Sometimes you see something that makes you realize that another person's mind is just always going to be a locked door to you, a total mystery. Impenetrable. For me that was Gavin Newsom making his debut podcast episode a talk with Charlie Kirk
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Newsome is no dummy. Dems need a new way forward. Maybe its a smart idea. Kirk has a huge MAGA reach.
Since these cuts to jobs etc., took place some MAGA may find Newsome has credibility etc. Worth a try.
How else do you reach FLYOVER COUNTRY?¿ the vast flatland where the choices are Country & Western OR talk radio?? The Right wing talk radio has it locked
That’s the thing. We don’t need to. There are always going to ppl who believe the Republican Party gives a shit about them. The fact is these ppl and the Nazis are a minority. We absolutely should not be reaching out to Joe Rogan or Charlie Kirk. The ppl listening the are too far gone.
What we need to be doing is reaching out to ppl on a local level. We need to learn to engage ppl in a way that makes them understand that it’s their duty to care about politics. That things aren’t perfect but who you vote for actually does have an impact on your life.
Hey I’m originally from flyover country and let me say: you reach them by treating them as humans with real problems (generally economic) instead of assuming they’re all unwashed apes hooting for the oppression of minorities you fucking idiot
Yeah let's go capitulate more to the fascists, why don't you go fucking polish their boots, why don't you go slurp their fucking balls, maybe that'll earn you a couple votes from the GoP's base
I propose that the new way forward is actually arresting people who have committed crimes against our country instead of having lunch with them. Just a thought.
A democrat politician who goes on speaking tours with right wing media is either trying to appeal to working class people or trying to convince the right wing that they are pro status quo and not against them.
I’ll let you decide which type of democrat Newsom is.
I think it’s pretty questionable to be a sitting elected & having a podcast, but if he was going to do it, how about having on a laid off federal worker, or a trans person to talk about how Trump’s policies affect them?
Yeah, he's done a few eyebrow raisers before this, but what the fuck! There is no both sides, it truth or lies. Fuck Gavin, I'd rather listen to AOC, Pete B., anyone on the squad, Bernie, Gov. Walz and anyone that boosts the left. The Right has enough in their pockets.
Not a fan of Mr. Newsome. Like most Californians long overdue for safe affordable housing! However, would prefer to be listening to his podcast than a podcast featuring: DT/EM/ or DOGE!
Newsome is an elitist that grew up best friends with Gordon Getty. His reaching across the aisle to Republicans is him just showing who he is. A Republican in all but name.
Pushing ideas into their media space is exactly what's needed right now. Do you think he will fail? Did you need a pound of his flesh before he went there and schooled them? I'm not sycophant of his but in THEIR face is required here and he's nearly as capable as Pete. We don't get this opportunity
Yes, he will fail. And more generally, Dems will fail as long as they do reason and logic pageants with nazis rather than promising to grind them into dust.
Complain because it's not enough or bitch that nothing was done. Support even the smallest efforts and they multiply. If he makes just one crack in their thought, it's worth 3 hrs of his day. It's on their turf and I'm all for taking it to em.
wait are you talking about newsome or kirk? we’re saying a democrat should not be platforming a far right extremist on the democrat’s show. what good would that do when absolutely no trump voter will listen to gavin newsome?
Newsome but Kirk's fans are cultists and will tune in just to hear their hero "take it to Newsome." It's more reach than we've had and cracks are cracks. Injecting some reality into their ecosystem is worth it and if Newsome fails, he lowers his chances at a nom next go. Win for progressives there.
Well turns out the only crack is newsom’s waffling on trans rights with Kirk when even a milquetoast ally should be able to muster “I’m not discussing sports till you get a grip on restrooms.” Better luck next time.
And which Reich wing podcaster would that be? In the long, long ago I'd be with ya on this, but we don't need him to speak to us. I'm glad his first foray isn't self sabotage or a quisling Fox style interview but an out loud "I'll fight you on your turf first" attitude.
I listened to the episode and genuinely can’t figure out who his intended audience is supposed to be. Liberals will find it aggravating, he won’t persuade moderates as he failed to coherently counter a single one of Kirk’s arguments, and conservatives are a lost cause. It was truly baffling.
I'll do you one better: I worked in the Tenderloin with under/non-housed people when he was a Supervisor and that guy is a slicked-back haircut weasel shirt motherfucker
Our mayor did that nonsense too! Mostly in the more Black/brown parts of the city. (I’m in NY.) Did they have a group chat & decide to both roll out that foolishness?
Unless I missed something though, most of those garbage cans came back shortly after. And now we have even larger garbage cans, rolly bins, and compost bins. Also, so far as I can tell, 90% of delis ignore the plastic bag ban. Wtf was all that about?
Inwood here, and they're now mostly the old metal basket kind and the newer large cabinet kind. My work neighborhood is Morningside and its garbage cans came back after COVID--but likely more to do with Columbia than with the city tbh.
I'm trying to imagine someone thinking, "hey, Gavin Newsom talking with Charlie Kirk, that sounds like something really compelling I should listen to during my commute" and I can't picture this person at all. Nothing comes up. It's like the CIA has erased a memory I never had
I would have to imagine he is attempting to break through boundaries to a degree - although Charlie Kirk is way way out there on the extreme side. Not sure if he is even willing to hear the other side to the issues.
Everyone in this thread trying to explain why this is brilliant strategy on Newsom's part, allow me to offer the counterargument that it's because he sucks actually
"Mandatory inspections of children's genitals so they can play school sports is good actually" - a belief that should get you thrown into a deep pit that is sealed with a giant boulder
I’m a documentary photographer. I’ve been working on a project in the trans community for half a decade. Tbh many transfolk know that this issue has brought the spotlight in them in ways that have actually caused more harm than good. I think it’s smart to shift more towards the center. Less fodder
LMFAO. Maybe they had a good vagina steam afterwards and laughed about the whole thing. I bet Newsome recommended several naturopaths and dentists who could get Charlie to have shorter and less horrifying gums. Bro stuff.
I’m not even gonna bring up that snakes literally don’t have ears. They have inner ear workings and can feel vibrations from sounds and yea Charlie Kirk’s vibes are just awful lmao.
Either he came up with this bad idea and everyone hates him so they didn't tell him it was a stupid idea OR everyone hates him so they came up with this stupid idea because they knew he'd think it was a good idea.
This is the fundamental problem with liberals. They keep thinking you can have a spirited debate with someone who has no interest in telling the truth.
Yeah unless Newsom essentially plans to pin the guy to wall and make him look like a fool and a p*ssy this is all a waste of time. The slogans of the parties are “don’t be an asshole” and “don’t be a p*ssy.” Regardless, there are going to be kids in cages.
Meeting with a mentally stunted fascist wasn't a smart debut. Follow it up with an interview of the Tate bros and everyone can cross Gavin off for good.
Why are Dems always making stupid mistakes like this? Kirk is really extreme. How about just talking to regular people? Why is it not cool to talk to Jane or John about what their needs are?
this isn't exactly that, though. Newsom isn't going on Kirk's podcast, it's the other way around. greatly reduces the odds that one of Kirk's listeners is going to watch at all, let alone stick around for the whole thing.
Wait until the Illinois counties realize they're not sloughing off on all of Cook County's revenue. Marion County can barely cover Indianapolis ... Gerrymandering and all!
I guess the idea is that Charlie Kirk fans will listen and be persuaded by Newsom's questions and challenges... I don't think it will help anything. If we want to defeat Kirk and his ilk, we need to make reality based media more appealing than hateful fantasy media and plough money into it.
A proof that both Rs AND Ds as well don't mind making money from fake and invented outrage. They are happy to 'scratch each other's back' if it benefits them both. That's why most of them don't do squat at the moment, to fight the hostile gvt takeover.
I like Gavin Newsom well enough I've been successfully avoiding Charlie Kirk for years, despite being aggressively served his promoted videos every time I go looking for funny animals on YouTube. Not gonna stop now. I have zero interest in that person's opinions on anything, no matter who is asking.
I go for the simplest explanation. Pinch Face has a large number of loyal listerners. God know why. Newsom is usually well prepared with facts and data. Something Pinch Face's audience dislikes or is allergic to. If I had to guess, Newsom just wanted to get the dissention points out to the deaf.
Newsom went on FOX with de Santis and humiliated him right out of the presidential race. Uneducated Kirk is no match for Newsom. Nothing wrong with taking it right to these a-holes. Better than Jeffries on a book tour or Schumer cowering for AIPAC.
Why? It’s like the Morning Joe pair saying they went to talk to Trump to get the measure of the man. If you don’t know that by now you’re a fucking idiot.
What a stupid question. Mine was a simple question as to whether or not your preference is friendly voices, or it was a jab at your useless outrage, fuckface.
I'm assuming you arent the target audience, Newsome is stupidly thinking that if he meets the fascists in fascist land he'll unfascist them. but that's because he is neoliberal trash and has more in common with fascists than normies.
That's what happens when they hire political advisors to tell them how to join the digital media circus. They get some dullard that tells them to try to become Joe Rogan because, hey it worked for him.
It would have been enough and much more authentic for Newsom to just go _on_ some podcasts.
He's doing what Pete Buttigieg has done. He's gone where his message needs to be heard the most. Pete said he went on Fox News b/c he needed to go where people who wouldn't see him elsewhere could get to know who he was and what he's about. It's been a good strategy for countering the propaganda.
I guarantee you that not a single Charlie Kirk listener will listen to the podcast. They'll listen to clips that Charlie puts on his own show, ones designed to show how Kirk "owned" the super-lib (lol) Newsome.
People showed up and listened to/watched Buttigieg's Town Hall on Fox News. If the right people do it, it's very effective. They may not like anything he has to say, but it's still worth trying. It's better than just ignoring them. It shows we aren't afraid of them.
Fuck you. I have never voted for a Republican in my life and never will. Florida is an occupied state due to 20+ years of GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression. It's nearly impossible to out vote and out organize that level of corruption.
Fox News makes sense, people watch and Pete was able to speak sense.
A podcast with Charlie Kirk is just giving ammunition to Kirk to clip his wins and and make it look like he owned Newsom.
He's a governor and all he could get was a niche guy that isn't too charismatic, it's a dud episode unless you were courting the weirdest Republicans intentionally.
At least get a Kennedy center lifetime achievement honoree like Kid Rock. Class it up a bit.
Gavin has always come across as a sleazy prick interested more in his own political aspirations than the people he serves. The democratic party would be wise to stay far away from him, which means he'll probably be a favorite in the next episode of Controlled Opposition Primary Season.
I'll always be thankful for Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom for marrying gay couples in San Francisco before gay marriage was legal. They both faced a lot of backlash from the other Democrats, including Pelosi!
They were on the right side of history and continue to be.
Pete goes into the fray too!
Agreed and thank you for mentioning this. I will always like Gavin for putting the people before his career. San Franciscan here and there was no better day for many of my friends than that one and I was a witness to the love. He’s perfect compared to Shitler.
Pete has spent more time on rightwing media than virtually anyone that I can think of.
Is he to be condemned too?
How has refusal to engage with them helped us so far?
“What if we just talked it out with the people who want us dead?”
Endless efforts at bipartisanship has only shifted the country to the right and achieved half measures that are now being rolled back, and you think the problem is that no one engaged with the fascists enough? Come on.
Making compromises with evil is one thing. It's completely different to have a good guy go on bad guy shows and present his views to the LISTENERS. Maybe some people in the echo chamber will go "Oh, I never heard it was like this, let me check it out". Not all, but some.
At what point did I say that? Don't make up things and try to pin them on me!
Again . . .
Pete Buttigieg has consistently been on rightwing media! He's been commended for it.
How is this different?
Frankly, I couldn't do it and I'm an enthusiast of the choppy choppy anyway!
Sorry, I was overreacting, but I fundamentally disagree that we need to engage more with people like Kirk.
Going on right wing media as a representative of the government is very different than inviting a known fascist onto your own show. The baseline should be to not platform these people.
There's something to be said for inviting the far-right or going to their shows and explaining to their fans why they're wrong about everything...
That's not what Cenk did, and I doubt that's what Newsom did.
Do you remember when Samantha Bee hugged it out with Glenn Beck and... nothing happened?
It's also not controlled by Kirk.
They're very good at playing games and manipulation!
I'd rather Newsom than most other Democrats. He's quick witted and fearless!
Perhaps I've given the wrong impression. I'd rather none of these people be on a platform at all.
*Unless, it includes the choppy choppy anyway!*
Regardless, he's already a well-known name.
Exposure to an audience that may be less familiar with his garbage is shining a light under the rock!
Not with Kirk, with his audience. We need them to listen and maybe, just maybe, absorb some truth and common sense. Though it is tempting, we cannot just write them off. We need to be there when disillusionment with this administration starts. Newsome and Buttigieg are playing the smart long game.
It depends on who you choose. Kirk has said more than once how he wears the badge of racist with pride. It means he's over the target. He says it always gives him pause when he boards a flight with a black pilot. He platforms other bigots, misogynists on his podcast.
Whatever time spent with Newsom wasn't going to make Kirk see the light and it only serves to give Kirk legitimacy. Imagine if the republican party had put the kibosh on Trump right away instead of legitimizing him? Kirk shouldn't be talking to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that he has more air than he knows what to do with.
Exposure to daylight is always a good thing.
Everyone is just speculating at this point!
They were married for five years twenty years ago. I remember back then and she wasn't so obviously batshit.
As for his plan . . .
I just looked it up and that kinda sounds like the plan.
Well . . .
More national exposure for an obvious Whitehouse run!
You realize that I'm not his advisor . . .
Sadly, there are a lot of young impressionable people who listen and yes I think it’s important to point out the lies, flaws and racism. Someone has to confront it. Confronting it on Bluesky does nothing. They aren’t reading this. They aren’t watching msnbc etc.
Isn’t he the Turning Point guy? Why would you give up like that? Those are young people. You can get them to pause their thinking. People change, they get wiser. How do you expect to ever win? What are you afraid of?
you don’t even have a firm grasp of who Charlie Kirk is. You cannot get avowed white supremacists and neo nazis to “pause their thinking” with Gavin fucking Newsom. Best case scenario he’s exploited as a lolcow worst case scenerio he gives Kirk legitimacy and mainstream exposure
i know somebody who used to do coke in bar bathrooms with Gav in SF long ago but like...not THAT long ago so... Also, he used to be MARRIED to Kimberly Guilfoyle. He's not exactly man of mystery.
Before he ran for political office, Gavin Newsom was a successful business person. He’s also shrewd enough to realize that shock value and outrage draw in people. Is it exploitive to draw in a large number of people to witness a train wreck? Newsom is doing what ambitious business people do.
I didn’t hear the podcast, so I based my opinion solely on the fact that he was trying to get people to check out a potential train wreck. Whether he agreed with Kirk or not, we all know (as Lewis Black might say) Kirk is one hair shy of being an ape.
Why? There was no reason. Why do I think you didn't hear the interview or read the text?
He was talking about competition. That's all. He said it was unfair. It is.
A train wreck for speaking the truth. As the elected official who has done more for trans people than probably any other?
These guys live in echo chambers, Newsom and Buttigieg are the voices of reason in their circles because they are brave. That’s the logic I see in it - but I didn’t listen to the podcast yet
Dems/progressives don’t have a media juggernaut like the right. We desperately need one. Newsom talking to Kirk, as disgusting as he is, at least lets the right hear a different message. They are all brainwashed so it will take more than just this.
The way Rs got ahead was having other Rs only say things in support of other Rs. We need to do that, too. Dems never say anything in support of other Dems in a meaningful way.
Thing is though, Charlie Kirk and his followers exist in a Right-wing info bubble, and if noone from the 'other side' engages to provide alternative views, how is that ever gonna change?
Kirk and Co don't just exist in the bubble, they created the bubble. An hour or two long chat isn't going to change that. And it also platforms Kirk's ugliness. Although perhaps he tried to tone it done to appear more normal.
I used to think that, but as usual, I'm ahead of the crowd. If we don't start getting along and protesting together, the US doesn't have much of a chance of surviving.
As an Australian whose hobby is American politics, I've been watching this unfold with a somewhat unique viewpoint for years. I'm convinced the real division in the U.S. started with the fact that millions of Americans couldn't handle having a black POTUS in Obama and Trump legitimized that.
Yeah man I see all the downsides. Honestly. But a lot of people in that bubble have never heard someone from the other side just have a 'chat' with someone from theirs. When Right-wing influencers continuously demonize & dehumanize everyone from the Left, a different approach might...
at least go some way to mitigating that. Their *concept* of Newsom is nothing but an enemy incapable of non-political dialogue, not a thinking soul. I consider it a smart move by him bc the alternative is the status quo.
We will disagree. Our history shows that when you coddle bigots, the South rises again. And here we are. The status quo is to continue to run to these people, begging them to see our humanity, if we can just put the right words together. The onus is on them.
Yep, well said. I see your point and am happy to agree to disagree. That's what this platform is and should be all conversations. In cases like this, there are valid arguments for both sides, bc it's complex. We are too often precious about our opinions.
I don’t have an issue with Newsom doing a podcast but why give that A-hole an audience? So many other things to podcast about if he wants to run for higher office.
Hmm. Well yes the whole playing field has shifted to the right. Far left “extremists” are no longer taking hostages to achieve objectives whilst the far-right takes the whole world hostage with anti-thinkism, per usual.
I remember Newsom from the time he had a fundraising dinner at the French Laundry during Covid lockdown. I’ve since been searching in vain for evidence that he is something other than a power hungry hypocrite.
I hadn’t even heard that. He’s going to run for Pres in 28 and this seems like some kind of weird attempt to show he’s not an extreme lefty and can reach across the aisle. But hilariously he’s just as out of touch as every other big ticket Dem.
When I first saw Gavin in California as a candidate, I thought for sure he was Republican. He's really an independent in his governing, but don't tell either party that. They are so far apart, they've forgotten what the middle looks like.
For me it was a relative who is a well educated, intelligent man who once(many years ago) laughed at Donald Trump(the self made man),and praised Joe Biden and is now 100 % a MAGAt. I truly can’t fathom it is the same man…and I can’t break through.
I just found out that journalist Maria Ressa, who won the Nobel peace price for fighting against misinformation and social media hate campaigns, had to contend against Trump supporters at dinner with her OWN family. It's insane!
Bouffant of the West meet Gums of the Right… it’s just more absurdity in this Kafka fever dream we are all trapped in, I can try and philosophise it away but my brain hurts
For me it was sort of a moment the world becoming clearer. "Oh", I thought. "So *that* explains that bad feeling he's been giving me since day one." I was right about John Edwards and I was apparently right here :(
Since these cuts to jobs etc., took place some MAGA may find Newsome has credibility etc. Worth a try.
Stop obeying in advance
I’ll let you decide which type of democrat Newsom is.
That explains it
Walz: I'm working things out with Canada
Newsom: Smoooooth right wing chat 😉
It’s a chance to say something to people who would never listen otherwise. Be careful.
Like, if that doesn't explain enough about him and his awful political positions, I don't know what will
(More seriously, I get that Dems need to break into more right-wing information silos. This just seems like not a good way to do that?)
The wackiness is limitless!
It is not, in fact, smart.
He’s normalizing nazis once again.
They act like they care for your votes and to keep their jobs and bank account full.
Had that piece of shit on for the conservative crowd to listen, more listens more 💰 💰 💰
Sorry. I'm a man of letters and all that ...
We live in NW Indiana and long for the day when we can just shimmy over and join Illinois.
there you go
anything for money
He's a shark, but the guy can't stop stepping on rakes.
but also
It would have been enough and much more authentic for Newsom to just go _on_ some podcasts.
A podcast with Charlie Kirk is just giving ammunition to Kirk to clip his wins and and make it look like he owned Newsom.
They made their beds, now light them on fire while they sleep.
All of turning points messaging is complete shit. I hate everyone of those fucking cunts.
At least get a Kennedy center lifetime achievement honoree like Kid Rock. Class it up a bit.
They were on the right side of history and continue to be.
Pete goes into the fray too!
Is he to be condemned too?
How has refusal to engage with them helped us so far?
Endless efforts at bipartisanship has only shifted the country to the right and achieved half measures that are now being rolled back, and you think the problem is that no one engaged with the fascists enough? Come on.
Again . . .
Pete Buttigieg has consistently been on rightwing media! He's been commended for it.
How is this different?
Frankly, I couldn't do it and I'm an enthusiast of the choppy choppy anyway!
Going on right wing media as a representative of the government is very different than inviting a known fascist onto your own show. The baseline should be to not platform these people.
That's not what Cenk did, and I doubt that's what Newsom did.
Do you remember when Samantha Bee hugged it out with Glenn Beck and... nothing happened?
They're very good at playing games and manipulation!
I'd rather Newsom than most other Democrats. He's quick witted and fearless!
*Unless, it includes the choppy choppy anyway!*
Regardless, he's already a well-known name.
Exposure to an audience that may be less familiar with his garbage is shining a light under the rock!
Exposure to daylight is always a good thing.
Everyone is just speculating at this point!
As for his plan . . .
I just looked it up and that kinda sounds like the plan.
Well . . .
More national exposure for an obvious Whitehouse run!
You realize that I'm not his advisor . . .
Yeah he’s a psycho.
The reasonable expectation was that Newsom would have schooled Kirk as he famously did with Sean Hannity in discussing Joe Biden‘s record.
He was talking about competition. That's all. He said it was unfair. It is.
A train wreck for speaking the truth. As the elected official who has done more for trans people than probably any other?
has nowhere else to go.
It's not?
Shame. Would've explained a lot if it were.
Our party is going to go through things. I for one will help to make sure.
We’ve hate them for a while for refusing to help farmers and immigrants in obtuse ways, and being shit to unhoused people