it’s such soup brained stuff too. these white supremacist dipshits always say laughable nonsense like “a muslim” won’t assimilate well. a muslim. immigrating from….. where? any majority muslim nation? like what the fuck lmao
One of the few things that has made America "great" is that we have never cared what language you speak or altar you tend, as long as you are productive and creative. The most successful, profitable cities in America are the most diverse. The poorest cities are the most anti-immigrant.
They want to import racist, white reactionaries to counterbalance what they see as the browning of America. They’re literally doing what they continuously accuse Democrats of doing.
I’d rather have a thousand black Muslims as neighbors and help them feel welcome here than have this single odious scumbag living anywhere near me or my family. Disgusting.
If we consider the majority of US population is not white, I would say, based on his logic, better will assimilate some black guy rather than white dude.
If he's talking about Elon Musk, I beg to differ. He has a less than Schoolhouse Rock understanding of the American system of government. Least assimilated immigrant I have ever seen.
Hah. What is he talking about? Those KKK people are the ones who can’t assimilate—so freaked out by millions of Americans exercising their freedoms and expressing their values they insist on erasing our history and constitution. The anti-Muslim thing is projection. Muslims would never.
Just a thought... Dems are weakend with the lack of DOJ, police, military, & bi-partisan support; & fighting the best they can with limited resources. Our country is lost with billionaires in power beholden to a King. The only thing remaining is the will of the people & their will to fight. WILL WE?
We suddenly hear a lot about Afrikaners don’t we? You know the white of Dutch background who ran South Africa like it was the pre Civil War American South? I wonder why?
This man has obviously never done a good thing in his life. He thinks others are the reason his life is harder. He is like a cancer and now he feels emboldened to start being a Nazi. Fuck him. Black people have done more for North America than he could ever dream of. I will always fight racism.
Makes sense if by "American Way of Life" you mean a system rooted in racist oppression. There are other ways to think about the American Way of Life" life that would include a Muslim immigrant from the Middle East. I prefer the latter.
How about that Elon and Trump's current Russian poster wife buddy. Elon is from Africa and not conforming to American standards....falling short buddy
Ohhh wait he doesn't want to pay his taxes or pay child support.....yeah Elon good
It doesn’t matter if they wear a nice suit with a shave and haircut. At their core they are still on /pol on 4chan on the inside.
It is like biting into a chocolate chip cookie and finding out it is oatmeal raisin. Except instead of oatmeal raisin it is supplements and raw ground meat.
This dude has been scaring the hoes all his life. Sweddagawd, the venn diagram of mfs who claim to advocate for the “preservation of western civilization” and mfs who are constitutionally obligated to be creepy incel weirdos is a circle.
So TRUE!! They all reek of #SmallDickEnergy, and couldn’t fuck their way out of a paper bag if their lives depended on it. That’s one major reason republican women are sooo angry - they’ve never been laid properly.
Ironic given the actual Hitler had at least two girlfriends and pretty much all of the Nazis were married and had at least one kid. When Hitler can get women but you can't, you are officially a bigger loser than evil Charlie Chaplin.
I guess some people might think that the fact that a literal Nazi can fit easily into our society, is a good thing, but I am not one of the people who believes that.
He meant to say “look” more American rather than immigrate because there’s literally no eveidence to even back this? Where the peer backed studies at!? I ain’t even ever heard these people MENTION Afrikaners until Leon weaseled his way into the White House 🙃
I only recently learned what the word Boer means, and it was because I looked up the word Afrikaner. Americans aren't as familiar with this history as they should be.
Jesus. First, probably a false assertion, but secondly- what is it Federalists? You forgot how to implement systematic racism, so you want to import talent that has living memory of apartheid?
Hmmmmm I wonder what it is about America (a very non racist country that will be a pure, race-blind meritocracy if we just eliminate DEI) that an Afrikaner would find familiar.
Mar-a-Lago (mar=sea, lago-lake) is an Islamic architecture place. Racists: "We don't want those Arabic numerals, we'll invent our own American (Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian) numbers (something like scratches on a rock." Trump is a white rapist convicted felon and Obama is not (more Obamas).
Has this dude ever been to Brooklyn? The Yemeni deli owners are the best Americans you could ask for. I don't need some racist Afrikaaner making my sandwich!
Wow, they would fit in so well! Just like the Red Brigade has had to bottle up all their racist garbage for the last 30 years and now they get to put it on full display, so will the Afrikaners! Perfect!
This has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been the CONSERVATIVE AGENDA. They want white men in charge, period. And if you aren’t a woman in marriage slavery, you are a PoC in slavery-slavery. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN CONSERVATISM.
I have never in my life understood, and will never understand, how any woman that does not want to be enslaved, and any person of color, or any LGBTQ person, any non toxic male, could ever claim to be, want to be or vote: CONSERVATIVE. I’m sorry spelled it wrong: KKKonservative.
It’s always projection with these fuckers.
of business? It’s so Elons Nazi buddies can but the land for Pennie’s.
Ohhh wait he doesn't want to pay his taxes or pay child support.....yeah Elon good
It is like biting into a chocolate chip cookie and finding out it is oatmeal raisin. Except instead of oatmeal raisin it is supplements and raw ground meat.
I mean
checks notes:
- Justice and freedom for all
- all men are created equal
When did Our stop meaning All?
ftp (fyck these people)
Also the Afrikaner culture has deviated too much from Dutch culture. The Dutch will just stay 'the original colonizers'. Here, there and everywhere.
I have some kin that tried to come back to the Netherlands in the nineties. They ultimately decided against it.
I mean, imagine sitting next to person of color in the bus.😱 Also, it was 'too expensive', they were probably used to cheap help around the house...
This country doesn’t need more Nazis
That’s a pretty white “our”.