I grew up with Ska, the ‘70s revival that led me to the original JA scene. Great and timeless is how I describe a great deal of the recordings of the era, and the Rock Steady and Reggae it spawned.
Sometimes you just need some ska. Once a month I break out my Skankin Pickle CDs. I don't skank out cuz I have a downstairs neighbor, but I do in my heart
70s-early 80s ska is still the best, some of the greatest music ever made. Once Americans discovered ska and put distortion pedals on it, the quality really went downwards.
Nothing is all good. But when you find a ska band you dig, it’s a great thing. I saw Catch 22 so many times and had so many great memories come from that time in my life.
YES! One of my all-time favorite bands is a ska band from my home town, and Less than Jake is coming here in August. I am so excited to see them again!
But I know someone who has
Which makes me wonder if I could
Saw them in I think '93 or 94 at original SLO Brew
But All Ska Rules!!
Same with disco. For every good band like Bee Gees, there’s another Disco Duck.
That's why we like it.
Especially ska with ripping trombones. That’s what makes it the greatest.
And I don't think they thought ska sucked. Just the bands exploiting ska sucked.
So I read on the YouTube comments.... anyways. 😅
Thank you. ❤️
I forgot how much I loved that album.
Wait until it’s commissioned!
"cake is better."
the fuck is your point? lmao
more palatable tho. maybe the 7-Up of ska?
Absolutely underrated. If it weren’t for a pirated copy of BASEketball on an older sibling’s burner desktop, I probably would’ve missed it entirely.