"Friday’s sentencing hearing, as strange as this may sound, gives me hope more than it gives me pause. It leads me to believe the damage Trump has done & will continue to do can be repaired through individual acts of conscience and courage. Hear me out:" https://joycevance.substack.com/p/sentenced?utm_source=activity_item
They point to King David & others as ‘proof’!
It died two decades ago, when Anastasoff was withdrawn. Judges killed it, and the DoJ was the nurse on the operating table.
Joyce, you can't put lipstick on this pig.
Also he is one of the worst people, like attracts like.
Being born and raised in LA my heart is broken. Seeing so many places I loved as a kid and a young adult go up in flames has wrenched my soul....
But I guess I learned the hard way that it never pays to stand on principle.
No matter now.
Many people are calling him 'convicted felon.' Why not just call him convict or is that not the right descriptor?
He should have moral character, compassion, integrity, humility....
How do you teach your kids that a president should be respected when he doesn't show it?
A true leader, Trump is not.
As long as America doesn't hold people accountable for their actions, our America will see the worst version of themselves.
A sad future.
- No, no I strenuously object!
- Oh, well, if you strenuously object, then I should take time to reconsider.”
-Lt. Weinberg ‘A Few Good Men’
That scene reminds me of yesterday when the convict was “FORMALLY” convicted.
Any jail time?
But he was formally convicted.
I hope you are right.
They’ll need to be extra careful in what they vote for moving forward. Any vote promoting the convicted felon stains their record for the next elections. 🗳️
There's absolutely no reason not to have issued a fine since this was a financial crime, however. Yes, he would have appealed it all the way to SCOTUS, but it would be something
I see a generation pass through the rebuilding of the SCOTUS.
My kneejerk reaction to the sentencing is just that, no matter what he does, Trump carries on him 34 counts of felony convictions and sexual assault.
What a legacy.
So did Hungary.
So did Russia.
So did Venezuela. So did China….. so did the USA…….
Wake up….
We were/are not protected by the law but controlled by it. trump is protected by it.
As a child, visiting my father, I answered the door on Christmas Eve. It was the police. They took my dad away for a parole violation.
That's how justice works for the rest of us.
Honesty and integrity don't matter, justice isn't blind, and the great American melting pot is really a bubbling cauldron of animosity.
Justice gave Trump a kiss on the cheek, and that sucks.
The pics of that would have been priceless. :)
The companies he’s ruined, the people he’s denigrated. it's all been functional for HIM… that's NOT justice.
Americans knew such a sentence was possible when they chose him. What Americans REALLY deserve is a system of justice that proceeds without fear or favor.
IF - if the one & only chance ‘at bat’ was this case- then the actual constitutional scholars- conservative retired fed judge like Luttig should have been the one arguing the case
Given everything, the rule of law was upheld, while the need for vengeance was left unfulfilled.
If Judge Merchan had played it differently, it could so easily have had the SCOTUS sabotage it completely!
making “felon” stick is ultimately irrelevant. The situation warrants nothing but outrage. That part is why people are grumpy in the comments.
Merchan on the other hand, let the country down.At the very least,a fine was in order.
Merchan took the easy out.
Judges need to uphold the law equally or get a new profession.
we are about to see the trump revenge tour.
four years. I doubt we'll survive it.
I'm not optimistic.
Sentencing is just the cap on the bottle
By giving him a free ride, the Court demonstrated a bias in favor of the Presidency
How would a fine, interfere with Presidential duties ?
In reality since those crimes weren't while he was in office but before... He needed to be sentenced to actual jail time. And treated like the fucking criminal he is not
If it was he would have been charged, tried, and locked away on Jan 7, 2021.
Fuck off with this compromising shit. It's what fascists count on you to do.
That is the history lesson.
That is this lesson.
History shows it may correct itself over time (think hundreds of years) but never without suffering, blood & loss by the common person.
An individual refugee may survive but not without living amid suffering & the dead.
he got away with all of it. Yesterday was a charade.
Makes "double secret probation" look severe by comparison.
American Jurisprudence: The best that money can buy.
Felt like “We should feel good that people did the best they could considering rule of law is dead.”
I read it hoping for hope..
4 Justices voted against State's Rights. I dont think we can fix that.
The road we ambled onto twenty years ago: Laboring under a judocracy. And you said nothing. So, here we are.
He may escape criminal punishments, but his legacy is already set. He is the worst president ever, and one of the worst human beings to ever walk on earth.
I can’t begin to see things the way a person that celebrates Kyle Rittenhouse, can any of you?
Imagine we're falling off a cliff. For a moment, our freefall slows down (though we’re still obviously falling) and this is when she and the Dems step in to say "Yay! We are fine. See? The fall isn’t as bad as you think."
While technically true, the reality remains: we’re still falling.
"We're totally fucked. This is bad. No idea how this gets fixed but here are some ideas. Lets get to work."
as opposed to
"I have preternatural knowledge of Law that disagrees with your eyes and ears."
But Joyce keeps saying whats happening isnt really happening.
“If we wake up to a headline tomorrow morning that says Bob Mueller has finished his work and he will not be indicting any more cases, that does not mean that this is over, or even close.”
- Joyce Vance 2019
Sure, he would have appealed it, but the message that Trump doesn’t get special treatment would have been sent.
The reasons we are in this mess? Laurence "Living Constitution" Tribe and KBJ. https://www.scribd.com/document/563913365/Litigant-Letter-in-Opposition-to-the-Nomination-of-Ketanji-Brown-Jackson-to-Become-an-Associate-Justice
Heard you; agree with your fundamental point - NOT ALL was trampled and lost; my sense is, though, that more than what you describe was. The road back will be most difficult given the complicity of so many, particularly among the powerful. To get back, we'll need others beyond that class.
I’m with you, Joyce. 🩵
I think it would behoove everyone to listen to the sentencing hearing.
We were told for years that justice was about to happen, but no justice ever came.
We're a failed state with a corrupt justice system, rotten from the top down. The DOJ and the courts are jokes.