Reading a biography of Burgess, one of the Cambridge Five, and it struck me that a distinctive feature of the espionage world of the 1920s-50s or so is how literary it is. Lots of writers who became spies, and spies who became writers. That contributes to the air of fantasy about the whole affair
And yes, a very exchangeable collection of spies and scribblers.
I can't think of one from the hard core landed aristocracy.
A wiki search elicited this:
and this in the links:
Now that the only ideology is money, it's not as interesting.
Just finished The Master Spy. Knightley. If you haven’t read it…do.
Gotta have a good imagination when trying to find pieces or gaps in a moment of pattern recognition.
Or it used to be...
Not like the current crop, what what?
This lot? Not a bit cricket, old boy.
When the Chengdu Hugo mess blew up, I was immediately reminded of the Soviet propaganda campaigns.