Do you really think anyone driving that monstrosity cares at all about optics? This car was designed specifically for loud tasteless assholes who thrive on negative attention.
I saw my first one in the wild a few days ago and it’s even uglier in person. I would be totally embarrassed to drive one. I just don’t get the appeal.
I think that is the appeal. There's a swath of Americans that have become so indoctrinated with hate for political purposes that they no longer feel a multitude of normal emotions or individual thought. They're all addicted to "anything" their enemies hate. They don't feel embarrassment anymore.
Definitely that, and also that they waited and waited, put money down and waited some more and now they finally get the finished product and don’t want to eat crow on the piece of crap it is and *refuse* to be embarrassed. They’ve been had, they know it and they don’t wanna show it. Ego is a trip!
I don't think lowering tire pressure will help enough to compensate for a eight to ten thousand pound vehicle. That truck will have electrical problems due to salt water corrosion forever. Best to only use sand toys in the sand.
There once was a truck on Nantucket
That drove on the beach and got stuckéd,
And in due time, I trust
Fell apart due to rust
Those who buy these shitboxes are fuckéd.
OT, some of the advertising accompanying it is a bit 🙄🙄🙄
Who got stuck on the beach and went "Fuck it?"
He got stuck in the sand
And laughed at by all those onlooking
he could have bought a safe truck
but said fuck it
now hes in sand and stuck with it
Parked in a crosswalk 🤦♀️
Of all the entitled …
They have a photo of him adding air back at the end.
... which may be how I learned the trick, via a helpful person some decades ago.
There once was a truck from Nantucket...
You can take it through a carwash as well.
That drove on the beach and got stuckéd,
And in due time, I trust
Fell apart due to rust
Those who buy these shitboxes are fuckéd.
Back to you.