Sure enough, my account over at Spoutible was one of the ones affected by this. I've gone ahead and changed the password over there.
This is a HECK NO, and yes, I’m in the field.
Saw someone else point that out over there, and the response by another person was, "Just because you didn't receive an email doesn't mean it wasn't sent to you."
Actually, it does.
I wouldn't have known about this except by reading your skeet.
How do companies (and developers for that matter make these types of mistakes.
It reminds me of a local auto dealer i found that had all of their finance applications enumerable by id with no auth checks at all.
and yeah it was twitter, i saw the same thing
This right here? This is really bad, and was brought up as a security concern before.
I think they just didn't have enough manpower and funding :/
Here is Bouzy's response, BTW: