Sitting Congressman calls for *deportation* of clergy member for daring to include in her sermon a plea for Trump to show mercy to immigrants.
Totally normal, well-adjusted human being stuff here. Truly.
Totally normal, well-adjusted human being stuff here. Truly.
(not, mind you, that she did anything deserving of deportation even if she were deportable)
Source: Senator Mullin (Trump party)
when the fascists came again?
J Huw Evans
I've been playing with a poem based on this first line but it's refusing to come out. Perhaps I can just get away with calling it a koan. #poem
And they have managed to take half the country with them. Fox Need has poisoned the country. Lies and crypto are the new currencies.
They’d be much quieter.
Or don't
Rep. Mike Collins identifies as Christian ✔️
See “Animal Farm”
George Orwell - 1945.
No one can talk poorly of the Great leader, even if asking him for mercy!
The PIGS have us.
Look at Usha's face
The party of Christ
mighty mighty christian.
The man is a dolt.
Fucking moron cult asshole.
They don’t actually believe in Christianity.
Another ugly byproduct of Trumpism, pieces of human feces like Collins free to flaunt their racism.
Call his office & let him know what you think of his tweet. (202) 225-4101
reality - yes
Spare me the theater and go do something that helps people instead of your own interests 🤮
Can't blame the Southern Baptists for EVERYTHING, I guess!😂🤷♂️
I don't lie awake nights worrying about the Episcopalian Menace, or the Unitarian Invasion, etc etc etc.
You destroy a tyrant.
Ask Virginia.
But let’s be honest, what she said is what religious leaders have traditionally done, asked for mercy for the most vulnerable among us.
Experts agree that America will be great again in the year 100,000. Surpassing all other so-called great civilizations, American civilization is fated to return — yet again — to greatness! On or about that date.
Because otherwise I’m going to assume “deportation” is darker euphemism for something else
I think the answer to the question is important because I think this is how they are going to respond to anyone who disagrees with them. Citizen or not.
Maybe even prison for being “woke”.
The sermons in RW “churches” are vile.
What a fucking scumbag.
Is a political system where govt is linked to criminality. It’s been used to describe Russia & Bulgaria where corruption & criminal activities are woven with “official” functions.
Welcome to the American Mafia State!
Exposing the corruption is key to destroying it!
Showing this amount of disrespect to God and the constitution is desecrating his oath.
As for his comment, he is free to be a hateful dipshyte under the I Amendment. He wouldn't be there if the majority of his district hadn't voted for him.
If not (that would be his right, of course) you're absolutely correct.
its 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Washington DC Office
Phone: (202) 225-4101
Monroe District Office
Phone: (770) 207-1776
er ...
New Jersey 🤷