Sounds about right. They are the most shady, creepy, greedy conmen on the planet. Don’t let anything or anyone remotely connected to the orange 47 into your beautiful country of Greenland. Canada and Panama should do the same.
LOL I would be flabbergasted if they had reported that the people of Greenland supported Trump without being bribed. Trump paying for support totally believable.
Like he pays people to attend his rallies.
I've wondered how the campaign worked business sites, non-union, and got those employees to clap & cheer for him. We're they there voluntarily? Forced by management for fear of their jobs? Or paid off? And where are his campaign spending reports?
Everything is transactional with these weasels, including, now apparently, basic necessities. They wouldn’t know a charitable act if it formally introduced itself to them as such and then proceeded to bite them in the arse.
I don't think that meets the definition of a bribe. He hired them. A bribe is when you pay someone to exercise some authority they have for illegitimate ends.
In just the last few days, we learned he paid homeless people in Greenland to wear MAGA hats for a photo, he lied about the California fires, and it was reported he received the questions prior to his town hall.
As expected. This is their standard MO. Anyone who knows their history is aware that this is happening whenever they need something to look a certain way. Not a surprise. No need to sit down.
The tribes of Inuit that roam the Arctic islands have no fixed address. They would be officially considered homeless. But, if you asked them, they would say the whole world is their home.
That’s a pretty targeted group of people for Greenland.
How did Donny Jr. and his minions know where to find these folks ahead of a visit when there are roughly 600–800 people estimated to be homeless in Greenland?
If you are looking for the destitute, I'd suggest it would take 5 minutes in the street or brown pubs.
Even in Greenland with a social security system.
The real surprise would be that "a wildly enthusiastic Greenland crowd met with the son of the President-elect to discuss turning into a for-profit-colony to be stripped off its natural resources to the benefit of a few already way too wealthy oligarchs paying their Orange Overlord".
And while you’re sitting, check this little titbit out, where Trump considered either using their allocated Federal budget funds for purchase, or just straight-up _trading_ Puerto Rico for Greenland. He’s insane.
It's sad that we can't actually tell. It's not far enough out of character that it can just be dismissed. If Biden had a similar headline, I would know it was satire. Here...idk. It might be true.
I am more of the mind that says, "Of course he did
If you don't waste your energy being outraged, you can resist more effectively.
Grifters gonna grift.
Like he pays people to attend his rallies.
I've wondered how the campaign worked business sites, non-union, and got those employees to clap & cheer for him. We're they there voluntarily? Forced by management for fear of their jobs? Or paid off? And where are his campaign spending reports?
-Nobody, ever.
Everything about him is a fraud.
Outrage? Yes. Shock? No.
People have no value beyond how they can be manipulated and used to benefit to the ruling group.
(Apologies to those not fluent in sarcasm.)
How did Donny Jr. and his minions know where to find these folks ahead of a visit when there are roughly 600–800 people estimated to be homeless in Greenland?
That’s my Q. How did they target them at all?
Even in Greenland with a social security system.
Nothing from them surprises the world anymore.