Some details from this wsj scoop
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I hope I’m wrong. I have a DACA friend I’m very worried about.
I feel for and pray for the "token" "shock and awe" innocent victims of what's coming; I feel the pain this will bring, they don't deserve it.
And we will cry and they will be collateral we can't help 😢
That is all.
It’s going to be awful
I wonder why.
They are in for a rude awakening.
Our black lesbian mayor
Our other black mayor
Rahm Emanuel
Our billionaire governor
Ppl of color-duh
Michelle and her husband
Let’s all remember 2 things:
1. he does not care about the violence he mischaracterizes.
2. Chicago hates him too.
He thinks he’s Capone, we don’t.
GOP budget hawks are going to clash with the MAGAs over this and the huge increase they want for military spending.
Such infighting may be the only thing that saves us from goon squads in the streets.
They are now a literary daily, telling happy stories to America's White Christian Nationalist
Will they be writing it on a 6th grade level of reading skills
what a mess
After going to a couple training to listen & learn, I hate the incoming administration more than I can articulate.
Es la incertidumbre, de que en cualquier momento serás el elegido/a para ser deportado y en las condiciones precarias de una celda, donde esperaras ser enviado de vuelta a tú patria, en contra de tú voluntad
I thought journalists reported facts not hyperbole. Please stop sharing information obtained from the WSJ or the LA Times. The Boston Globe is one alternative.
Thousands of armed goons, as well as citizen Brown Shirt volunteers roaming the streets looking for "illegals" (anyone without a MAGA hat) to arrest, bully, harass, beat...
Then imagine that in every blue city/state.
Trump does know how to work the media.
laboring in farm, meat packing, childcare, landscaping and construction entities among other industries spread through both Republican and Democratic led states. I would be surprised if Homan and his ICE army will be raiding any Republican states next week.
He despises her.
That why he is starting here.
I don’t think it’s any more complex than that.
Chicago was always on the list.
I wonder why they're not targets...?
Do you have any room in that pineapple under the sea?
Major Twat Gangrene -
always with some shitass conspiracy garbage
This is both un-American and ridiculous
It's a war.
Sleight of hand
I'll bet they heap more pain on Los Angeles
Fucking trumperdinks
“giving the president the power to take over domestic communications, seize Americans’ bank accounts, and deploy U.S. troops to any foreign country. Given how broad these powers are, it is critical to have adequate safeguards in place to prevent abuse.”
Egg prices.
Egg prices.
My butt
Now we see. We all see
Head to the Red Note to learn EVEN more
Bye bye Molly
States and cities will not put up with authoritarian rule in D.C.
At some point, someone has to stand up for the Constitution.
Tom Homan is an unelected bureaucract whose "Border Czar" position has no actual power to do anything or enforce any laws. He is legally an advisor. He just stated he will be impersonating a law enforcement officer by arresting the Chicago mayor. This is a crime spree
The raping will be soon to follow.
Plundering will be everyday as promised.
We're all Fucked
as from Tuesday: “show time”🤦♀️
judicial decisions that 1872 Amnesty Act does not shield J6 insurrectionists
I wish I had a compound out in the middle of nowhere, where #WeThePeople can all live in PEACE (we'd need a pretty big compound, but we can grow).
* Racism
* Incompetence
* Indecency
* Lies
* Greed
* Corruption
* Crime
Here we fucken go.
Grifters, thugs, con artists, profiteers, sex offenders, psychopaths, philanderers, sleaze balls, fraudsters, felons
Is this what we are afraid of? Take them down already!
These types have “shit for brains” so they will accomplish nothing but chaos.
We’re finally on our own.
I can't imagine what would happen if thousands upon thousands of people didn't show up to their construction and hospitality jobs for fear of getting caught up in an immigration sweep
Nebraska meat packing
Wisconsin dairy farms
Florida fruit orchards
It’s all a dog and pony show
Who could have seen THAT one coming?! 🤦♂️
Which is absolutely fucking wild.
Trump and his SS Commandant will not wait
I hope they stand in the way of the raids.
This is racial when they speak of deporting millions while saying it will just be the dangerous criminals.
Deceit at it’s finest!
I said same.
The way to end democracy is to arrest your political opponents AFTER suspending habeus corpus.
The Insurrection Act is the starting place towards that goal.
Repubs say: ship everyone "back to where they came from".
Sure, but how do you know where undocumented people come from? Why would those countries accept them?
And even if they did... Trump is talking about 15 million or so. 15 million in 4 years... that's about 26 chartered 747 flights per day.
Zero sympathy.
It's all smoke and mirrors