Going to be talking to the Democratic Club at UCI tonight and one of my main points is that current leadership needs to be yeeted out past the Oort Cloud.
Reposted from
Murshed Zaheed
So gross. House Dem Leaders are taking out their frustration over their impotent showing during the SOTU against ... checks notes ... Dems who putt up a fight. Just absurd.
PS: I get that this is from Axios but the news here is clear - this leak is coming from D leadership. Pathetic all around.
PS: I get that this is from Axios but the news here is clear - this leak is coming from D leadership. Pathetic all around.
He’s not only not taking a swing at Fascists, he’s telling others to put their hands in their pockets instead of Elbows Up.
Don’t call him a punk, he hasn’t earned it.
You are someone who I'd like by my side while both marching on Washington and fighting a dracolich (which feels like much the same these days).
We must apply all our leverage, and we must expand our pool of supporters. If these Dems aren't getting it done, see ya.
What the fuck do they think they are trying to accomplish here by tamping down on dissent?
BTW, this message aged very well, considering the Nazi Starship couldn't even get into the atmosphere earlier today?
It's still amazing Democrat leadership can't read the room
I basically said “eject them from the solar system”
Why would I waste my time when our own leaders are even sabotaging the people willing to do the civic duty they signed up for?
Americans if they need to keep being called that, need to get their #ElbowsUp like The Bouncer is showing here. Remove all opposition in leadership to your constitutional rights ASAP.
(While you're at UCI, tell 'em to come out to Irvine City Hall this weekend! 50501 and Indivisible will be hosting Resistance Sundays at 2PM every week for the foreseeable future ✊)
Like Trump & his minions, Jeffries, Clark, Aguilar, & Schumer couldn't read the room with Braille signage.
You'd think I would have learned this lesson during the pandemic, but humanity continues to disappoint me at astonishing rates.
Do we want to be a Democratic Republic, or not?
Fight being the key word.
All these old fucks need to step aside and let new leadership take over.
Dems are COMPLICIT w/ #GOPNaziPartyCOUP