Please don’t boycott! Show up in Ukraine colors holding a sign with one word- LIE!
I saw a meme or photo of AOC doing this. Someone other than I suggested we just hold up that sign every time he spews bullshit. Much more effective in my opinion than not showing up
"He's not the king and you don't have to be there." you asked what the Dems might do moving forward. This is an amazing and insightful suggestion concerning the upcoming address to Congress.
I want to see every one of them there and in the press spinning it afterwards. They should behave exactly the way the RNC behaved at Obama and Biden SOTU.
With each lie, someone walks out! Don't do the MTG thing, just someone walk out every time he tells a lie. I wish I could watch, but I know my mind won't allow it. Nothing worse than a loveless person demanding love and admiration! We're trapped in a burning bed situation!
How about a state of the union with no lies no made up bull shitte Democrats should hold a counter protest speech. How about in the rotunda. Or the capitol steps.
Or attend and disrupt the fuck out of it. Boo. Chant fuck you Donald or die old man or something like that. Draw attention by being outrageous. Take a page out of the gop playbook in order to get the msm to cover the bullshit going on.
I like the idea someone posted of attending then walking out one by one when he spouts some obscene lie. The cameras eye will be drawn to the Ds and no one will be talking about his diatribe.
The entire delegation should go in, sit down, be quiet…until the orange shit stain tries to talk.
Then, they need to bring total vocal chaos to the chamber. DO NOT GET UP AND LEAVE like cowards. Stay and yell and holler and call him a liar until THEY leave.
Boycotting or walking out is retreat.
Should we all tag congress members? Start tagging your favorite representatives, especially the fearless & vocal members who truly embody fighting for the ppl. Maybe they can convince their peers.
First and foremost, thank you for all you do and have done: You were always the one. I supported you for years because I saw you walk with the people, during the civil rights movement. Thank you for your service, and advocating for universal healthcare and a livable wage, even when others cast stones at the idea. We needed it… we still do
Right On Jamelle!
There is little positive for Democrats going and I agree with your idea that holding a separate/counter news event will be a much better statement.
Then the seats will be filled with knee bending sycophants.
Dems need to show up and show some unity, like all will be wearing large Ukraine 🇺🇦 flags or anti DOGE gear.
Agree! Let the cameras show empty seats while the Tangerine Hemorrhoid rambles and rants to the tainted GOP sycophants. Let the Democratic party stage their own meetings and speeches and town halls all over the country, go to deep red areas, make so much goddam noise the media can't ignore it.
Right on. Do not sit there and be lied to. Don't boo and scream and make a fool of yourselves the way Republicans did to Biden. Biden had the stage and made them look like fools. Please Democrats just don't show up. Do not go along with fascism just to be polite.
Enough with this silent bullshit ... Democrats go and boo, scream, make noise , resist, carry signs with traitor, treason, fraud, lies, report the Nazis, jail the rapist, deport Republicans ... Start to fight , show unity to the world and the building resistence ...
Agree! Democrats, if they have at least some decent character, morals, guts, compassion, and a love for America and her democracy, should avoid Felon tRump's SOTU violent screams and lies, and the vulgar existence of Elon the Muck. SOTU will be a putrid event.
They need to stand up, cross their arms and make that buzzing sound that you hear when you get an answer wrong on a game show. Then sit down. But do it continually through the whole speech.
I think this is the best suggestion. Not attending and going elsewhere will not be shown by the complicit media. Heckling so it cannot be drowned out, so he has to stop speaking, that can't be hidden. Yes they'll be called horrible and disrespectful, but he'll loose his cool and have a tantrum.
Absolutely, the regime will spin any situation to their favour. Not every Trump voter is a dyed-in-the-wool fascist (many are) but the others and the rest of the world will have yet another reminder of how evil he is and that the Dems are technically alive. Its all part of continuous action.
They need something more than not showing up or walking out. It needs to be civil disobedience. Make the show about other people. Take the gas away from Trump. There are so many other areas to shine the light.
Good idea. Also good idea to attend, wait for some egregious bullsh*t lie and GET UP AND WALK OUT.
Then hold the presser about WHY.
You gotta upstage Trump. Yes, it will piss him off. So what!
If they do attend they should stand and turn their backs on him whilst Trump is speaking- that’s what Aboriginal leaders in Australia did to PM John Howard
And no one should tune in to watch! I’m sure the real housewives of some dumbass location would be more beneficial than a rapist talking all his bullshit lies!!
Bring as many guests as they can. All wear the same color & all stand with their backs turned & arms crossed as soon as 47 enters. Stay standing through the whole speech.
Tough call. Would send a message, not a very uniting one. In the end if the Courts or Congress don't reign in Felon President Trump.The people will and that will not be a pretty picture.Hope not.I'm usually a glass half full guy, things aren't looking to good.☮️
OK. So my question is how could the GOP weaponize a weird quorum of congress to pull their own shenanigans in that situation? It's heretofore been a mostly ceremonial event.
The Democrats need to make a serious statement at the SOTU. My preference is: stay silent, but standing as he enters. Once he is at the podium stage a walkout. The SOTU has become a divisive spectacle and will continue to devolve. Let's go back to a written SOTU as it was prior to 1913.
Ye gods, NO, this is the attitude that needs to die.
To wake people up to see that THIS IS AN ATTEMPTED HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF THE UNITED STATES, we need to create some drama. For once. It's not unnecessary drama.
Take the fight TO HIM. On live TV. He can't run away. He looks bad either way.
The Times is reporting that many in congress are inviting federal employees who have been fired by fascist musk esp. veterans. But, I agree, just don't go but if you do, never ever applaud.
Hopefully, people will not be distracted by Trump's pending offering of a "check" or benefit. Trump will undoubtedly try to cloud the picture as to all he is doing to defy/destroy the Constitution, satisfy Putin and continue this Totalitarian Power Campaign.
Unfortunately, I suspect they will attend. Afterwards, they will congratulate themselves on following the "democratic norms" or whatever. Really really really want to be wrong about this, though.
I am inclined to agree not to give an audience to a tyrant spewing lies. Would love to see them host something else — live fact checking. And have the Trump speech running parallel muted with just closed captioning. 🤷♀️
Everyone should show up - as a show of force and commitment to their constituents. A strong presence of Democrats reminds Republicans that they have colleagues they need to work with if they want to truly make improvements in peoples lives. Not showing up is childish (IMHO)
Oh hang on YOUR Dems not OUR Dems. Was getting confused with the impending visit of Chump to the UK for a moment there
Sod it do it anyway 🤣
In UK empty-chairing is where you don't turn up. Also sometimes people will ask the literally empty chair questions on TV programs to mock the missing person
New Presidential Executive order: Trump will sign a new EO to rename the planet MARS to planet MUSK..! Martians are outraged but are no longer allowed to attend news conferences at the WH. Some residents of Roswell are planning to hold protest but are fearful of deportation to Guantanamo.
Well thought out. I tend to agree. However, what if the Democrats give their seats to victims of the administration’s decisions, for example, children with cancer, scientist, veterans, fired federal employees.
Just a thought.
Half that House belongs to us. Everything we've ever gotten or aspire to get emanates between these walls. So we will attend and stake our legitimate claim of belonging. The orange lying man of the hour will hear our voices of dissent. That message will reverberate all the way to Moscow. We fight.
Not you too. They should disrupt it. Make it impossible for him to speak. Make it get delayed. Make him lose his cool, drag it in the mud. Not going just lets him have a friendly place to spread his lies.
I agree with you 100%. However I can almost guarantee that most democrats would attend. There is a failure of imagination among democrats. The times we are living in doesn’t call for normal politics and what is more political theater than the State of the Union?
Definitely. And all those who have been fired should go. Bring the straws wet toilet paper and all the noisy party favors. Someone should bring a portable Bluetooth speaker in their bag and then everyone can have a dance off.
Chump should be sharing a jail cell with Andrew Tate. And rapists should be castrated. The very sight of Brett Kavanaugh, the biggest hypocrite in America, makes me vomit. Post Dobbs, maternal mortality and abortion itself are skyrockeying.
"I thought Brett was going to kill me." -- Christine Ford
i had the idea that every time Rs stand to clap, a single D gets up and walks out. when Rs sit down, Ds keep clapping until their fellow is out of the chamber, then they sit down. and repeat until only one is left. then they should just stand in silence for the rest of the speech or something.
I think they should all attend but march in protest around the room, signs in hand. They should also boo him whenever he lies, fact check him in real time. Ignore Mikey Johnson.
I’d rather see them attend. After he starts speaking they should all stand up in unison and turn their backs on him. Then they’d sing, very loudly, “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from “Les Miserables.”
That's exactly what I said. They need to hold their own SOTUA outside on the steps. Hey! Maybe the Eclipse will be available that night. That would be perfect. I'm sure there is a place they could hold a rally type event. Televise it just like the sad SOTUA address inside . Are y'all listening? No cooperation in illegality. Stop. Do not go. Tell the troops.
Completely agree. I do NOT think they should attend and shout him down, as others have suggested, or wear Ukraine’s colors. They should attend one if the 50502’rallies being held that night and they need to wear red, white and blue. Reclaim the flag from traitorous Trump
Bringing victims of the admistration's actions is very weak, that's like pretending the enemy (Yes, I call the GOP the enemy) really cares about the pain they're inflicting, and have empathy and shame. Arriving, filling the seats, then walking out as he starts to speak would be perfect.
Disagree, don’t give them that talking point. Show up dressed in black with an inside down US flag and an Ukraine flag pin. Stay silent during the speech but hold up a round black disc with “lie” in bright white. Every time he lies, quietly hold up the disc.
Counterpoint: the GOP will fill their seats with enthusiastic supporters and that’s what most Americans will see at home. Go, then stage a walkout when Trump talks about DOGE
I'm thinking a staggered walkout would be ideal. One goes as soon as he starts speaking. Then every minute, five more leave. Then start the counter-programming.
Let’s be perfectly honest. Most Americans will not be watching the state of the union. If democrats do it loudly enough, their boycott will be the headline most Americans scroll past the next day.
Not only are they going to attend, they are going to politely clap at the occasional issue or platitude they agree with him on, and it will be stomach turning to watch.
1/ They should all wear T shirts with different artwork: Ukrainian sunflowers, trans flags, Black History Month, Black Lives Matter, Silence = Death, peace symbols, raised fists, whatever, AND they should wear American flag pins. Screw decorum. Knock him totally off his game.
2/ I am so done with institutionalism, bipartisanship, fake comity. This is a political crisis. Our legislators need to show that they understand that! Let them show some courage. It's time to make good trouble.
Agreed! I don’t think they’ll all do this but it would be a good idea for each big dem out right now: AOC, Crocket, Bernie, Warren, etc. to have their own thing on each bad thing that is currently happening and present data for what circumstances await if the regime truly achieves its goals
What about they attend with people affected by the hamhandedness of DOGE and/or the seizing of pre-allocated funds, and then walking out as a group and having a presser on the steps of the Capitol? Norms at the SOTU left the building on Joe Wilson's lips
Just wondering …
Why are these funds still holding investments in TSLA / Tesla?
Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA)
Cal Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
Cal State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
NY State Common Retirement Fund
Canada Pension Plan
I saw a meme or photo of AOC doing this. Someone other than I suggested we just hold up that sign every time he spews bullshit. Much more effective in my opinion than not showing up
Boycott SOTU!!!
Call your Senators and Representative. Don’t let them fall into rank for a despot.
Then, they need to bring total vocal chaos to the chamber. DO NOT GET UP AND LEAVE like cowards. Stay and yell and holler and call him a liar until THEY leave.
Boycotting or walking out is retreat.
Should we all tag congress members? Start tagging your favorite representatives, especially the fearless & vocal members who truly embody fighting for the ppl. Maybe they can convince their peers.
First and foremost, thank you for all you do and have done:
Do not legitimize this president!
There is little positive for Democrats going and I agree with your idea that holding a separate/counter news event will be a much better statement.
Dems need to show up and show some unity, like all will be wearing large Ukraine 🇺🇦 flags or anti DOGE gear.
Please listen to Jamelle.
Let them get loud.
Fact check in real time with a leader in front signaling a unified "you lie" shout everytime he lies.
No applause, just fact check. Single shout, unified. You lie.
Then hold the presser about WHY.
You gotta upstage Trump. Yes, it will piss him off. So what!
2 When Trump is at the dias, turn their backs to him and have printed on the back of the black shirts they’re wearing:
*DOGE Musk& fanboy Trump are sabotaging America*
Call it the fuck out now
Like that
Just don’t attend.
That’s a simple, unequivocal statement that’s dramatic enough.
There’s no reason to elaborate on this with wasteful, histrionic dramatics.
Let the GOP be the exhausting drama queens they are.
Let’s remain calm and preserve our energy for battle.
To wake people up to see that THIS IS AN ATTEMPTED HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF THE UNITED STATES, we need to create some drama. For once. It's not unnecessary drama.
Take the fight TO HIM. On live TV. He can't run away. He looks bad either way.
Enough talking ABOUT him to the press. Time to take it TO HIM, in a way he cannot ignore.
We need to get rude & get under his skin. On camera. Heckle him. "LIAR" him. Chant at him. Make him mad enough to walk out.
Sod it do it anyway 🤣
In UK empty-chairing is where you don't turn up. Also sometimes people will ask the literally empty chair questions on TV programs to mock the missing person
Just a thought.
"I thought Brett was going to kill me." -- Christine Ford
You and get it.
But Dem leaders refuse to stop treating Trump as a legit player.
What Jamelle said.
•Skip it
•Read banned books
•Dress like Zelenskyy
•Wear tshirts with pictures of people unfairly fired
•Walk out when he’s introduced
Boo him, catcall him, or call him a liar.
Nvm it’s been done and it’s low class.
Presidents are not kings.
How do you get a bully to back down?
YOU PUSH BACK. HARD. In a way the bully can't ignore. That embarrasses the bully.
This bully loves "good TV." This'll be GREAT TV.
It will throw him off and likely result in him going off prompter too.
Why are these funds still holding investments in TSLA / Tesla?
Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA)
Cal Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
Cal State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
NY State Common Retirement Fund
Canada Pension Plan
This is a governmental activity, all govt representatives should be there.