Dear Traitors at Time MAGAzine. These titles would've worked so much better: Nazi of the Year, Convicted Felon of the Year, Domestic Terrorist of the Year, Putin's Lapdog of the Year, Corrupt AF POS of the Year. Now go fuck all the way off.
Time, you even bent over backwards in the photos to make Trump's tiny hands look big because everyone knows that's important to him. He's still a short-fingered vulgarian and you're pandering to his enormous ego. How Time magazine has fallen.
You are kissing the ass of a man who defied a grand jury subpoena to return national defense information, is a sexual predator & acts corruptly at every opportunity
Anyone who thinks they are a journalist at Time should leave.
Silence=you agree with bootlicking an aspiring dictator
I'm wondering what was the qualifications for the Person of the Year? Was it the sexual misconduct/rape allegations or was it the 34 felonies? There is always the third option that you were just afraid to choose someone who actually deserves the title of Person of the Year.
I don’t know who is worse, the Convict-in-Chief or those who know better but bend the knee and enable him. If we stop giving him metaphorical oxygen, he will eventually fade into obscurity.
“Time Magazine names a 34 count UNANIMOUSLY CONVICTED FELON who was also found liable for rape (this means he RAPED someone) Person of the Year”
lol 9.4k followers and 7 likes. One thing you do know what to do is pick the next world Fascist, just like the Hitler selection in 38 as well as your Stalin and Putin picks.
"Whether Trump can actually fix the root causes of Americans’ anger is another question."
The 'anger' that has been falsely manufactured by Trump and his acolytes. Let's take a single example: notice how pets aren't being eaten since he won? Do better.
The anger is real and justified, but its real causes are accurately identified by what the US calls “the far left”.
MAGA (like all fascisms) hijacks that anger and misdirects it toward scapegoats like immigration& “degeneracy,” & points their kkk followers at soft targets.
Seriously ? 🙄
So many more DESERViNG people. Glad to know you’re little endorsement doesn’t mean anything. It definitely won’t help with sales in the future.
I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER Buy a Time Magazine again or Support your Publishing Co. You expect us to celebrate a Convicted FELON & Convicted Woman Sexual Abuser?God Forbid ! You should be calling him out not putting him on your Cover as Man of the Year! So sickening and disappointing. 🥲
The person of the year should have been Joe Biden. He created the fastest economic rebound of any industrialized nation. His administration accomplished more in their anti-trust work than any other recent administration. I could go on and on. Instead you pick mini Hitler. Bravo.
Disgusting! He should be the convicted felon, fraudster, adjudicated rapist or traitor of the year, but definitely not person. It should have been President Biden who has rebuilt this country after your person destroyed it in his previous 4 years. The media has failed this country.
Normalizing a fascist, convicted rapist, fraudster, felon, traitor, seditionist, pathological liar, malignant narcissist.
A person of the year could have been Gisele Pelicot. This woman is an icon!
a former subscriber
You are kissing the ass of a man who defied a grand jury subpoena to return national defense information, is a sexual predator & acts corruptly at every opportunity
Anyone who thinks they are a journalist at Time should leave.
Silence=you agree with bootlicking an aspiring dictator
(Assuming y’all must be stupid af because this is a short-sighted selection.)
There is only one “Person of the Year” imho
Gisele Pelicot - Shame must change sides!
Jesus fuck. I hate doing this, but I think your people are intellectually stupid.
“Time Magazine names a 34 count UNANIMOUSLY CONVICTED FELON who was also found liable for rape (this means he RAPED someone) Person of the Year”
See how absurd that sounds?
Hitler in 1938.
Further evidence of the moral depravity of America.
Why have you chosen to tell women and girls, (and men and boys) that their rapists are role models and worthy of being honoured and celebrated?
Next time, just make your Person of the Year an inanimate carbon rod. 🙄
Thanks for not stepping up for democracy.
Time Magazine has completed its mission to be completely irrelevant.
Congratulations on sane washing this vile criminal.
I guess Luigi Mangione was captured too late to have a chance.
Another msm outlet I will never look at again. Even if your article trashed him. Remember your Hitler POTY? We do.
This will blow up his already extreme bullshit. You fed his narcissism raw meat.
Fuck off for promoting this fascist.
Corrupt, ignorant, greedy
Short fingered Vulgarian
A ridiculously propagandized cover of a fascist…guess that’s how things are gonna roll now
"Whether Trump can actually fix the root causes of Americans’ anger is another question."
The 'anger' that has been falsely manufactured by Trump and his acolytes. Let's take a single example: notice how pets aren't being eaten since he won? Do better.
MAGA (like all fascisms) hijacks that anger and misdirects it toward scapegoats like immigration& “degeneracy,” & points their kkk followers at soft targets.
Trump looks decades younger & healthier
It is meant to be a compliment to Trump
The words in the article don’t even matter
TIME is kissing up to Trump
Go look at the Hitler man of the year cover
Big difference
Trump staffers print out news articles & excerpts that stroke his ego or support what he says
He references news clippings in interviews & speeches “XYZ paper says ____”
It was a regular part of his side show when he was on trial
Seriously, how could you do this?
So many more DESERViNG people. Glad to know you’re little endorsement doesn’t mean anything. It definitely won’t help with sales in the future.
You should really have nominated his boss, Vladimir Putin, as Person of the Year; as he’s the one calling the shots
Adding a flattering photoshopped picture of the inarticulate, incoherent buffoon is just pathetic 🙄
You should rather post this on Twitter for his cult members