Trump is in terrible health and almost 80. He has no interest in actually doing any work. He just wants to seek revenge, grift off the presidency and be immune from prosecution. I think the much bigger threat emerging will be Elon Musk, JD Vance, SCOTUS & their Christian Nationalist agenda.
And perhaps to be memorialized in stone as the founder of the new world order these freaks want to usher in. Better start chiseling at Mount Rushmore if Trump wants to see it while he’s still around
I genuinely believe may 2026. And then he is gonna have a "major health incident" and step down and let baby Vance take over. It's the project 2025 secret plan
Vance is gonna play a major part in the administration, much bigger than a VP normally does, and get a really big public image, and will serve just under half a term, and be eligible for another 8 years. It's a 10 year plan. They know trump is a liability, and his metal clarity is failing rapidly
Trump's flawed and idiotic policies will have repercussions long after that moron is jailed or until he dies. Voting for criminals will be de rigueur for the voting American public.
Depends on his coronary artery disease. Greater the severity lesser the duration. Greater the greese intake greater and severe the disease. Rest you can reason it out. 🤣🤣🤣
Evil is great for longevity. John Lenon murdered, X murdered, JFK murdered, MLK murdered, Gandhi murdered, Fred Hampton murdered, Trump and Reagan wounded. Henry Kissinger lived to 100. His justices will live forever. Trump is like herpes, it will never go away.
However much longer he's around it will be too long, but he's got the best of everything - health care, protection, support of all types, endless oodles of money, and the SC. His mind however is escaping him daily.
It doesn't matter in any case. The damage is done. Whatever happens to Trump, we're going to be stuck cleaning up the remnants of the mess he leaves us for decades to come.
For Trump himself, it's until he's too old to say anything, likely the next 5 to 10 years. But the consequences of his presidency are a much bigger issue, prolly lasting 20 to 30 years.
Until 12:30pm EST on January 20, 2025. Immediately after he pardons himself, his family, and every J6er. Then he'll resign, and we will get Vance, who will inevitably pick MTG as his veep.
4 years is most likely, but health or impeachment might make it shorter. There is also a strong possibility that he'll try to cling on to power longer. Unfortunately, we'll have to deal with his ilk much longer.
I'm afraid they will keep him propped up and barely functional way longer then they should.
"My name is donald.... my name is donald.... my name is donald"
Dems never learn and Trump’s term will only further solidify the oligarchy that is the USA. This is what was voted for…best of luck to everyone. The only way I see it changing is if something really bad happens economically and literally everyone is impacted.
6 months,if it goes as badly as we think economically he will be killed by the enemy within,his supporters have shown they are a trigger happy bunch and if they feel betrayed, look out.They will have motive AND opportunity while they still have his trust.look at the army navy game,invited a murderer
He is surrounding himself with ass kissers who go along with every stupid thing he does or says. I honestly think he is going to do something really stupid and really bad and his presidency will end in less than a year.
Not long maybe if someone looks at the weird voting data from the swing states. This person on TT does a great analysis if anyone's interested: nicole.m.dangelo
Not saying it's "stolen" just saying there should be an investigation & recounts same as 2020, it's only fair.
likely scenarios without getting investigated?
We're gonna be dealing with this mf for the rest of our lives. Long after his!
It won't.
Already were looking at decades before SCOTUS might be functional again.
We've seen how he and his followers take being told they can't govern anymore. Imagine when his breathing privileges are withdrawn.
"My name is donald.... my name is donald.... my name is donald"
Not saying it's "stolen" just saying there should be an investigation & recounts same as 2020, it's only fair.
Him personally? Cheeseburgers will probably get him in a year or two.