my reasonable centrist betters tell me that it is ridiculous to suggest that the trump administration is filled with segregationists but here again they are forcing out a high-ranking, high-preforming black woman for reasons
Trying to erase those they hate.
Why hasn't anyone informed them that not only are we not leaving, we're being reinforced?
Will always live among us.
This government and the nation that voted for it are racist fucks.
They are forcing all women commanders out
Also Republicans, in the same breath: Let’s fire all the Black people, deport the Latine folks, and keep our women barefoot+pregnant.
Trump could come out at say "We should go back to "separate but equal" and centrist will say "he said equal!!!! stop being hysterical, Is it THAT hard to go to another school?"
Fuck each and every one of those cowardly bigots
Unqualified merit boys are about to put us in crisis
Look up to see planes crashing
Keep yourself safe
there is no need to sugarcoat it.
👉 Sign here:
they've shown us enough of who they are
I've been saying it in parallel.
I'm quite certain high ranking Black or Women officers were overqualified for the job, I have questions about the white men.
"Addressing the intersectionality of her identity as a woman and an African American in the military, Crosland said she doesn’t focus her achievements through that lens."
A whole lot of folks seem to whistling past the graveyard these days.
These people hate Americans generally but, yes, persons of color and women first.
America needs to remove them.
But then again, that's why 67% of America didn't vote for that 🍊🤡 prick: we KNEW he was too stupid for the job, and now he PROVES US RIGHT every fking day. I can't even ENJOY being RIGHT: this jackass is ruining my American experience!
Step Two: fire high-performing, exceptional minorities (women / black / disabled / immigrant)
Step Three: replace with inadequate inappropriate white men
Repeat steps two and three until mission accomplished
Listen to your instincts.