She was one of the first members of the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve. After completing boot camp, she served first as a typist and then as a truck driver and dispatcher. She was honorably discharged at the rank of staff sergeant in September 1945.
As an alternative, for now, people may visit the “Military Women’s Memorial” at the official entrance to Arlington Cemetery. (Really cool w/searchable database)
I say “for now” bc, though the memorial is privately funded & operated, the trumplicans might try to shut it down.
Dear FOTUS & Sec. Hegseth:
Thank you for being a fascist
Traveled down this road, but we'll come back again
Your heart is dark, you're a dick and a infidel
It is time to be beyond mad, beyond pissed. Hegseth and his clown car of CisHet white men can drive straight off a cliff for all I care. Bonus points if someone whose contribution was erased pushes them.
I was educated by women who served in the Women’s Army, Navy, Air Corps, and Marines during WWII, Korea, Vietnam. They ran their classrooms with military precision.
Bea Arthur Rocked!
Shame on the DOD!!
A drunk who fell into his job wants to erase the record of a military hero who dedicated her life to helping teenagers find a home after they lost everyone else, including their parents.
Only the biggest, strongest, most brilliant men would do this. Because they’re obviously very secure, and don’t feel any kind of way about a dead woman having served in the Marine Corps. They’re not jealous about how talented and beloved she was. Nope, because they’re so impressive and amazing.
How small are the penises of these men who are so intimidated by women who served their country honorably
That they have to erase them? It’s the only way they can feel good about themselves. They just want to ensure that kids grow up believing that only white men have any value & importance TWUNTS
Yragic that they are obliterating contributions and sacrifices made by minorities and women in an effort to rewrite history as only straight white men are heros
Keep fucking pushing cunt's, eventually the actual American people will show you where the fuck you rich fucks actually stand (it's at the bottom). Fucking scum
I am a Black female veteran. Both my sisters served, too. My father served. My grandfather was a WW2 and Korean War vet and Purple Heart recipient. We are always attacked as DEI. That's the experience. We are highly qualified and dedicated. It's those who think DEI is less than that are the problem
Those were the exact reasons she was revered! DEI doesn't mean unqualified. Racist and weak men are attacking DEI because they don't understand what it means and that is exactly why she, other women, LGBTQ, and minorities are being removed. You are correct on one thing, DEI isn't the problem.
As trump and each of these ghouls doing the work for him, die, you all better make sure that everything they ever did is erased from the pages of history.
Start a new history book listing their ties to nazis and dictators and their work against humanity.
Sabia que Trump era un ser despreciable ,como no le pareis va a dejar a Hitler pequeñito¿Donde está, vuestra defensa de la democracia y de la libertad, al votar a semejante monstruo?
We are trying. But too many people in charge didn't believe he would go this far and they have been completely unprepared. Project 2025 has been preparing this since the 50s and people didn't want to believe the conspiracy theory that was true.
No esperaba otra cosa, del pueblo americano democrático.No nos falleis ,si se sale con la suya, tendremos a otro nazi al mando del mundo y con apoyo de sionistas y ultras rusos,qur no comunistas.Son miembros de la misma camada.
Lest we forget the lady with a 'cannon' of a career and a punch of patriotism. Time to revive Bea Arthur's legacy - not scrub it like a bad pancake makeup job!
I'm going to fight them. All of them. They can meet me in a Waffle House parking lot that I'll have to drive hundreds of miles to get to. Square up motherfuckers.
Code talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, MOH honorees of color, the Enola Gay & now THE BEA ARTHUR?!
I was raised in TN & the waffle house is & always has been my home away from home. It was a sanctuary where the food always hit the spot, the staff were like your family & battle buddies & the chaotic energy was truly unmatched. And in MY House, justice is served expeditiously.
I'm an armybrat. Mom did 8 years and when I say she was a badass, I mean it. My dad was in for 31 & 5 combat tours. They upheld their end. But now this admin has me doubting my own citizenship since I was born offbase in Germany in the 80s. The fuck?!
I haven't had a passport since I was a toddler. I am a US citizen via my parents' status as American soldiers stationed overseas. But how long until that's no longer honored/valid? Hell, the Germany I was born in technically doesn't exist anymore! I'm married & have a son. Would Germany take us? Ugh
I dunno if they will try to mess with/discredit my status after almost 38 years. I was born in West Germany - a country that technically no longer exists - in a civilian hospital. I had multiple birth certs thru the process. The final one is thru the consulate claiming me as American via my parents.
The 1st claimed me as German, the 2nd essentially said "dual" & the 3rd American. I only have the 3rd one. Parents are both US citizens who were soldiers stationed overseas which is why the 3rd was possible. But what if they screw with those rules?! I came to US as a 3yo. Where do I even belong?!
I think I see what’s happened here. You believe I’m serious because the totally absurd thing I said wasn’t quite absurd enough to seem absurd on the Internet. My bad.
They’re erasing the service of a Devil Dog. The Marine Corps is formative to your person, both good and bad. But that’s your individual experience you earned. Erasing someone’s experience to something so integral to self is disgusting.
Brig General, Dr. Hazel Winifred Johnson-Brown b 1927 attended Harlem School of Nursing & enlisted after Truman eliminated segregation in the Army. Serving all over the world, earning her doctorate, she had incredible skills in the operating room & as a leader.
WTF are they doing? Does anyone ask them? Are they seriously trying to erase everyone except white men and if so, is it impossible to fight back? Such bigotry has not been publicly flaunted in many decades, but now we are allowing it?
I was coming here to say this - I read the article, clicked the 404 and saw it was back up (redirected).
The question is whether they are slow at setting up the redirects or whether they are purposely leaving the 404s just long enough to generate rage articles to make them look over-reactionary.
Who in the god damn fuck thought that was a good idea?! What cowardly pussy ass beta came up with such a chicken shit move like this?! These bastard fascists who don't have the balls to serve their country legit are trying to minimize the contributions of real vets! 🤬🤬🤬
Suggestion: It’s not a DEI purge. It’s a “DEI” purge or a so-called DEI purge. They call it a DEI purge but it’s actually a purge of anyone who isn’t a cis-het white male natural born citizen. It’s diversity erasure.
No entiendo que todo lo que no sea un hombre blanco, hetero y fascista siga en el ejército y no haya hecho ya 🖕🖕🖕🖕
Con ellos amenaza un loco al mundo, con su gran ejército. El mismo loco que los desprecia.
Why? Because she's not a straight cis white man. And it's allowed 'cause the straight cis white man in charge of the military tod 'em to do it. It's sadly that simple.
So how can we get all these deletions back? History is being destroyed and the next generations will never know. The evil will be repeated because there are no lessons to be learned. Really sad.
For no other reason than being an asshole. There's not a person in the world, regardless of polticical affiliation, who's ever said, "You know what, that Bea Arthur is a bitch, how can we fuck her over?" Ever. #fucktrump
Please watch and rewatch this movie, in the U.S. Archives from the #DontBeASucker a reminder of how the Nazis conned their country into becoming the cause of mass murder and all the other horrors that Nazis unleash. The lessons are true for the USA🇺🇸 , in 2025
The Trump Administration is so petty. They are stupid if they think all of the stuff won't be put back in the next administration because it will.
How broken are these men, that a woman doing a tough job and doing it well threatens them so much? I don't care what hurt them, I don't care what they think they need to be whole again. I just want them to crawl away quietly.
Please watch and rewatch this movie, in the U.S. Archives from the #DontBeASucker a reminder of how the Nazis conned their country into becoming the cause of mass murder and all the other horrors that Nazis unleash. The lessons are true for the USA🇺🇸 , in 2025
don’t forget she bucked cisheteronormativity by supporting queer people, starring in a frank storyline about abortion (on maude), and, gasp, having a deep voice
Since you asked.... Am I family the maga fans were beaten as children. It was called spanking but it was whipping with a leather belt until they learned that the world was a cruel place run by unpredictable angry men.
Bea Arthur like many, shows Trump up for the pathetic draft dodging coward he is. We should take comfort at what massive scaredy cats they are. Drop some house spiders on their workstations.
Because apparently now in this America with this administration the whiny man baby crusty dickless men who have achieved absolutely nothing are now threatened by literally anybody who has achieved anything. People of color minorities people of a minority status and now women. It's disgusting.
Hey where are Rue Mc Clanahan and Estelle Getty? The weak are often afraid of true strength and those who confront evil!! The cheeto and muskow are russian operatives who only do evil!
It's fitting that the country that supported Islamic fundamentalism & brought destruction to Afghanistan, should face the boomerang & have its own version of religious extremism.
Typical western ignorance & arrogance, denigrating countries it destroys.
Sadly you are correct. The US brought religious extremism and totalitarianism to many countries to prevent communism or to further the CIAs agendas. Such idealism to think cruel leaders are an improvement over communism or socialism.
The US didn't care about the consequences to Afghanistan, in this case. They just wanted to stop a socialist & USSR ally govt to be in power. They didn't care that whoever replaced it were better or worse, as long as the USSR influence was sabotaged.
Yeah, she was a lovely lady, though I didn't know her as well as I'd liked, as they retired to North Carolina and I didn't see her much while growing up.
But on one visit, we were driving to Sterling IL, near Dixon, where Reagan was born. I read the sign for this, and she booed him.
From someone who lives only a short hop down 80/280 from Dixon (Quad Cities IL) and has made many trips thru there, I've flipped many a bird. Armybrat here. My mom served 8 yrs, dad 31. Both badasses. She sounds like my kinda lady. ❤️
Her future husband flew over Normandy as a mechanic for a C-47 squadron. He was a Republican, but the old-school kind. He built his retirement home with passive solar heating way before it was cool, and belonged to the Audubon Society.
I'm sure he'd beat Musk's Nazi-saluting ass with a golf club.
Hi Shelby! We were mutuals on Xittter & I think in a DM group together. Just saw your profile on here & immediately followed. Would love a follow back. 🫂💙
Now we're beefing with #TheGoldenGirls
No, seriously, the actual iconic Golden Girls. I knew the GOP didn't really care for women, but erasing Bea is next level. ATP they might as well just burn down feminine hygiene aisles. What's left to prove how much you hate women?
I work for the government - so this is from the "inside". Because the President signed the order to dismantle DEI, we have all been pushed hard to remove any and all DEI related content from public facing assets. They want it removed now to keep the wolves at bay.
Did they accidentally search by keyword? How do they know which pages to restore unless they then go page by page? Or is it based on what missing pages get a reaction and those that go quietly into the night stay missing?
If their deletion protocol is so broad and sloppy that they wipe clean anything from the database that they flag without a 2nd look, that shows a lack of structure and oversight, which leads to sloppy work.
Well, I know the system they use for the majority of their websites is a POS - I work for the deleting 1000 and restoring 10 is probably the easiest way to accomplish the task for them. I built our website at work I was able to have ours removed from view in about 30 seconds.
They did not restore her service card or anything about her service and obtaining a Staff Sargent rank, just a picture. So honestly, this isn’t the best way, it’s not about what’s easy, that’s just a lazy attitude when it’s imperative no mistakes are made.
The word "gay" was within her page - she was a big supporter of the gay community. If it fell under DEI they are pushing for it to be scrubbed because they don't want any scrutiny from above.
I'll be honest, I don't care that he dodged the Vietnam draft - that was a terrible and awful war, and lots of draft dodgers did so out of a sense of not wanting to die for a senseless foreign war.
That he's a cruel, narcissistic bully is enough for me to hate him.
I think it’s more that the language has been weaponized and presented as something that happens in isolation as opposed to all decision-making happening through an equity lens.
I loved her in All in the Family, Maude, The Golden Girls... but in HotW:P1 she steals the entire movie with that scene. Packs the whole goddamn thing up, folds it to the size of a pocket square, and slips it away while jaunting off set. She knows she owns it.
Well this is absolutely pathetic and petty. So typical behavior from this administration. Guess someone is insecure and can't fathom the idea that the Golden Girls are more popular than he will ever be. Also she actually served in the army. Sorry bone spurs don't get you any credit
Now I’m really pissed.😡 I loved Golden Girls growing up and loved all the women, especially Bea Arthur. She was so hilarious and talented.
Did not realize she was in the marine corps. Wow! Go Bea!
I hope this all gets fixed soon.
In other words, typists and truck drivers WON THE WAR!
She's a damn hero.
I say “for now” bc, though the memorial is privately funded & operated, the trumplicans might try to shut it down.
Thank you for being a fascist
Traveled down this road, but we'll come back again
Your heart is dark, you're a dick and a infidel
Bea Arthur Rocked!
Shame on the DOD!!
What is wrong with this country?
That they have to erase them? It’s the only way they can feel good about themselves. They just want to ensure that kids grow up believing that only white men have any value & importance TWUNTS
Racist history
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion weren't the reasons Bea Arthur was revered.
Even 'NWM Purge' would be accurate.
They are succeeding in making a pejorative out of a 21st century initiative. Just like they did with 'liberal.'
We must not help them turn it into a pejorative.
Back then, she made it despite there being generational antipathy toward diversity, equity, or inclusion.
Avoid the phrasing of the bigots.
All white men
No matter if they are not the best person for the job
To the exclusion of any other race or gender
Start a new history book listing their ties to nazis and dictators and their work against humanity.
Code talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, MOH honorees of color, the Enola Gay & now THE BEA ARTHUR?!
So fucking done with these assholes.
I was raised in TN & the waffle house is & always has been my home away from home. It was a sanctuary where the food always hit the spot, the staff were like your family & battle buddies & the chaotic energy was truly unmatched. And in MY House, justice is served expeditiously.
Pissed & wanna throw hands.
Please sign and share
But this was the only way to hold private universities accountable for a trans athlete tying for 5th place in a swim meet three years ago.
I mean one of the comments also thought this was serious and not satire. The internet has gone insane with the RW bots and fear-hatemongers.
And then paused in sadness, you know.
It's so messed up.
There's just no end to the fuckery.
Dept of Defense Press office
Members of the public submit questions/comments using this contact form.
Brig General, Dr. Hazel Winifred Johnson-Brown b 1927 attended Harlem School of Nursing & enlisted after Truman eliminated segregation in the Army. Serving all over the world, earning her doctorate, she had incredible skills in the operating room & as a leader.
Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk...
Womp womp
There is no justification for this.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
Biggest snowflakes in the country.
The question is whether they are slow at setting up the redirects or whether they are purposely leaving the 404s just long enough to generate rage articles to make them look over-reactionary.
Con ellos amenaza un loco al mundo, con su gran ejército. El mismo loco que los desprecia.
Folks need to internalize this truth and act accordingly. 😒
No, seriously.
Motherfucking shitweasels.
you mess with “star wars”
Typical western ignorance & arrogance, denigrating countries it destroys.
The US didn't care about the consequences to Afghanistan, in this case. They just wanted to stop a socialist & USSR ally govt to be in power. They didn't care that whoever replaced it were better or worse, as long as the USSR influence was sabotaged.
But for how long? 🤔
She taught navigation classes to aircrew at Navy Pier in Chicago.
I like to think that the skills she gave helped our naval aviators to get to their targets and back to ship/base safely.
Fuck Hegseth, fuck Trump, and fuck all who support them.
But on one visit, we were driving to Sterling IL, near Dixon, where Reagan was born. I read the sign for this, and she booed him.
I'm sure he'd beat Musk's Nazi-saluting ass with a golf club.
Republicans are terrible, terrible people.
Yes, if Bea was here she’d be kicking on doors.
so testerical
Now we're beefing with #TheGoldenGirls
No, seriously, the actual iconic Golden Girls. I knew the GOP didn't really care for women, but erasing Bea is next level. ATP they might as well just burn down feminine hygiene aisles. What's left to prove how much you hate women?
And it wasn't on purpose - they are deleting based on a keyword search. Honestly, it's easier to delete and restore than go one-by-one.
Get off the gaslighting.
If their deletion protocol is so broad and sloppy that they wipe clean anything from the database that they flag without a 2nd look, that shows a lack of structure and oversight, which leads to sloppy work.
You know that's bad and worth criticizing, right?
That he's a cruel, narcissistic bully is enough for me to hate him.
This is Racism
This is Misogyny
This is Evil
and this is, UnAmerican
Dept of Defense Press office
Members of the public submit questions/comments using this contact form.
"Semper Fi" Bea.
not so much Semper Fi as just sometimes fi huh
So, a BS artist.
Did you BS this week?
Did you *try* to BS this week?
Also? "God's going to get them for that, Walter."
They always find out they're wrong.
How I wish she was here to call him out.
Did not realize she was in the marine corps. Wow! Go Bea!
I hope this all gets fixed soon.
F Hegseth. F ‘em all.
*Posting this, being fully aware I would now be rejected at the border trying to visit the U.S. for vacational purposes.
Erasing the history, service and sacrifice of these people.
The very types of people they fought against are changing history 80years later.