I will never vote for Andrew Cuomo for any office, but I would watch a reality show in which he gets various normal jobs and the action follows him until he is fired for trying to do a mutiny on his shift manager or fired for saying "you just made a powerful fucking enemy pal" to a customer.
Except perhaps RuPaul. RuPaul would be an excellent president.
I think President RuPaul would do a lot to straighten out America internally, but I don't know if RuPaul has the foreign policy chops that we need.
As long as they had every intention of putting people with the right diplomatic caliber into their foreign cabinet they'd have my vote.
He knows how to get things done, convincing ego-driven people to accept compromise.
I've thought this through, and it is a solid proposal.
President RuPaul creates an atmosphere where respectful disagreement fosters the best decisions.
It just makes sense.
Obama was at the Hall and Cuomo was late flying in from the State Dem Convention in Long Island. He arrived after Obama left and the only thing he got to do was get assaulted by the Albany press.