Can totally relate! I will have to get dressed once a week for work🙄 but at least I’m not on nightshift anymore. Right after my last patient visit, will get groceries so I can stay cozy at home for d.a.y.s on end.
Said for years that the next three months should be a mandatory hibernation period where we cut back to only necessary production. We all just sleep in until the sun is up and quit early the minute it looks a bit dark. Everybody gets a winter care box with fuzzy slippers and a 3mo cocoa supply
Grumpy Monk you woke up in the middle of the night as you fled but is too kind to turn you away, though he may briefly have considered rolling over and going back to sleep.
I’ll be in my pajamas until summer. I’ve embraced joggers and hoodies and as little effort on it as possible. I just need to be a mind in the ether for awhile.
I really dislike the cold and the early evenings. Each #winter seems to get harder than the last. But the one bright spot is that the palace gets cold enough that I can wear my big, comfy, hooded robe all the time.
When I'm cold in bed, I put my fluffy bathrobe on the bed like a blanket and put my arms through the sleeves. It is very cosy. The only danger is never wanting to leave.
(Apologies to Slartibartfast)
-in the star wars sense
Arthur Philip Dent??
You can pay homage to Arthur Dent. Rather sad that Douglas Adam’s was taken from us far too soon.