Are you a constituent who has been/would be impacted by federal jobs firings, Medicaid cuts, SNAP cuts, delays in SS checks, tariffs on your business, etc.?
I'm getting lots of calls and my team is working to gather stories. Please post in the replies if you are comfortable sharing publicly ⬇️
I'm getting lots of calls and my team is working to gather stories. Please post in the replies if you are comfortable sharing publicly ⬇️
That thought gets me going.
I sorely wish Marcus Jones had won so we weren’t still stuck with French Hill here in North Little Rock, AR.
Here’s my open letter of hope on the matter of social security cuts. My work is 100% free forever. I just want to share my light. 🔵 🇺🇸 💙 🇺🇦
I am a constituent, voted for you each term, don’t let Milwaukee down and Wisconsin.
These programs are too important to let them die silently.
I have a lot of anecdotal stories,, but everyone deserves respect and I’ve seen the difference of writing off a candy bar or milk for a poor family.
I don’t mean that to be mean: I take what you’re telling me is that I’m on the right direction as a person and I need to help more.
Always athletic until.... & ... & .... happened. No family so also put off hip & C1/C2 surgeries. 28yrs in a house that is old as me & as broken down. Fortunate to have HUD help but anxieties are = skyrocket CA rents, landlady selling big $$, djt cuts as did last time in office
I hope yrs is easier & relieves the pain
No other income to me. Landlady got small boost from HUD but I also pay her more.
Buy less groceries but costs are higher every month!
Protest Trump's policies by not attending the 3/4/25 #JOINTADDRESS If you must go, walk out of the House chamber one-by-one every time a lie is spewed from the rostrum. Please encourage your colleagues to join you.
We must promote MASSIVE media coverage & steal 🍊💩’s thunder.
Reporting on the # of Americans joining town halls will send a HUGE message to other potential resistors.
SIGN! Start the momentum! LET’S GOOOO!
1. I am a Milwaukee Public Schools teacher, and Trump's gutting of the federal Department of Education worries me in many ways.
a) so much of our funding relies on federal designations or federal funding streams, including for ESL, special education, and Title I +
It is going to send the US economy—and the World’s economy with it—in to a depression.
I also have to be on Medical (Medicaid) to qualify for the assisted living waiver that I'm on.
Thank you.