time. 🇨🇦
They think Rome is finished. Germany thinks we've lost our mind e the nazi sht.
And this IDIOT is getting laughed by 1/2 the military.
(&The guys who need 2 prove their bigdic status are sus;)
How should europe react? By sanctions, tariffs? Laughable. Europe has much more to lose than the US and both sides know it.
If they want to avoid our fate, never allow Elon Musk near their country, government,and elections.
It’s not personal between you and I, but it’s personal to both of us (and everyone).
I am so sick of these assholes never getting any consequences. We’re working on undermining them here…if you’re willing please boycott us and encourage tariffs/other consequences! Please!
But, President's Day would be a fantastic time to take to the streets!
I'm desperately trying to encourage people to think for themselves. With no luck.
I'm kidding. I think. Today I asked my rep's office to save little old female me from Elon. Asking them to observe their oath hasn't worked, so whatevs. Whatever it takes.
If I get a choice, lavender all the way. I think the key to marital happiness for women is to marry a gay man.
Maple MAGA is real
You can't and don't rely on behaviours like that, so Europe/UK others will go their own routes.
its 70%
List your accomplishments, pookie.
NATO,like the UN, is pretty much a dead fish now. Once Slovakia and Hungary get rid of their Putin puppets there might be a chance but until the US is expelled or leaves nothing meaningful can happen
This is bad.
Then he threatened to take over Canada
How can the maga be so dum b
(minejoo, i worked on wall street, so i know his type)
You are correct, they are all insane and high AF.
nathan - back to twatter with you where you can shit in your hands a clap with your pals
Wonder where we have heard that before!
I believe NATO is vital, but I guess TFG doesn’t agree.
He's a total wanna be alpha male,more of a flunkee...
he’s just signalled we are gonna be an easy target for a smart, strategic commander, for better or for worse. 👀
I just want trump to threaten American lives already so we can get rid of him because until that happen
if it's a contest over what country is the biggest dick to everyone else, 🇺🇸 is definitely in the top along with 🇮🇱
Now I hope every MAGA-it has a grandchild as a result of their precious daughter being the victim of rape ...and that grandchild dies of polio, small pox, COVID, bird flu, or some other preventable disease.
I miss the guardrails of the Constitution.
Who can trust a felon/fraudster, and a war criminal/mass murderer?
While every Repugnantan stuck their own balls in a drawer years ago ...these fascists have taken a wrecking ball to our country - which is precisely their point. Create a hellscape here - robbing from the poor to make the billionaires richer.
Other than that, no disagreement.
Europe should bye European weapons only and not spend even one dime on American weapons.
Independence of the US is key from now on.
Bring him here so we can arrest this felon.
Exit feelings (BREXIT etc) have their roots, address these, then stand together.
Never going to forgive MAGA.
Education and moral formation get in the way of those demands.
We sympathise. Would you consider bolstering your relationship with us? Let's talk!
Land Of The Stupid😒
We're just bipolar. The next 4 years we're gonna suck.
trump really lost! Again!
If so i would watch my drink there Pete
He looks ready to do his rich person's token 1 week military service in Starship Troopers.
Also, I've known and worked with jerks like Hegseth. They can and will shoot values. And they will lose wars and credibility.
Fucking idiot
Hegseth is an embarrassment to my SF community.
He sounds like a number of blockheads I've known who've hit the up-or-out wall at Major.
The safety of Ukraine and the whole of Europe are at stake here!
This is so wrong!!!
He couldn’t give a damn about acting like any of the European allied countries. (but yes, at this point it’s diplomacy while waiting for their popcorn to pop)
You can say that!
But I'm from the Netherlands and here we say and write Poetin, but your pronunciation is perfect though!!
China gets Taiwan
Trump gets Gaza.
Oh...And Trump Tower-Jerusalem. Built on the "The Temple Mount"
Only the holiest spot in all of the Middle East.
Trump may be president in name, but I think the tech bro's have im in their pockets, in particular Musk's pockets
Especially now Musk claims to be sleeping on the oval office. I don't know of any president in history who's done that.
seems too generous maybe just “helper.”
Russian helper
So eager to get his shooting on, so disappointed they haven't flooded all zones with hard targets he can shoot bullets at. Very strange for DOD Sec.