What are some cool places to visit in Taiwan outside of Taipei? I may go there for a bit to work remotely and hang out.
I like history, archaeology, museums, hiking and the outdoors, and good food (but game for anything).
I like history, archaeology, museums, hiking and the outdoors, and good food (but game for anything).
He got a big list of places sorted partly thematically here:
@taiwantrailsandtales.com has a great guide on hiking that can be found here https://taiwantrailsandtales.com/
There’s Parkbus Taiwan that organizes hiking trips to trails that are inaccessible by public transport and also deals with the required permits https://parkbus.com.tw/C/us/home
1) I feel like Kaohsiung is underrated as a city and is quite cool, at least to visit
2) echoing what other people said re: the entire east coast, but taitung is particularly chill
3) kinmen is probably too out of the way but def interesting
Kaohsiung on the southern tip is also chill, lots of beach areas and hiking trails and various museums.
For Taipei to Hualien, train is more like two hours.
Plus the occasional earthquake and typhoon…
Oh, and drink the tea. ☕️ All the tea.
Previously went to Taipingshan near Yilan. It has hot springs, hiking and a bit of history. There’s a coach trip from Yilan but it helps if you speak Chinese.
Tainan is good for temples and history.
All other museums I loved: Taipei fine arts museum, modern art museum (small one but the adjacent neighborhood is a trove of old architecture/font sightseeing), Tina Keng Gallery always have interesting shows, and Jut Art Museum
Definitely if you have the chance do a bike road trip down the east coast (highway 11 or 9). We did that a few years back and it was one of the most memorable trips in my life