Was reminded of this tweet. It's funny because I think I have seen Marxists and alt-left carry water for Trump more in these 3 weeks than any diehard lib.
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Every accusation a confession, and none so blatant as accusations that someone doesn’t have any real beliefs. That should be the first warning you’re dealing with a beefsteak Nazi.
they weren't really jokes, even though he calls them that. He unironically thinks a fascist regime that's starting a pogrom against immigrants is "average." It's honestly a dangerous form of stupidity.
How about back in 2020 when he said that Americans deserve everything Trump will do to us because Bernie Sanders still wasn't popular enough to win a primary?
It could be this one but not sure, although in my memory he was doing later, it was in reference to Gaza and Biden specifically (not Harris so that fits) but it could be faulty, since this doesnt call to vote for Trump, just not vote for Biden, I may in fact have been mistaken on the nuance.
I think I've seen that tweet at the time. Thank you for bothering to dig it up. I do remember him saying something along the lines off "you should always attach your vote to conditions, even if you intend to vote for someone regardless." Anyway, the pictured tweet in isolation is bad.
it wasnt even in service to accelerationism, at least for all it's faults that is a 'theory' of change, my sense at the time in context was those statements were just about shitting on the US and liberals. Who knows though what the explicit nuance he intended was or if his followers understood.
That specific user demanded Americans not vote for Biden unless he negotiated a ceasefire in the Gaza strip. Biden met the demand. Then the user continued to post surreal pro-Trump apologia.
Michelle Obama was friendly to him one time in an official setting. She was supposed to flip the table and throat-punch him like in their Revolutionary fantasies.
Shaun constantly claiming fascism and liberalism were the same thing is going to be fun to remember in these upcoming 4 years where we're unironically going to see more harm come to the American people than we have since the great depression
Pretty much every "Marxist" I've interacted with online is a manchild who fantasizes about communal living situations in which other people (women) do the cooking & chores so they can podcast all day. A good chunk of them will ooze over to Trump, if they haven't already.
I used to do activist stuff with a guy who talked about "the revolution" at parties. Multiple people privately told me he was the worst roommate they ever had, a total pig who didn't clean up after himself. He wasn't very effective either, but he did get earned media protesting the local Chamber.
... Too bad it was over an issue the Chamber didn't have that much to do with. It's not that they don't suck really hard, but the protest accomplished zilch.
A lot of "he's no worse than Biden or Bush, who are both the same politically" and "sure he's bad just like all capitalists are bad, but at least he can get things done" and "at least he isn't a war monger like Kamala or Biden, he even got a ceasefire deal!"
With a lot of these "leftists" I can't help suspecting that they're doing the 'but Trump isn't so bad' thing because they have to justify their failure to vote against him (i.e. vote for the Woman).
Look at how they instantly jumped to dead wife jokes when Patton Oswalt called them out on enabling fascism. They clearly know deep down they're not good people who care about good outcomes.
The general liberal view is "I hate him" (same as centre-left and the general socialist-leaning left approach, this big alliance of utter HATE). And that was true in 2019! Bush only got rehabbed _in comparison to the current guy_
Got it.
Well, I guess I am a stupid lib now but at least I did not vote for a caudillo.
and of course cheney himself did, and their legacies are tied
And who could forget "you think he's the only president who rigged an election? As if the DNC doesn't rig things?"