Honestly having a really strong understanding of your walk-away point & what you’re willing to accept or not (and sticking to it!) is so helpful.
A lot of situations/people will push to see how little you’ll accept, but they can & will accommodate more. Happens in politics all the time but life too
A lot of situations/people will push to see how little you’ll accept, but they can & will accommodate more. Happens in politics all the time but life too
Weeks have gone by and I truly have no regrets realizing my foot had to come down and draw a line somewhere
People forget you can just walk away.
Best is when they say something off handed, unthinking.
Just stare silently with no expression.
Their whole world stops for a moment. Their reboot can be amazing to watch.
… just wasting time.
And honestly some of my best results came from approaching the whole process with the Office Space mindset.