At the very least, if you decide to cancel your WaPo and/or LA Times subscriptions, please I am begging you to transfer that money to other publications that you feel deserve the support. Don’t just remove it completely from all journalism. If we want a free press we have to invest in it.
Financially support and share pieces from Propublica, the Guardian and other honest outlets
Stop financially supporting and sharing anything from the Times, the Post, CNN and all the other corporate cowards.
And I'm pondering some of the traditional papers that aren't 'national' in the sense of the LA Times or WaPo, like the Chicago Sun-Times or Philly Inquirer.
Laura Rozen is fantastic.
No, honestly! 😁
Adding a monthly sub to (already subscribed to and )
Solid work, people.
Taking your advice and rebalancing what I had been paying towards WaPo, accordingly.
And there are many deserving outlets: The Guardian, ProPublica, DC Reports, etc
'If you aren't willing to talk about capitalism, you had better keep quiet about fascism' -- Max Horkheimer
Pro Publica
Boston Globe
The New Republic
Philadelphia Inquirer
Take your pick(s)