This same highly respected retired judge, told us the same thing before the 2024 election… most legal experts talking on tv/social media said the same thing, “trust the courts…” but then DOJ folded like a napkin even before Trump took office and another judge folded like origami to not sentence.
The fact that this theoretical is even being discussed in major media shows how insanely too far we've already gone. If you told one of these NYT writers that just two months into Trump's term we'd be discussing his consideration to usurp Judicial power, they'd have called you a left-wing lunatic
What are the courts going to do to a man the SCOTUS has already crowned a KING?
He’s immune. Trump can do and say whatever he wants.
It’s up to American citizens to stop him, since all govt apparatus and the courts are virtually neutered.
I don’t think anyone can know for sure what will happen, but I do think it’s worth entertaining the hope that he might actually be less powerful than he would have us believe.
He seems all-powerful now because of the speed and the brazenness of the flood-the-zone approach, but he may yet hit a wall
What I find so disturbing is the ease he’s gotten to this point and how many solid staffers and govt workers he’s already removed and replaced with complete loyalists who do his bidding without question.
He's not immune. SCOTUS gave the President a very limited immunity. (But boy, did they give him a HUGE evidentiary privilege!)
But he is acting like he is immune, the legislative branch is looking the other way, and the judicial branch can only act when a lawsuit is brought to it.
You continually post links to paywalled articles at the NYT. You seem to forget that many of us are unwilling to support them due to their coverage in the run up to the elections in 2024.
This was the archconservative appellate court judge who the Scalia and Thomas crowd clerked for in law school. The most prestigious clerkship outside SCOTUS for the Scalia-loving archconservatives.
Amy C Barret is turning out to be a dark horse lately. She’s a Catholic and not all Catholics fall in line so easily w tyrants. I believe she has a more formed Christian conscience than the rest of these Trump picked judges. MAGA is attacking her 4 not kissing his orange culo.
I have the utmost respect for Judge Luttig & consider him a patriot of the highest order. However, even now, as we stand on the edge of destruction & our country’s fate hangs in the balance, Judge Luttig still doesn’t realize how corrupt the gop & their captured court are. The scotus is illegitimate
Yeah but if he replaces enough judges, and the SCOTUS continue in their line of thinking there will never ever be a day of reckoning. And we will forever be stuck with this dumpster fire that was America.
I have my doubts as the Corruption runs deep and the courts aren't that strong.Trumps been ridiculing them. Indicates their going to cave. Sadly the Citizens will have to take upon themselves, won't be good. Lottsa guns and Crazies out there. The politicians will be running for cover. ☮️
I think that Luttig here is saying to the Court that we do not accept a dictatorship and that we do not expect the Court to surrender in advance but that we expect instead that the Court will fulfill its Constitutional obligations and will retain and express its rightful powers.
As for the Courts “hobbling” Trump, really? He’s been at war with them for 8 years and at the federal level he’s won every time. How will/can they “hobble” him? 🤔
I wish this were true. Everyone else has surrendered. SCOTUS is owned by Trump. Robert’s can worry but he’s d**kless and he knows it. He’ll hand Trump whatever he wants just to keep his limo and pension.
Never be too sure about humans.
Just look at what's going on in Turkey, right now.
A lot of people are corruptible, especially if they've signed up for a cult.
When these cases get to the Supreme Court, Alito, Thomas & co will bend to Donald Trump's will.
Oh, puh-lease. Mr. Luttig has a lifetime of experience in which the Court has the last word, and what the Court says, goes. Sorry sir, the world and Trump no longer work that way. The Court may rule against him, but it won't stop Trump.
Wtf. The Supreme Court did. They lit the fire under this monster with their “presidential power tRumps everything” they can have his abuse & wrath now.
I think of Londo Mollari's assessment of Vir's diplomatic report.
"I've only seen political naivete this complete once before, when Lord Jarno was speaking before the Centaurum. When he finished, we recommended he be sterilized in the interest of evolution."
Folks missing the point. Trump is the master of dragging out court cases. By the time the courts finally decide the damage will be done.
Or - what - yer gonna try to rehire everyone in the Department of Education six months from now? Those folks will have moved on.
It would be anarchy if he did. They would lose all authority, and nobody would obey any laws anymore. Riots the likes of which have never been witnessed.
One hates to think of Judge Luttig as naive, but he ignores the possibility (or likelihood) that SCOTUS would choose to preserve its role of saying what the law is by always agreeing with the president's hints as to what it might be.
Bunch of bull. NY Times is sane washing Trump again.
Supreme court gave Trump a criminal pass already. They didnt prosecute the Reagan criminals in Iran-Contra. They didnt prosecute Bush for lying us into the Iraq war.
They will not do a thing against Trump even though he will neuter them.
It still remains to be seen if a SCOTUS stacked by 47 when he was 45 will side with him or with the Constitution & Rule of Law they were sworn to uphold.
No telling what they swore to & sold out for outside of the public eye.
Scary waiting to see which way the ultimate scales of Justice will tip.
OK. I did. And given who wrote it I take some comfort. But only some. Some comfort because the writer actually is a guy with admirable principles. I don't know how much of a guide that is to what a lot of other people will do.
What if Trump just ignores SCOTUS, gaslights them, or outright defies them? He already gaslighted Roberts about impeaching judges, saying Roberts wasn't talking about him.
The author,a well-respected retired federal judge appointed by George H.W. Bush, believes the courts will uphold the rule of law. I have much faith in district federal judges. I have less faith in federal appellate courts based on the region And, the Supreme Court is now become suspect.
Article is behind paywall, but based on title, I Do not believe this for a minute. After reading Katherine Stewart’s Money Lies and God, I have absolutely no faith in SCOTUS protecting our democracy. #resist
I wish I could share Judge Luttig’s confidence about this, but I get the feeling much of the Supreme Court has been eagerly waiting for a long time to do just that.
“A rebuke from the nation’s highest court in his wished-for war with the nation’s federal courts could well cripple Mr. Trump’s presidency and tarnish his legacy.”
Cripple his presidency - how?
Andrew Jackson blew off the Supreme Court.
Won’t T do it, too?
OK. But, again, the issue is Trump does not care what the Constitution says. He wipes his ass with it daily. He has captured DOJ so they will not arrest him. Congress will not impeach him. So how is this problem taken care of short of physical removal by the electorate? Luttig is way too optimistic.
I think it's time for the courts to use the law to enforce the law!
The law gives the court the right and duty to appoint independent prosecutors and if I hear it correctly, independent law enforcement personnel to carry out their court orders ...
As the Declaration of Independence said, referring to King George III of Britain, “A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”
Cool but he controls the military now. They'll just continue to ignore the courts. When they declare martial law, then what? It's absolutely going to happen in the near future.
It's next to impossible if he has a military. Trump and everyone else involved in that coup should have been arrested day one and left in custody for the courts to sort out. Biden couldn't read the room.
Trump and MAGA leaders are following the Hungary playbook. In 2018, Orbán set up his own parallel court to control the judiciary. The “constitutional” side of the US needs to anticipate the worse case scenario, and make plans to prevent it.
Definitely Hungary. The crazy MAGA Republicans (including Tucker Carlson) has been telling us for years that they admire Orban. Also Orban visited Trump and Musk at Mar-a-Lago in December. If we want a prediction to our future, just study Hungary.
What are the courts going to do to a man the SCOTUS has already crowned a KING?
He’s immune. Trump can do and say whatever he wants.
It’s up to American citizens to stop him, since all govt apparatus and the courts are virtually neutered.
He seems all-powerful now because of the speed and the brazenness of the flood-the-zone approach, but he may yet hit a wall
What I find so disturbing is the ease he’s gotten to this point and how many solid staffers and govt workers he’s already removed and replaced with complete loyalists who do his bidding without question.
But he is acting like he is immune, the legislative branch is looking the other way, and the judicial branch can only act when a lawsuit is brought to it.
"Official duties" can be drawn very narrowly. For example, how could an unconstitutional action possibly be an official duty of the President?
It's the evidentiary privilege that's overpowered, IMO.
We’re in this mess because of presidential immunity. He’s saying lovely things, but the courts have changed, the DofJ
Free version of the article on the Archive site:
Tiny bug will never surrender to massive, godlike boot barreling down to crush it from above
It should be, but it’s not.
This gives me hope. 😀
Just look at what's going on in Turkey, right now.
A lot of people are corruptible, especially if they've signed up for a cult.
When these cases get to the Supreme Court, Alito, Thomas & co will bend to Donald Trump's will.
"I've only seen political naivete this complete once before, when Lord Jarno was speaking before the Centaurum. When he finished, we recommended he be sterilized in the interest of evolution."
Or - what - yer gonna try to rehire everyone in the Department of Education six months from now? Those folks will have moved on.
This is a depressing article.
Supreme court gave Trump a criminal pass already. They didnt prosecute the Reagan criminals in Iran-Contra. They didnt prosecute Bush for lying us into the Iraq war.
They will not do a thing against Trump even though he will neuter them.
No telling what they swore to & sold out for outside of the public eye.
Scary waiting to see which way the ultimate scales of Justice will tip.
They can give the Chump a lot of leash without giving much up
Cripple his presidency - how?
Andrew Jackson blew off the Supreme Court.
Won’t T do it, too?
And tarnish to some, burnish to others.
The law gives the court the right and duty to appoint independent prosecutors and if I hear it correctly, independent law enforcement personnel to carry out their court orders ...
if need be…
Someone else in the thread posted it.
Sharing it with others
= small act of kindness I can do, and such things seem all the more important these days.
Never see him in prison. The bar is low. We just want him to stop criming and then die.