We starting to get a bigger influx of them? I’ve been blissfully shielded from ‘em here so far. Though I did go on a blocking spree while scrolling through a thread in RFK yesterday 🤷♂️
I’ve had 2-3 who tried to engage. I went through their list of following/followers and blocked if appropriate, then blocked the original person. When I see them posting fake maga info, I report them.
I hope the blocklist maintainers can keep up with the deluge without getting burned out.
On the other hand, I like seeing the low effort dipshit trolls because it's a sign of a tipping point over at the other place if they need to come over here to try to trigger the libs.
I'm sick of those concepts being hijacked by sociopaths and idiots. Each of those ideals are deeper, more meaningful in context and enriching. Dumbasses with shallow understanding and conceit use those labels and make it seem gross.
As a Christian, I hate that there are people out there that claim to be Christian that make you feel that way. I also don't know how any of them can support a certain president
Alt-text: A white pentacle on a black background, overlaid with, "If the person offering you salvation is also the one threatening you with punishment, it's not really salvation, it's extortion."
1st you subscribe to the list. then you select whether you want to mute or block who's on it. everybody who gets added to the list later also gets muted/blocked, no refresh needed. but beware that all lists may have false positives, and some list makers are not reliable, so use your judgment.
I think it’s fine to love your country (I think America is far better than many places In the world) but making it your entire personality is not it lol
I agree that those criteria for blocking are the same for me (in fact, ever since MAGAts co-opted "patriotism" I'm highly suspicious of any business with the word in their name!). I love the Starter Packs for following accounts, but will developers give us a "Blocker Pack" option?
one of my christian coworkers tried to save me last night at work after i told him i was agnostic. he prayed for me aloud before he left. it was awkward
pretty sure i’m the only non-believer at work (there’s only 8 or 9 of us), but i get your point. i’m interested in theology— i have a degree in philosophy/theology— so i didn’t mind talking to him. but it got weird at the end
I’m a Christian. A sane one. I’m NOT like those that have “Christian. Patriot. Biblical man/woman. I am who I am. A lot of them, and I mean A LOT of them don’t know the true meaning of what being a Christian really means. So, it’s unfair to be lumped up with them. I will NOT forsake who I am.
Yeah, pretty much if you need to tell me you are a Christian I'm probably blocking. If you're truly Christian, it'll show in your behavior and actions, if you need to tell me well...
If he is going to be surrounded by several halos of penises , i am curious what his bathroom would be like, that must require some advanced engineering
In Revelation, John describes the Jesus who comes to him in his vision as having hair like white wool and feet like burnished bronze. That sure sounds like some of the older men in my community, but I don't think these guys mean them!
Yep, and that is Not the honey-blond/blue-eyed white dude the fa5cists want to convince themselves is the One. C’mon, we’re talking the Middle East 2025 years ago!
There was a GOP candidate in the AZ primary who actually listed his favorite book as the Children's Illustrated Bible. And of course when asked to tell his favorite joke, he declined saying it wasn't family friendly.
The more ppl talk about Jesus, the less of a chance you’ll get a tip. Overwhelmingly, if I work an event where Jesus is mentioned- no tip. In ‘Penniless Across America’, the ppl who had the most gave the least. They tended to pass judgement instead.
I love when they claim to hold to biblical beliefs, but then list a dozen dogmas they subscribe to that were all developed 500 years after the crucifixion, and hence are post-biblical inventions.
and the bots or catfishers bio's say "I'm a god fearing man" and have a close
up profile picture and same picture or one standing by a car for their other picture.
All accounts in this list are either resistor-grifters - they profit off people's despair with current times. Or clout chasers "PLS RETWEET IF YOU THINK TRUMP BAD." Or baseless conspiracy theorists. Some of them are especially bad offenders.
np. Trump supporting MAGA are bad, we have a block list for those, but people pretending to fight them just to take advantage of their followers are bad too. Hence block list for them too.
The tolerant do not have to tolerate intolerance. You'll see how much of a silent majority you are when there's no one to talk to except your fellow bigots.
But I am a Christian (not a fake magat one...) a patriot (because I don't like fascism) and a biblical man (because I oppose tyrrany, want to help the less fortunate, forgive those who wronged me (still working on that one)
Thank you CN! Those that have to tell you they are Christian, rarely are. I’m more of a, by your actions are you known person. I do not even risk using a business if they advertise that they are Christian, I was ripped off by one a few years ago, never again!
Click the list, then subscribe button at the top and it will give you the option to mute or block.....it's strange and I was afraid I would follow the moderation list lol
I wish that you would not just generalize & jump to conclusions. I am a Progressive Christian. Yes, it's a thing. I am a United Methodist. We are all-inclusive. EVERYONE is welcome. We will marry gay couples & they can be clergy. We live by the teachings of Jesus. We are not mega-churches.
And I'm not going to push my religion on anyone. I have atheist and agnostic friends. I'm anti-mega church and everything the far right religions stand for.
Thanks for doing the work. Now ... I'm going to listen to Gilmore's solo at the end of Comfortably Numb.
On the other hand, I like seeing the low effort dipshit trolls because it's a sign of a tipping point over at the other place if they need to come over here to try to trigger the libs.
I'm not saying they're wrong.
I'm saying, just like anything you see online, know the source and look into it a bit.
People disagree with me and add me to contradictory lists.
might have been because I said "shitlib" exactly once
I'm a shit lib and a centrist.
A troll or sea lion if I don't let you bully me.
People just get upset and lash out.
Lists make those types feel powerful.
Bible should be deemed a danger to society
(I am/was a Christian - but not that kind - and I won’t put any identifiers anywhere for that very reason)
4 is about their max.
Alpha male
So cringe
But I am Christian and I am a Democrat
I never voted for Dr and never ever would
I'm not going to change who I am
their home:
Like what is even..happening here
Alpha male
web3/crypto anything
Oh wait, that’s just the subtext of their profiles…
There is some of that, so I do look around comments to check for that, to be sure.
At least that was the way they did it on Twitter
up profile picture and same picture or one standing by a car for their other picture.
Similar for those who describe themselves as Christians.....
At first baffled, then annoyed, and then he walked away.....swearing at me.
Hmmmm, not a Jimmy Carter Christian.
He still hasn't posted here yet. Hope to see him soon.
Then an option will appear to block the entire list wholesale.
Yes, the name of the button is confusing.
They really just can't help themselves can they?