This massive review doesn't once mention that it's funded by Palmer Luckey, and it's not an oversight, considering the author (and site owner) is ignoring comments about it. This is the same author who gave Tommy Tallarico a big fluff piece to promote his Amico scam. I'm detecting a pattern.
Reposted from
Time Extension
Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It. (Repost)
If you have to call out every bit of bullshit it would take up more space than the article has room for.
I do agree that the TE article should add a paragraph or two about the guy behind this project though.
I had a project at one point which would have a direct fuck you to the guy, but decided not to go ahead with it. For now.
It's hard to be a gamer with morals. There's a lot of companies in my block list now and it keeps growing.
Luckey's reputation isn't as well-known here in the UK, at least in political terms, and I admit we should have included a note in the review.
That's my bad, and the review now has one.
But yeah, big yikes.
"Sure BUT my later reporting was more critical."
"We weren't talking about later reports. You gave him carte blanche to mislead your readers while asking them for money."
"Sure BUT they didn't give him any, probably."
And affiliate links are pretty common across most websites which need to earn revenue to support their staff. Affiliates are kept totally separate from editorial, just like advertising is.
Dude has zero integrity.
Sure, supporting and funding nazis can be very "divisive" but not enough to publish an antire article about his latest toy.
Come on, you can do better than this.
regardless that's still a big yikes
Didn't help my opinion of him when Damien McFarren blocked me on Twitter soon after following when I promoted some trans rights stuff.
I get that someone has beef with me not flagging Palmer Luckey's politics in a review about a Game Boy, but man, there are some MASSIVE logical leaps being made right now 😅
It was years ago but I'm certain I'm not misremembering (and wouldn't have said anything like it if I was unsure), so I wonder if it was a fake account stirring up trouble.
he is now blocked
time extension is BLOCKED now, thank you for bringing this to my attention
i had run ins with him in the past and hes WOW
hes not exactly "core team" but a frequent contributor
Yeah the MGS2 translator thing was wild XD a few others I can remember
Also as someone from the Game Boy Modding and Restoration community, this whole thing is just hot air & fluff. It's a massively overpriced product with a dozen better options.
At the very least Palmer is not trying to pass for something he is not. Be it about VR hardware, killer drones, ridiculous cosplays, or obviously, his politics...
Most coverage of the Chromatic that I have seen (I have not looked for it that much) do mention at the very least that it is made by an arms dealer.
I separate these things personally. But to each their own.
The Oculus Rift DK1 is probably the most important tech purchase I have ever done in my life. My current career probably stem from this.
Dude was still defending it years later too. Probably still would now.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Totally not at all sus