The defence of the chief nazi judge at Nuremberg argued that the Nazi eugenics laws were no different to the exact same laws in effect in the US at the time, both routinely practicing forced sterilisation, separation of families etc.
But yeah, just because it was common doesn't make it OK.
Yeah, I thought they wouldn't. They always had to look at others and go, "That looks wrong. Let's have a bash at that, but we'll make it so much worse."
Muskrat Elon is a giant moron. Yes, he's hella rich and famous, but that doesn't make him a good person. I hate it when my folks compare me to him just because he had a certain condition that I also have.
Well, Edison spent time working for preeminent anti-Semite Henry Ford, and Musk is the preeminent anti-Semite of his own day, so that's like a devolutionary step forward.
If we go that way, let's also not forget that in those times anti-you-know-who was a common household thing. It became an accepted bad thing later. We are looking now through today's prism.
oh ok lol that makes it all better. “Hey everyone! Stop judging Hitler through today’s prism! It was common to be anti-you-know-who during his lifetime!”
He’d take on individual projects and then farm out the relentless testing and “science” that didn’t seem fun to him. And like Steve Jobs, he would get his name on the patent for anything his employees invented while they were there, so everyone thought he invented them himself.
He was also an early patent troll and would just sue people into oblivion for anything remotely similar to anything he was doing, which is why the film industry moved to California to get away from him and make it harder for him to do that.
I keep hoping Musk will die alone and penniless in a New York hotel, but instead we have megalomania, deafness, and the co-opting of his subordinates' achievements.
you just know that a modern-day Tesla actually currently exists and we'll never hear about them because corporate interests will just completely obliterate any attempt they make at changing the world
Musk didn’t fail 999 times to build a self-driving car that doesn’t kill children or spontaneously combust. He found 999 ways to build a self-driving car that DOES kill children and DOES spontaneously combust
If Telsa had just built fluorescents for John Jacob Astor 120 years ago we'd be living in an advanced society now. And he could have never run out of money to spend on building his transmission towers.
Tesla was not quite all he was cracked up to be. Like Elon, he was a master of self promotion, although unlike Elon he (and not anonymous employees) was responsible for true innovations and breakthroughs. George Westinghouse was the real proponent of AC, years before Tesla was on the scene.
But yeah, just because it was common doesn't make it OK.
Better late than never and all, most people who do figure it out usually get it before the Tesla threshold.
I guess I've still got Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, Tom Hanks, and Keanu Reeves.
There's a difference and I do not consider that a bad thing.
It'll be huge.
Soon people will be saying, "Gotta take the dog for a walk so he can fill the Elon."
So very similar.
He was a relentless glory hound but there were things that he himself had his hand in.
Likes kids✅️
Famous invention regularly causes death✅️
Was already rich but claims to be Self Made✅️