MAGA is big mad that some entitled chick was kicked out of a bar.
These same people were screeching that a baker didn’t have to bake a cake for a gay couple.
These same people were screeching that a baker didn’t have to bake a cake for a gay couple.
And the whole room laughs.
If she just took off the red hat before she came in, everything would have been fine. No one would have known.
My guess is she was looking for trouble and found it.
For a snippet.
Who cares if they are mad.
They are always mad.
Stupid bitch. They have EVERY LEGAL right to kick you out for ANY reason.
MAGA: you hurt my feelings by doing this to me not fair
I LOVE these people!!!💗
They can't help it because the MAGA's brain works so slowly
Hey, I know I guy that will sell you a cake.1😉😆
Girl bye.
That dummy needs to go where she is welcomed then, duh.
Actually, I'd feel really safe there.
I do feel like it’s just a matter of time before mango mussolini issues an executive order saying that we have to be nice to magats or bad things will happen to us 🙄
More please.
Here is a mural we installed almost two years ago of Ethridge Knight on the side of the building.
Anti-discrimination laws exist for a good reason, and being a brainless MAGA dolt doesn't fall under that umbrella. (Rightfully)
Maybe they could take the place of one of our 10 traitor senators. They certainly have more strength and courage.
💙Boo-fu@king-who ✊
Maga is the Mark of the Beast.
If someone came into my bar in a swastika hat I’d ask them to leave. It’s antisocial behaviour that can drive other business away.
Bars & clubs in particular routinely select for who can be there or not. I mean could you sue Studio 54 back in the day for not thinking you had enough flair?
“Don’t you want my proud hateful energy, entitled behavior, hypocrisy, and some bullshit troll trope scrawled on the bill instead of a tip?” 🙄
Fucking trash for fucking trash people who shouldn't even exist. Inbred pieces of shit.
Oh, and forget about mid-terms. Turdov will see to it that they won't happen.
#NoMAGATsAllowed #MAGAtsNotServedHere
One, I 💗 when the bartender goes for her baseball bat. (I have two that I keep handy.)
Two. This bar resembles incredibly well IN EVERY WAY one of the oldest bars in San Francisco. It's simply called The Saloon.
Neither do they up put with shite. 😎
WELL DONE 🩷🩷🩷👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🔥🔥🔥
How are we just learning this?
Cases of gout in leopards reaching record levels.