These are the people you’re talking about when you blanket condemn all “liberals,” by the way - I bet you money these women almost all proudly identify as liberals and would be *mystified* by the extremely online idea that that’s somehow a bad thing.
Reposted from
Someone in the crowd started an anti-trans rant at the Markey town hall and was immediately swarmed by a bunch of older lib women who shouted her down and chased her out, like a bunch of crows chasing away a predator.
Apparently I’m a “shitlib” because I’d prefer something like a national health service over M4A. 🙄
This person also said that Liberals were politically irrelevant which has gotten under my skin bc of it being a complete rejection of reality.
It's not a bad place to be.
The anti liberal thing comes off very much as anti these ladies. And the women’s march. And the women everywhere who write letters and reliably vote
I do not agree that we should be calling them “liberals” as an insult, because that means many of our strongest less-online soldiers catch strays.
If you mean feckless politicians SAY THAT
How do you change that system without a boatload of money? Bit of a conundrum.
Any leftist criticizing him for his transphobia would get accused of supporting Trump. This is exactly how it's played out for the past decade.
This is textbook No True Scotsman.
like. i get that it is frustrating, and lonely, to be in the fringe. sometimes it's because there is still persuasion work to do (queer rights, frex). sometimes it's that your ideas aren't good? either way, stop treating us like shit please lol
"Gavin Newsom *acts* like a liberal.. when he wants votes in California."
"A quisling is someone who pretends to believe in liberal values, then defects the moments he thinks the polls tells him to tack right."
"He's in this for one person: him"
a ton of these ppl are just bullshitters
"There's a genre of terminally online liberal who believes all self-identified leftists are [insert name of podcaster] and act accordingly."
Or use terms like "blueMAGA" or "blueAnon", like there are Democrats driving around with Biden or Harris flags flying from their family SUV or painting images of Biden as a war god.
I just find it’s a poor term to use because the equivalence dies immediately upon 2 seconds of honest inspection. Dems just are not cultish like MAGA are.
I think the closest we got was occasional “Dark Brandon” memes. And that was an entirely different context.
which means not quite old enough to remember "Love me, I'm a liberal," but the point remains.
also wine moms are excellent, pass the bottle and the stamps
To see people you would otherwise consider ‘on the same side’ start doing it has been baffling
They are the epitome of “a little confused, but they got the spirit.”
This is fucking great in a popular front, and really annoying in replies to your shitpost that’s only intelligible to depressed millennials who used Twitter from 2010-2016.
Its just a bunch of grievances and confusing signals.
Centrists are not moderates; if you hold non-liberal views you are not a liberal. Trans people deserve to be treated as people. Should be simple.
Their somewhat gate-keepy mindset is counterproductive, and it seems like they're more focused on ideological purity than actually fighting oppression and bigotry.
We need to form a UNITED FRONT against Tr*mp and his fellow MAGA Scum!
Bigotry should not be accepted. At all.
And tbh I'm cool with both Leftists and Liberals in general, because right now, I just want that bastard Tr*mp and his MAGA crew out of office BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Bigotry should not be accepted. At all.
See, this is the problem. "Purity tests" are okay when a Republican isn't a threat. But if the "impure" Dem is up against a Republican...suddenly "purity tests" are bad again, & leftists are mean.
I’m disgusted by what Newsome did, but I’m not fighting him until AFTER 45 is go e.
Total shit, but fighting someone even worse who we were also fighting. Some similar goals.
Doesn’t that make more sense than fighting amongst ourselves?
I totally disagree with Newsome. He’s not my or your BFF. He is, however, fighting 45.
Allies aren’t friends, they just share some similar goals.
We're starting to see rifts between Tr*mp and El*n.
And now I'm told I am the thing preventing society from progressing.
Are there problematic liberals? YUP. Are there liberals who lean too far right? YUP.
There are also problematic and unserious leftists, too. And accelerationist leftists. 🤷♂️