Trump, is old too. He looks like grandpa from down the street yelling at everyone passing his house. He doesn’t have a lot of energy anymore. Father Time will slow you down.
It’s interesting that the prison guards in NY are being accused of breaking the law due to the Taylor law, but the Orange Felon gets away with literally Murder.
I understand that impeachment is a pipe dream, but Dems should be cataloguing everything Trump is doing that they will consider high crimes and misdemeanors, if only to motivate Dems for the midterms.
If no one is willing to strike, protest, or do anything but obey, you are about to find out what dictatorship is. Poverty, that's what it is. You can not appease a dictator by being good enough not to be punnishished.
Oh yeah? I don't understand Joe and Mika kissing Donald Trump's ass and then chastising their viewers for being heartbroken by it. But I'm just spitballing.
Well, if we learned anything in 2024. The courts aren’t going to save us. The Republicans are literally scared for their lives. And if he controls the military & the US Marshals. Who’s left to stop him?
The republicans are just too cowardly, and consumed by greed.. anyone who refuses to do the job for fear of loosing their position, doesn’t belong anywhere near leadership to begin with.. I sure hope Americans wake up and vote them out
I would have voted for Biden if they rolled him into the White House Weekend at Bernie’s style. People fail to realize that it’s not just the POTUS who leads our country. It’s the people in his administration who do the heavy lifting. Right now we have a bunch of spoiled children running our govt!
I remember thinking the same thing. I didn’t think Biden was at all senile. But even if he was he had great people working with him and Kamala was there to take over.
No he was not. My mother was diagnosed with dementia when she was 85. While we didn’t see Joe all the time, he seemed like he had regular memory loss you get from aging which is what his doctor said. Let’s face it, Joe worked way more than TFG did in his first term and by the looks of TFG now 🤷🏻♀️
Thanks for your work! Please use your growing platform to amplify citizen protests. We are war with this evil regime now and we little guys need help growing our numbers for more effective protests. Amplification beforehand will help. We are all fighting fascism now.
Yep, have a look at how agism works in all of us. Even some of the adverts for bluesky are very ageist.
We must legislate for the majority as democratic ideals. Stop national narratives to accommodate the fringe on either side. No hate normalized, or codified; and fairly apply the rule of law.
I follow you every day. You inform and educate and thank you for that. Was it necessary to bring Joe's age into this. He was one of the greatest presidents in my 65 years and to keep hearing intelligent people denigrate the man for no good reason is frustrating at best. You can do better.
Sure is something looking back at folks who said Biden picking up the phone to encourage his AG to diligently investigate the most important crime in the history of the Republic was wildly inappropriate
Well, he owns congress, the DOJ, the courts, the Military, the postal service, and the election system and civil service (thanks to starlink and muskrat’s power puff girls) so unless the dems start playing by their rules (which is none) we really have no hope.
No, no, no, no he just thinks he owns them
and don't ever say we have no hope
That's the worst thing you can do
Stay strong and use fighting words..not words of defeat
This… all those who chose not to vote because they wanted to make some point, on top of those who chose not to vote because they think all politics are “bad.” And rather than legislating for the majority, and speaking for the majority, people grabbed the bait and further tore the country apart.
I have yet to hear anyone articulate which specific laws are being broken or what the legal consequences are for breaking said laws. I'm betting we are talking misdemeanors or crimes without legislated punishments. Please don’t point to any current legal actions as they are all Civil, none criminal.
Donold is old too and befuddled and of way less intelligence than Biden. He's a criminal and a grifter and a rapist, to say the least and I believe he's an illegitimate president!
Is there a connection in this statement or are we still wishing a different outcome?(should’ve, could’ve?)
Have yee no faith! What goes around comes around… keep your pecker up!
I think we just have to keep doing our part by reminding any & all chicken shit reps that they *𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙆* for *𝙐𝙎*… even if it continues to fall on deaf ears…
And remind ‘em that 2026 & 2028 are both rapidly approaching, too. 😠
Why are you blaming Biden for something everyone knew in 2020 and still voted for him instead of Trump. Joe Biden was honest and caring besides being incredibly effective. In this atmosphere of attacks on women, you threw Kamala in when Biden would have beaten Trump. So take responsibility for that.
Why are you judging anyone by their age when Biden did an awesome job as President? This judgement stopped the Democratic Party to not fully support Biden and helped elect Trump. Still you blame Biden and probably Hillary Clinton when the blame is yours and the rest of Democratic leaders failures.
Biden is old, but trump is only 3 years younger. Biden wanted to advance us as a nation, trump wants to return to the "good old days" of white male supremacy. BTW, trump is the oldest president to be inaugurated.
Sorry, not sorry? :) Biden is old, but not demented, delusional and dangerous. Biden actually was a public servant for half a century as opposed to a pathetic grifter who expects the public to serve him!
FFS, get off your collective arses and raise hell. Tell DOGE to get the hell out, go on strike, organize picket lines and fight like hell. Stop bitching and start throwing sand in the MAGA works. No-one is coming to your rescue, you will have to get organized. Period.
Dear friends, I need your support! ❄️🛵
Getting around in the winter as a paraplegic is a daily struggle, but an enclosed mobility scooter would be life-changing—giving me the freedom and independence I desperately need. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe🙏✨🔗
Why would the government stop itself? The government IS Trump and Musk. We really need the People to stop the Government, at this point. Throw the bums out, literally. Like with hands.
We are now realizing that we cannot stand by and wait for the government to do the right thing. We the People have to stand in our power and create the society we want to have. Demand accountability, transparency, inclusion, sharing and service to others, not just privatizing everything for profit.
Trump =old & stupid! A vehicle for the Christian Nationalist…. w/o FOTUS’s trashy base, they couldn’t gain power. I bet they will eliminate the FOTOS fool - Putin or Khashoggi style! He’s too stupid to understand that!
He’s a felon do you understand he’s a felon he’s a crook he’s a criminal. He has no morals. All he wants is money, money money he’s not going to change the only way he’s going to get out is if he dies.
Go ahead and ask.
See what happens.
Your voice is meek, passive, quaint whispers in the void.
tRump IS the government.
Tyrants are deposed, not asked.
The guardrails are being obliterated, checks and balances eroding, and too many who hold the majorities are taking a knee to bow before Trump. The PEOPLE fought one Mad King to establish this country, We the People need to Rise Up and fight the New Mad King
“Elon Musk destroyed 19 years of my career, it’s gone. He put a label on us. We’ve been labeled the fraud, the waste and the bloat of the government,” the worker said. “They have effectively destroyed our careers. We won’t recover from this. There’s no way."
What won’t put a big dent in the federal budget? Firing government workers. “The entire cost of the federal workforce is a tiny fraction of the total cost of the federal budget,” she said.
-- Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight
Let’s “REALLY SAVE TAXPAYERS AND OUR MONEY” By “FIRING GOPS IN CONGRESS” -Who Illegally Gave “ALL” Congress’ Duties/Jobs, Authority/Powers-To Decide Policies, Programs, Funding And Enforcement Of Constitutional Laws-For The People/US Best Interests -To Trump Adm.! PAID FOR DOING NOTHING HYPOCRITES!!
Yes. Yes it is. His six perverts on the Supreme Court said that there is no such thing as this president doing something illegal. All he has to do is lie and claim that it was done in the course of his job, and they are just fine with that. They LOVE his lies.
Donald Trump is handing the Country to Russia . Who is the Marxist here ? Everyone shouldn’t just write or call Democratic Senators but the scared Republican ones also. Deluge them with questions like , Why is Trump destroying everything the Founding Father’s fought for? Will you stand up ?
Immunity to him isn’t the reality. He thinks he’s above the law to begin with. Because of all the pussified judicial processes that failed to prosecute him. So if you’ve been left to your own devices, you truly ARE above the law. Who’s stopped him at ANY POINT? No one.
We are ALL frustrated by this unchecked BS. We’ve all gotten our hopes up for consequences, only to be let down. So I feel your frustration. But we are STILL HOPEFUL FOR A MIRACLE. ☺️
What's "govenment" ?
Right now, the government is whatever trump 7 his creepy crawlers want to do.
This is 10X worse than 2017.
Trump can golf 7 days a week but the brownshirts, kleptocrats and the richest asshole in the world never sleep.
Does musk eat the huevos they removed from GOP Senators?
This regime is operating a dictatorship enabled by the SCOTUS supermajority unconstitutional ruling, July 1, 2024, in The Orange Slug v US, that POTUS is absolutely immune from consequence for official acts, nullifying the Constitution retroactively & replacing it with serial dictatorship.
MAGAs do not see the paradox. Chump and his gang, his media and enablers lie to their face every day. Yet the destruction of key agencies, budgets and services contradicts everything they say - yet MAGAs continue to provide support in every way. They will come to regret this, for a very long time.
I don't believe they understand how this is really going to affect their lives the Find Out part is closing in. They will be told it is patriotic to pay the higher prices or do without.
I drive by a shack/house with 20+ huge Trump flags. I often wonder how much $$ they have given him. 🙄
Sometimes I listen to C-Span - but not for long. Many R's call in. It is clear many have drunk the Orange-Aid, live in an alternate world and spout demonstrable lies as put forward by Fux (Not) News. There is little hope for them - they are lost to the cult. But how come there are millions of them!
At this point I’m afraid my only hope is that the frail, failing old man on whom the magas have pinned their future will choke on a cheeseburger or drive his electric golf cart into a pond full of alligators.
Until the feckless GOP Congress remember their oath of office
"I, XX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
This illegal nonsense will continue... we are learning what people are truly made of 😢
Is it too much to ask that Republicans acknowledge this president is a threat to the country’s national security and the very ideals this country was founded on and begin formal impeachment proceedings to remove him from office?
I think it's Trump's position that if a president does it, it's not illegal and SCOTUS has backed his view. Now if it's a democratic president, well...
Exactly. Our laws have long held people in leadership positions to a stricter legal standard, often including greater accountability for their actions & decisions, as well as potential legal consequences. We can’t (or won’t) even require Trump to follow the basic civilian laws we all must follow.
Molly, I just want to tell you you bring me so much peace - whether I see you on TV or when I read your posts, Instagram stories etc. I know I’m not being gaslit and I appreciate you beyond words.
Republicans. Republicans are supporting him. Enabling. Encouraging. Voting for everything he wants. If republicans stopped all this, we would have more leverage.
You're surprised the guy who had no respect for the law, whom has never been held accountable while a CITIZEN, doesn't respect the law, and is OPENLY corrupt while president?
The media was too hooked on spectacle than actual reporting. Anything for clicks, though right? The only cost was everything.
Wherever you live in the nation, if you can get to DC, this is our opportunity to show up Powerfully United, and show the world we Reject this Felonious TRAITOR.
This is your Advance Notice
Start planning now
March 4th - Washington, DC
U.S. Capitol- Noon
I recommend finding a place to stay near a metro station and taking the metro to the Capitol, as parking is a challenge. There are hotels in Virginia and Maryland on the metro line which will be less expensive than DC.
The collapse of the U.S. and the reestablishment of the old USSR is fulfilling a life long dream of Putin’s. He is thrilled to have Trump as his bitch.
Oh, yes! It infuriates me that so many people didn’t bother to vote. Unfortunately, this is nothing new. It happens in lots of elections.They don’t understand that democracy is not a spectator sport.
It is, though, extremely questionable to vote against the Democrats to “send them a message,” and then scream when they can’t protect you from Republicans anymore.
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”
How long is it going to take us to realize that Trump, along with all his congressional supplicants does not give a fuck if what he is doing is “illegal”? Seriously! Kings don’t need to follow any “laws”. Wake up!
Republicans, represent white supremacy, at least since I've been alive, in fact, it is the very reason they were apoplectic about Critical Race Theory. They hate it when people get wise to their machinations.
Isn't it odd that the US is considered the gold-standard for democracy yet reelected an insurrectionist? Three reasons: 1) Republicans will suffer anything to maintain power; 2) Democrats are incompetent political strategists. 3) the inability of the judicial branch to do anything quickly.
The mechanisms for dealing with it are very slow as long as the legislative branch refuses to intervene, which since they are GOP controlled, they currently refuse. So it’s left to courts and they are slow. That said, the Trump administration is actively in noncompliance with court orders. So 🤷♂️
If you understand how cults work & apply it to MAGA it makes 'sense'. Trump has conditioned his base: only he tells the truth & can solve their problems.
He is a con artist. He tells them what they want to hear, not necessarily the truth. He threatens to ruin anyone who stands against him.
It's 🤯
I get that. MAGAts are brainwashed. But isn't it the job of those elected officials on the opposition side to use the courts to stop the illegality? If they are that scared, democracy in 🇺🇸 is over.
Most democrats are not scared, they are using the courts, which is our only recourse. But republicans know the SCOTUS has their backs and the few court wins democrats get will be ignored by republicans.
I've been watching that. SCOTUS picks by tRump, and his ilk has been in the making for years. I am hoping for positive e moves for all decent Americans.
It is their job, absolutely. Most are followers, some are just scared. We are close to the tipping point.
Democracy isn't down for the count.
When the MAGAs are hurt by the effects of the budget cuts, they will start to revolt. Loss of $$, higher prices, loss of healthcare, deaths from an epidemic.
I really hope you're right and that the revolt begins sooner rather than later. Things are spiralling quickly, as it's being reported in Europe anyway.
Be careful the plan is to make it spread. Look into the world economic forum and the new world order. That is what p2025 is the start off. Start grassroots organizations now. Watch out for any right wing nazi propaganda. Call your representatives and make laws to take money out of politics.
DOGE has carefully reviewed your request and you are denied. Reminder that further requests can result in your being removed from the citizenship rolls.
Do you really expect to have the non-US World to come over and tie your shoe-laces? Do you not have any sense of agency? Do you really think the entire globe isn't in a fucking hard shape right now? It's your fucking government, stop complaining and kick some shit.
The Executive Branch is in charge of the military in addition to all the agencies now being stripped. The Republicans own the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and much of the Judiciary. A lot of elected Republicans apparently disagree with Trump's actions, but are afraid of him.
Instead, we can ask our fellow citizens. Meta and X have set a powerful precedent—and it’s time to use it against them! The recent $25 million lawsuit settlement from Meta and $10 million from X to Trump is a strategic opportunity for journalists, federal workers, and everyday users to fight back.
The government didn't do shit about election fraud. Isn't that the biggest betrayal? If they get away with that why wouldn't they betray us at every other step?
We may need to give the good guys in the government a couple of months to come to grips with the unprecedented criminality coming from the White House.
What part of the government would do this - trump owns Congress and now owns the executive agencies with unqualified loyalists in the top spots. The Dems are going little to nothing got the most part.
While I don’t like your approach - I do agree with your sentiment- get off this app and take action. Make calls, change your buying habits, cancel credit cards that feed into the red agenda, etc!
i don't recall seeing any of you decades ago when bigbro sent dogs but you'll tell me all about it on the internet after the finish line 4 decades late
go call your congressman and make yourself useful, keyboard warrior
It’s too much to ask. Plus perhaps the time has come to refer to the orange fellow as “the monarch” or “dear leader” instead of “president” which suggests his role is term-limited. If judges of the United States Supreme Senate enjoy life-time security untrammelled by a code of ethics, why not DJT?
It shouldn't be. The MAGA politicians have to wake up and consider their constituents. They're too out of touch to realize that they're poised to lose every election from here on out.
I don't think there will be any more elections. At least not legit ones. Fascism has taken control in Amerikkka. It's going to be a fight to run them out.
Miracles, please! I can't believe that MAGA politicians will abide by an unhinged old man's agenda for too long. They have to answer to disgusted constituents. Despite liar druggie Ronny Jackson, MD's medical eval of him, he's likely got one foot in the grave. At 79? And Trump's kids don't count.
The MAGA politicians know there are no more elections, they're in for good.
Why would they care what voters think, nobody is going to be voting them out....
Unless there's a miracle, you're right. Specialists would have to prove there's fraud. Democrats aren't listening. I'm a democrat, and I'll never forgive Dem politicians for allowing MAGA politicians to steal everything via their obvious lies while laughing in our faces. Musk thinks it's all a joke.
They are too busy counting there money, there obligation is to show up ones in a while and decorate the house and senate with there appearance. They are not to talk, except in praising Trump, they are to vote what Trump says and thats it. It's like the Duma in Moscow. Pure decoration.
Never apologize for that.
Let us also not forget all our millions of comrades who stayed home rather than participate in what may have been our final election.
Also, the pundit class who told Dems to be nicer.
There's plenty of blame to go around.
Thanks Tricky Dickie.
David Frost interview with Nixon.
Frost: could the president do something illegal in certain situations.
Nixon: "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal", by definition.
Shame on every single media outlet who dogpiled him after a bad debate and forced him to leave the race.
We must legislate for the majority as democratic ideals. Stop national narratives to accommodate the fringe on either side. No hate normalized, or codified; and fairly apply the rule of law.
Sure is something looking back at folks who said Biden picking up the phone to encourage his AG to diligently investigate the most important crime in the history of the Republic was wildly inappropriate
Auction them off and give back what they've stolen.
and don't ever say we have no hope
That's the worst thing you can do
Stay strong and use fighting words..not words of defeat
Take a rest and start over 💙
This guy will be remembered for his Corrupt Catholic Supreme Court and letting the Insurrectionist walk free!
Wonder how flooded Kentucky feels about these clowns now? Those poor souls go through one disaster after another. 🌪🌊
We had our chance at the voting booths.
Molly, you're not in Kansas anymore!
You're in:
supreme court.
Have yee no faith! What goes around comes around… keep your pecker up!
And remind ‘em that 2026 & 2028 are both rapidly approaching, too. 😠
Getting around in the winter as a paraplegic is a daily struggle, but an enclosed mobility scooter would be life-changing—giving me the freedom and independence I desperately need. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe🙏✨🔗
Go ahead and ask.
See what happens.
Your voice is meek, passive, quaint whispers in the void.
tRump IS the government.
Tyrants are deposed, not asked.
-- Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight
Now the President is the law
Look I get shit is bad but hyperbole isn't helping.
Right now, the government is whatever trump 7 his creepy crawlers want to do.
This is 10X worse than 2017.
Trump can golf 7 days a week but the brownshirts, kleptocrats and the richest asshole in the world never sleep.
Does musk eat the huevos they removed from GOP Senators?
I'm starting to think he's a patsy... Our single party government wants this to happen...
Side note - struggled with the selection of the punctuation mark!
I drive by a shack/house with 20+ huge Trump flags. I often wonder how much $$ they have given him. 🙄
"I, XX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
This illegal nonsense will continue... we are learning what people are truly made of 😢
The media was too hooked on spectacle than actual reporting. Anything for clicks, though right? The only cost was everything.
This is your Advance Notice
Start planning now
March 4th - Washington, DC
U.S. Capitol- Noon
They want the president to do illegal stuff.
If crime is not recognized, crime is easy!
It is, though, extremely questionable to vote against the Democrats to “send them a message,” and then scream when they can’t protect you from Republicans anymore.
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”
This is definitely the second time.
He is a con artist. He tells them what they want to hear, not necessarily the truth. He threatens to ruin anyone who stands against him.
It's 🤯
Democracy isn't down for the count.
When the MAGAs are hurt by the effects of the budget cuts, they will start to revolt. Loss of $$, higher prices, loss of healthcare, deaths from an epidemic.
Have this many people always thought like this or have we been dumbed down?
But at today's numbers, yes, I think we've been dumed down.
FOX "news" is a primary reason.
To expect? Hell yeah
going by rules and norms that aren't there anymore and using the law against people who go by no laws.
they're almost in a dictatorship
Note: I like Canadians. Husband is one. But non-crazy people are in freakin' hard shape here. Rugs being pulled everywhere.
Our functioning Federal government is stymied. The Federal Democrats are flailing so far. What am I supposed to do about that as a citizen?
Many people are challenging their elected reps to FIX THIS, both with demonstrations, in town halls, and by phone and email.
What specifically would you have us do? Want someone to torch themselves on the street?
Are you in?
There isn't one to be found.
This is what dictators do.
He stagnated Congress so they won’t be passing any legislation that doesn’t come from him.
He appointed hard right judges and will remove any who aren’t.
We weren’t joking when we said it was the end of democracy.
quit being click bait and be a part of the solution and i won't call you a fucking poser
i don't recall seeing any of you decades ago when bigbro sent dogs but you'll tell me all about it on the internet after the finish line 4 decades late
go call your congressman and make yourself useful, keyboard warrior
you have me confused with someone here to chat
This will not end well.
Why would they care what voters think, nobody is going to be voting them out....
We the People have the power. Boycott the corporations. Protest often as loudly. Town halls. Spreading awareness. It’s a crisis, and we all must act.
r/50501, shutdown 2/28