Dear Jake, what's left of the Republican Party is nothing more than a deranged cult now, so obviously they're all on message. And that message is "Be as racist as you like, wear Kotex on your ear and diapers to show how much you love Trump, buy a Trump bible & pretend he's not a convicted felon."
fascists, hell, authoritarians in general first and foremost = corruption and kakistocracy. If everything you do has to be catered to the whims and fantasies of one person, shit based in reality is just not gonna be done. Infrastructure, sound decisions at every level, and yep, train schedules.
This election is going to finally break the little voice in my head for some of these people that instantly suggests, ‘oh, that must be a cute joke that’s funny because it could be true’ and I could not be happier about that.
Yeah they got Hulk Hogan’s rant to come in on time before the tight ship ran aground with Trump’s 90 minute harangue/acceptance speech being the longest in history - heckuva job 👍
The irrelevance of cable news commentary remains in its death spiral
Slow clapping for RNC convention finishing on time can't be heard over the loud applause and celebratory noises at the DNC convention after party pre-party rally, Jake.
Genuine enthusiasm takes more time than being repetitively weird.
He shills for the GOP.
Leave him in the dust.
The irrelevance of cable news commentary remains in its death spiral
Genuine enthusiasm takes more time than being repetitively weird.
Kissing their asses now will not save you when they come for you, Jakey. And they will.
And fuck Tapper. This guy couldn’t be convinced Trump was bad back in 2017.