If he's not being possessed by the consciousness of Dr. Otto Octavius, I do not want to see Peter Parker rocking any mechanical limbs coming out of his back.
I don’t like them on Peter, except for when he’s wearing the Iron-Spider suit
His normal every-day suit should stick to webshooters, and smaller gadgets
I don't mind them I think they can be cool in some instances but to me they're either made for him (Like by Stark) Or it's a Older Peter who made them as a way to assist him in Combat or something But if they don't show up I won't even notice
Regular spidey without em, it should be an exception on special occassions or a characteristic thing for a specific character, like the Iron Spider suit or the Superior Spider-Man storyline
I don't like Spider-Man as Avengers adjacent, but even in a several enter he invents the arms, it feels a little Doc Ock. Also kind of aggro and pointy weapon, when his normal thing is a non-violent webbing
Spiderman should really not be Iron Man Jr. I feel like it's much more interesting for him to be using his natural super strength (which the movies seem to forget he has) or making technological and chemical modifications to the web shooters
Without. I prefer when superheroes go out and actually fight ordinary crime outside of whatever cosmic threat of the month arises, and the mechanical arms are far too overkill for that.
Depends on the medium. Like movie wise it’s more fun to watch a brawler spidey just working with what he has. Makes for some incredible action sequences too. The games though? Oh give me as many gadgets and mechanical bits as you’ll let me play with I wanna get creative with it
I like the mechanical spider arms as an upgrade for himself near the end of his timeline. comes up with the idea fighting doc ock one day, spends a few years developing them and uses them to put away the last of his rouges gallery.
I don't mind them, but I'd rather it remain an optional accessory for specific situations and not part of his standard loadout.
Kinda like how he has the non-MCU armored suit.
Oooo. That’s actually slightly tricky because I like the functionality they offer but like in terms is Spidey fighting? Something always hit different about watching him without the gimmicks.
I like them hidden away where they can be used in a clinch. Like I think Cap should always wear the ion shield gloves so he's prepared if he loses his main shield. Preparedness rather than primary use
Imo it was never a good addition to Peter, it didn’t give him anything besides a more distinct silhouette. I was fine when it was added as a game mechanic, it should never be a permanent part of his canon tool kit. He just needs webs, the light, a tracker, and the indomitable human spirit.
Without as a rule, but he can have them every so often as a treat.
the drones need to go tho; they seem to be getting more 'n' more popular since the PS4 game and I do not like them at ALL.
Depends, and I’m not the hugest superhero guy so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I appreciate them and the other tech for Peter to different w him a bit from the other spider men since a lot of the other Spider men have different powers too
It can work! I'm not mad about them! But they have to be specifically on an Iron Spider suit or otherwise something that Peter himself did not make. There's no way his broke ass can machine, assemble, and maintain waldoes.
I thought they were kinda emblematic of Tony having too great an influence on Spidey’s identity. At least that’s how they feel in the original civil war comic. They’re fun as a one and done gimmick tho
I think its's cool If they're not always there and are reserved for special stituations, i think it makes sense to Peter's character to not overuse technology if he can get the job done without it
I feel like it's a "break glass in case of emergency" kinda thing. Fighting an average supervillain? Not necessary. Giant death portal opens in Central Park? Get the arms, probably.
I think they're cool but don't always need to be there. The iron spider suit was cool for Infinity War and felt at home in an event like that, but on a day to day basis the regular suits feel more appropriate
I only like them on Superior Spider-Man, for reasons obvious to anyone who's read Superior.
Otherwise? Don't care for them. They complicate his design, take away from the appeal of his core powerset, and ultimately make him feel like a completely different character.
I like them in the same way I like a hero whipping out any other specialised suit for a specific environment or boss fight, its a cool look. But it should never become a normal use thing
probably a situation extending from the fact they actually got to like... end the relationship unlike in the comics were neither is allowed to die/stay dead, and peter has already years of development to negate the need for a father figure
Yup. They are an Otto signifier, and It makes his design a lot more sinister (pun not intended.). I think there have been cooler looking gadgets and costumes Spidey has had in the comics. I like the Horizon Labs stealth costume a bit. And his current magic costume is interesting
100% agree, I feel that each Spider needs one thing to separate themselves from Peter. Octavius has the extra arms, Miles has Venom and the cloaking ability, etc.
Its why i'm looking forward to seeing what they do in Spiderman 4, without having Peter tied so closely to Iron Man. The Iron Spider had some fun moments, and its uses in Infinity War/Endgame, but seeing him go back to basics will be interesting.
Perfectly hit the nail on the head. The only times Spider-Man should have robot arms is when a jerk interferes with the concept of him (tony stark's iron spider armor included)
I think they can be used tastefully but I have yet to see it done. It makes fights, both in the movies and in the games, feel like he has to try less. I feel it should be used sparingly as a last resort.
They're cool when they show up depending on the narrative but it's def. something that shouldn't stick around too long since he doesn't really NEED them.
The OG CW plot has its problems, but Pete's story is a good ex. of how the Iron Spider suit is just fluff and he knows it.
I get why people like it. I do. But it loses so much of the charm of the friendly neighborhood spider-man for me to put him in powered armored suits with robotic limbs and gadgets.
Also wtf tony, why don't you give suits to the regular ass human avengers?
I like them, but not as part of his everyday suit. I'd much rather have them as part of a "fun's over, time to really get serious" type thing like how his black suit has become synonymous with.
I very much could live without them, they kinda just feel cluttery on anything that isn't either Iron Spider or Superior Spider-Man, and the MCU version of the former is just too ugly for me to excuse it.
My friendly neighborhood spiderman needs only his wits, a thrift shop/dumpster sewing machine with thread from the same and whatever he uses to make his web fluid.
Bonus if they punch eggcreams and drink them out of Nazi skulls. A lot.
Fun every now and again, and I quite like the original Iron Spider suit they come part and parcel with. That said, they should be occasional. He's not Doc Ock.
I'd say only when it's less of a standard and more of an alt suit he needs to bring out against the big guns, and saves it for them in fear of the suit getting busted. I like Spidey with gadgets and such, but these feel more like a special occasion. Will agree it works better for Superior Spidey.
I like them but I don't think they work with every Spider-Man. I think it's depends on which incarnation. I think it fits the MCU one and PS4 one. Though I also don't know many Spider-Man versions. But for example I don't think it would fit the same Ramey one.
It's a novelty that can be used on occasion but it's not the standard I want for Spider-Man, I think of it like Batman when he's wearing his anti-Superman suit
They make sense in specific scenarios. Iron Spider in infinity war? Good. Unlockable skin in a game? Good. It's good as an extra, not good as something we should have all the time.
I like a higher tech spidey, his wicked smart so it's cool for him to have gadgets. but I think the arms should be a "super mode" type thing, they are a bit much
Stock Spidey is perfect, but I do like the extra limbs. It can make for some cool visuals and unique action scenarios like in IW when he used it as a roll cage. With that said, I would prefer it being limited to Superior or certain suits like Iron Spider.
For example, the way they're incorporated into MSM2 feels like a cheap way to give Peter something to keep up with Miles' Venom blasts when they could have just given him some web shenanigans.
I do like them, but they're context dependent! Like he should only take them out if the situation calls for it, which is probably not often, but when they do come out they're damn cool!
While Stark's death toys (assuming you mean from the Iron Spider) are fun, I don't think they should define Spider-Man. He's a guy in a cloth suit that swings around the city delivering punches and kicks for justice.
Without. I think it can be neat as a once in a while ability, but I do primarily enjoy Spider-Man in the setting of a street level hero fighting with smaller more intimate stakes. I don't need to see Spider-Man unleash his multi-million dollar prosthetics upon people doing petty crime
And like, c'mon, Spider-Man already has so much going for them. Super strength, danger sense, wall crawling, webbing, I feel like a high tech suit/attachment is a stretch too far for a character who can do fine without.
Without. I prefer Spider-Man to feel sleek and streamlined, almost like a circus acrobat. The arms, I feel, are too bulk and create an awkward silhouette that just doesn't look good, I feel
Part of his everyday kit, no it's overkill. If it's clear that this isn't supposed to be a normal story for Spider-Man (ie. Iron Spider costume for Civil War, or Superior Spider-Man) then it can work well.
It depends on the story, I feel like they should be a tool saved for certain situations, and the writers should emphasize that they would be unwieldy for regular use
If it's someone without powers or fir whom they're more thematically appropriate, then yes, I like the arms. Someone like Otto Octavius' Superior Spider-Man or Amadeus Cho as Iron Spider in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.
Kinda torn on those cause it makes me think about Otto's arms. Though for me, most of the time I would say without them, but use those arms when dealing with more critical situations, like, Avengers level threats.
I feel they work for Superior Spidey…and I like their inclusion in the MCU to a point. But I was pleased that during the end of NWH it showed that Peter is going more “back to basics” as it were.
I feel like they should be an optional suit for certain occasions but not a full time feature. Like I feel like Peter should be smart enough to at least study some of his enemies tech and even improve on it if needed.
Only should be used to denote something being wrong with Peter, like being used as a pawn during Civil War, being possessed by Doc Oc, being pushed to the edge by Itsy Bitsy, etc. Do not work for a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, & I dislike how the MCU has them just because it thinks they're cool
Insomniac kinda sorta gets a pass. They still don't look good on him, but they were a good excuse to punch up Peter's gameplay a little bit for the sequel without entirely relying the symbiote shenanigans.
I think there's an argument that MCU peter keeps them to honour Tony's legacy or such... to a certain extent in a similar way to comics cival war but reflecting on their much healthier relationship from the films
Like many others in the replies, I'd say only in case of emergencies. He doesn't need to nor would use them against normal thugs imo, but it looks cool and can be useful in tough situations
The spider arms are a fun add on to his kit. To me, it’s a proof of progress for his time as a superhero, because you can’t imagine high school Peter using them, and I love the video of them getting more advanced as time goes on.
I like them on certain versions in the comics. It was an interesting addition in the CIVIL WAR comics when Peter got a new suit from Tony and it was a killer look when Otto Octavious had them as Superior Spider-Man. On movie or game Peter, not a fan. Clashes with the character vibe imo.
Superior Spider Man is the only acceptable suit variation that I think works well with the mechanical arms, if you haven’t read that run yet, you’re in for a treat
It's a fun alt-suit, but definitely without. It helps emphasize the man part of his name to just have him as he is, though obviously I enjoy when he has some additional gadgets to show his science side (the spider-signal, impact webbing, etc.)
Without it makes the suit feel more advanced than it should yeah he's a genius, but the roboarms make him feel more like Dr. Oct and Ironman than Spidey. They look cool, but give up a lot personality.
They're cool depending on the setting. Mainline comic book Spidey doesn't really need them, but they're a cool addition to any armored suit, and they feel like a natural addition to Insomniac's Spidey's kit.
His normal every-day suit should stick to webshooters, and smaller gadgets
I feel like it shouldn't be a regular part of his arsenal, like something he busts out on special occasions.
Spidey is strong enough without them.
Do I think they can work?
Yes, But only in a story where his powers are on the Fritz again.
I think he's terrifying enough without them normally.
I mean, if peter plays the silent game on patrol, most of his enemies look for the nearest cop car.
UNLESS it's Otto as Spider-Man. Then I could accept them.
Kinda like how he has the non-MCU armored suit.
But I don't want them to be something he uses on the regular
Specifically THIS version of him.
Do I like that suit and its mech arms in general though? Nah, not my cup of tea personally
Venom is his rival/frenemy, Goblin is the Joker to his Batman, and Gwen falls off the bridge. Status quo is god.
On other spideys, however, it may vary.
the drones need to go tho; they seem to be getting more 'n' more popular since the PS4 game and I do not like them at ALL.
I only like them on Superior Spider-Man, for reasons obvious to anyone who's read Superior.
Otherwise? Don't care for them. They complicate his design, take away from the appeal of his core powerset, and ultimately make him feel like a completely different character.
Though if there was a Superior Spider-Man arc in something and he pulled them out later, it would be fine. I'm always a fan of continuity nods.
I associate them more with the one Spider-Woman, though...Jessica Drew?
probably a situation extending from the fact they actually got to like... end the relationship unlike in the comics were neither is allowed to die/stay dead, and peter has already years of development to negate the need for a father figure
I don’t mind Spider-Man having tech, I just don’t like him wearing an iron suit,
They're cool when they show up depending on the narrative but it's def. something that shouldn't stick around too long since he doesn't really NEED them.
The OG CW plot has its problems, but Pete's story is a good ex. of how the Iron Spider suit is just fluff and he knows it.
but, no, without, please. That's gimmick infringement against Dr. Octavius.
I get why people like it. I do. But it loses so much of the charm of the friendly neighborhood spider-man for me to put him in powered armored suits with robotic limbs and gadgets.
Also wtf tony, why don't you give suits to the regular ass human avengers?
Hawkeye stops being interesting the moment he stops being "just a guy with a bow and arrow"
Give Hawkeye and Black widow the suits and... they are just cut-rate Iron Man.
Default item though? Nah, the less Spider-Man have going on, the better.
Bonus if they punch eggcreams and drink them out of Nazi skulls. A lot.
All these modern additions do nothing for me.
I think it's because of the situation. Like he would bring them to turn the tables on a bit bad, but it's overkill against the punks on 3rd street.
Now the bonus human arms, on the other hand...
But overall since Peter almost never has a sound financial scenario, the mechanical arms would feel out of place for me.
Other Spiders? Need to see the design first.
But at the same time, I feel it can be a little too much depending on the suit he would wear.
Personally, I don't think he really needs them. But they work with certain suits.
Comic Spidey doesnt need them at all and shouldnt have them IMO.
There are so many versions of spider-man, I like when there are some with more variety.
That said, great look on Superior Spidey because of who he is.
Also, the Iron Spider is ugly
I love the aesthetic, though. Very nice
He already does all the things they do
So why are they there
It just takes over the whole aesthetic
The somewhat mechanical suit from Homecoming was as advanced as I'd want it to get.
But i prefer them on Superior Spider-man just to show how different Doc's Spider-Man is from Peter
The only other exception i've made on the mechanical arms being part of a Spider Person's look was for Web-Head, it looks good on her.
Like batman sometimes hopping into power armor for special fights but I don't want him to fight scarecrow in it.