Great crowd! Wish I could have made it! I watched it all live on AOC & Bernie blew it out!!! So inspiring! Fight the Oligarchy!!! Thank you Denver for turning out! I love this town! ❤️🇺🇸
the ironic reality is that that bubble of propaganda was more fragile than they expected, as soon as they leave it out, they witness just how much Hate they are getting and coming back inside is impossible because they now know,
nobody like them and they are incapable of changing it
We’ve had some rallies in Ohio and not one local news group is showing them. And of course legacy media doesn’t show it either. The only place I see it is on MSNBC.
Its a very small start. In the UK we have had 500000 marches that resultnin the Government ignoring us in even bigger numbers. They arent scared of protest marches when they run your media.
Denver is not even close in population density to London. Ridiculous comparison. Watermelons to grapes. The American West is not comparable to anywhere in Europe in terms of population density. Except in LA and maybe the bay. But we will riot harder than anyone in the US. It’s a start, don’t hate.
Even though i am very happy to finally see the American populace take action, I have to agree with this. Just a month or so ago in germany there were half a million people protesting in Berlin against *the prospect* of our far right working with the centre right. 3 million people total on 1200 demos
*correction: there were half a million people germany wide protesting that weekend, 120.000 in Berlin. The 3 million total were ~from Jan. 1st to election day
Now you see why Democrats lost so badly. Borders, inflation, gas, food, building materials, endless wars were not important. Just schoolyard name calling and Trump, Trump, Trump. I hope Democrats keep this proven losing strategy up forever.
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
Maybe I shouldn’t be bitter but I sure hope every last eligible one of them voted for Harris. EVERY one. Because anyone who stayed home or wrote in someone else or whatever… they’re truly the ones who had the power to prevent this and chose not to.
AOC, the time is now. The country needs bold, fearless leadership, and you are the future. I urge you—run for President. Millions are ready to fight for you, for justice, for the people. We’re done with corporate rule. Let’s make history together!
They made sure Biden got elected. They have a history of this. The shafted Wallace for Truman. The party would never allow a working class supporter gain the presidency.
remember when bernie fired all his staff who protested gaza and demanded a ceasefire? remember when aoc sold out the same and took down her foreign policy page as soon as she got into office
You dumb fucks are looking for a messiah to free you from tyranny, when the only one who can do that is yourselves. Sanders has been in politics for decades...he's part of the establishment
I wish I was there 🙋🏼♀️💙🇺🇸I love you guys! The kids are great too! I call them the best thing I want to listen to these days! AOC & Crockett need to unplug MTG’s mic 🎤 for me🤣💦
Unfortunately this is not part of Sanders’ message. He was just here in WI railing against the oligarchy, while never mentioning the Supreme Court race, or voting on April 1st. Not unusual for “the Bern.”
Bernard, A Vote for the Ds is a Vote to continue the Corporate Duopoly that creates Fascism as its Byproduct. No, the Rs can get as Fascist as they want, they have no opposition party and the Ds' will aid and abet them the entire way.
#GreenParty #CorporateDuopoly #EndStageCapitalism
A few months ago the majority of these people rallied genocide Joe & holocaust Harris. Several years ago they told Bernie supporters he was unelectable & pushed him out in favor of Clinton/Biden. This is nothing but opportunity to elevate Dems back into relevancy.
Following the fascist playbook. The success of the Oligarchi tour is going to attract malicious prosecutions to silence AOC and Bernie. Will members of the J6 Committee be renditioned to Moscow? We have learned with Trump, cruelty is the point .
I get the sentiment, but we have no special elections going on right now. We need to build and keep momentum, let's not shun the real effort being put in and direct that negativity to the ones who caved in to the regime
Reinforcing people's delusions isn't helping. Stone cold reality sucks, and isn't as fun as a fake revolution, but it is the only chance we might actually have. The delusions of the Bigot Bernie followers led us here. Coddling them even more isn't going to lead us out.
These two are some of the only dems not throwing my queer family under the bus. So forgive me for wanting to stop infighting when we have a common goal: ousting our dictators.
Sorry to say, but all of Washington and our state houses are. Both sides. This is hardly a one sided issue. We just turn to the other side when we get tired of one or the other and the game goes on.
We can't keep increasing our debt.
YES, BUT these are the same people who showed up for V.P. Kamala Harris! Do they like the show or are they really interested in what's happening? He still won! HOW! I was shocked to find out a friend didn't vote because he didn't like either candidate! How do you explain the importance of apathy?
"This is YOUR movement.
Bernie is counting on all of us to continue fighting for our progressive agenda. There is only one way we will transform this country – and that is together."
I am absolutely appalled of the stupidity of Amuricans giving kudos to an old white dude who is rich too Bernie Sanders who trashed Hillary and Democrats and gave us Adolf Donny Wtfucky is wrong with you Amuricans are their own worst enemy just fing mind boggling I’ll never forgive him 4 this
Maybe. Wyoming is more MAGA than Greeley. But who knows. I am just hoping for momentum that we can all keep going. I am just an old man pulling for my kids, and all the younger people so they have a future. I am worried for you all. I had my run.
He shouldn't skip Utah. He had to add a day when he came here last. We were outside, and over 15K wanted to hear him back then. We were in the parking lot, side walks, and streets. Overlooking us is a mistake.
And people believe them in spite of saying they hate the mainstream corporate media.
Ironically, if you want to find hope, you've got to doomscroll.
nobody like them and they are incapable of changing it
lot of great content on independent news outlets including
YouTube has a lot of townhall content too.
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
#GreenParty #CorporateDuopoly #EndStageCapitalism
Bernie sitting there...
With his mittens.
Never vain.
Never evil.
Always so obviously caring and invested, even when not elected.
You know the moment.
I don't even have to post the pic, you have it etched in your mind too.
We can't keep increasing our debt.
Dump Trump, Dump Trump....
he needs to be impeached and sent to el salvador
Bernie is counting on all of us to continue fighting for our progressive agenda. There is only one way we will transform this country – and that is together."
#Eattherich #Indivisible #5051movement #TeslaTakeDown #BoycottAmazon #BoycottMETA
❤️from 🇨🇦
I voted in our democratic primary when he was running. Lines were crazy then.