It is clear that a lot of the existing leadership of the liberal order is largely weak, indecisive, risk-averse, and ineffectual.
This is not proof of the failure of political liberalism, but it does mean that much of today's leadership is going to have to be replaced with militant liberals.
This is not proof of the failure of political liberalism, but it does mean that much of today's leadership is going to have to be replaced with militant liberals.
Even NRO realizes it is nascent fascism.
But liberalism succeeded so well for so long that it became complacent.
If you have something you wanna reference me to instead, that's fine too.
We're not pining, we're FOMENTING
But keep being snotty to anti-fascists, that'll work
Did you read Plato’s Republic? It is the Republic’s owners manual.
(The same way "conservatives" are now the guys who want to tear down the entire American system.)
It may be easier to be a leader in war- clear enemy, patriotism etc.
I had high hopes for Trudeau & Macron but the malais francais is hard to beat (adjusting benefits etc)
The critical question is whether the old guard will die off soon enough that we can recover.
The reality is we need to develop new skills and systems. Ta tics and approaches to go with an attitude change.
I’ll ask what have you done personally to change your local and state party?
After the war is over this is a legitimate question but not now.
Put on your blue jacket, get in the streets and write checks.
But I use the general label because we’re going to need a broad coalition and a united front.
Politicians are loath to give up their position of power and influence while the masses are mesmerized by their TVs and placated by mainstream media.
Radical change is unlikely to happen without a major upheaval.
The current oligarchic regime literally owns the courts, house, and senate for two years.
Our elected dem officials are afraid of their own shadow. They don’t lead, they follow.
Where are our revolutions leaders?
Liberals have historically always been this way
There are many things we can do to protest that I will be posting under my acct. Pls participate!!
pretty sure this is an oxymoron.
Me watching "the adults" here trying to figure things out
No other major orgs on earth .. 'cept the totalitarians..
people who need guns to intidate people who don't want to need guns.
Not (D) fault.
Liberalism isn't a political belief/value system; it's a lifestyle brand, a pair of Pradas.
"Militant Liberals"? BWAH HA HA HA HA HA
Political leadership is political and militancy is antithetical to that. They're literally meant to play by the rules.
Social leadership, well... there's next to no liberal social leadership to speak of. And that's a big fucking problem.
with people who don't care about that.
They don't really know what they're talking about and even have culpability for MAGA.
I'm 65 and have accepted that the left just cannot fight or message.
Damn this God damn 300 character limit...
the liberal order has not failed, they have honed and refined the empire to such a degree that the only place left to increase control is at home
You want something done, go to the ones that are doing most everything else.
And we got plenty of that under Biden. And it sure worked out well with Clinton and Harris.
What a terrible mantra
The fact that liberals rouse themselves to support the war machine doesn't mean squat about good policy at home.
Maybe that's why so many of those old authoritarian regimes turned into relatively free societies whose QOL metrics blow ours away now
it's the liberal one
the one that's literally pro-virus
the only power in history to reward Donald Trump TWICE
cope less. learn more.
This whole post-mortem of liberalism doesn’t help and is really a microcosm of the problem. We over-intellectualize politics, instead of fighting together with one voice.
What we need are *leftists*. Socialists, actual progressives.
Because the problem, as always, is capitalism.
The billionaires seem to be content with the one they already got.
Where are the "militant liberals"? Who are they? Are the in the room with us now?
I'll work with whoever I need to get through this, end this, and rebuild afterward, but we're in this situation because of capitalism, and we need to do admit it.
Lesson # 2
The world needs more MBA’s like a hole in the head. Produce some BA’s who can reason instead.
Lesson # 3 ( it’s a biggy)
The government isn’t there for the corporate world to succeed…
Translation It's so much fun2watch the Penquin aka Flounder u remember fat&stupid felon 34times the big tub of goooo, the felon 'n chef bite his own ass. He's a knat.
The reason libs keep losing is because they’re so obsessed with “the rules” that they would rather lose the entire country than dare to break a rule, even as their opponents are gleefully feeding the rulebook into a paper shredder.
Many liberals think it’s ok to leave billionaires in place as long as the masses have a cap on their insulin prices.
But wealth inequality is power inequality and it keeps power concentrated.
The fighters and leaders inevitably emerge, but it takes time.
"Dear Majority Leader Schumer, if you are not using our Congress, would you mind if we borrowed it?"
Democrats in Congress are voting against cabinet members. They impeded with all night filibusters twice. And they’re filing bills to defend even knowing the measures will fail along a party line vote. Do your part
One source noted: when a general was given a unit to command during the war, they had 90 days to succeed, get fired, or get killed.
Liberalism takes credit for things around the world that really were accomplished under socialist governments.
We're watching that play out again. Leftists hand the right wing all the power "to own the libs" & inevitably the leopard is going to eat their faces
And in that, I think they are wrong. The system was used against itself and thats how we got here.
For starters: Boycott White House press briefings until they reinstate the AP.
Hell, a former Scalia clerk and Federalist Society member just showed what to do at SDNY.
And should be removed from polite society
I think this is a perfect example of what you're saying. Instead of harnessing a passionate group they try to figure out how to shut us up.
We need leftists
But also: Everyone is focusing on Congress. There's a lot of other stuff, too, like the press kowtowing.
They'll do everything in their power to prevent progressives like Bernie from getting a shot but then fall over themselves to compromise with the people that want minorities and LGBT to not exist.