Ok, but that’s an incredibly stupid answer, made more so by the self satisfied attitude it held. The reason that guy is so nonplussed about coal is that he doesn’t even understand why the question would be posed in the first place.
He's just getting zero engagement on his own posts and so is piggybacking on others to get some kind of feedback from the app. They're scrofulous dopamine addicts scraping through the cigarette but if other people's posts looking for a hit.
Getting "no you're stupid" is more satisfying than nothing
Unpleasant reply guys are pretty common. There are more than 200 billion of them in the USA alone, not even counting trolls and assholes who do their thing offline. I don't think they're any more like "a swarm of locusts" than any other type of posters, such as vaguebookers. Vaguebookers are locusts
honestly lol I thought I had some good repliers in there, we had some good chattin'. there was one guy I blocked who was being all annoying and trying to sass being like "chemist here. water is basic and so are you" and THAT guy sucked ass.
Legit, water is super weird.
It's a hydride of a reactive nonmetal.
Like, in a list of hydrides of reactive nonmetals, you've got HF, HCl, H2O, HBr... 3/4th of those are acids that will dissolve your tissues, but water we need to live?
Really weird. 😂
Getting "no you're stupid" is more satisfying than nothing
It's a hydride of a reactive nonmetal.
Like, in a list of hydrides of reactive nonmetals, you've got HF, HCl, H2O, HBr... 3/4th of those are acids that will dissolve your tissues, but water we need to live?
Really weird. 😂