Me: Why are some of my eyebrow hairs suddenly perpendicular to my head
Eyebrows: It's outsider art
Me: I do not like this art installment
Eyebrows: Every time you complain, another hair will stick straight out
Me: But -
Eyebrow: (stares, sticks another hair straight out)
Eyebrows: It's outsider art
Me: I do not like this art installment
Eyebrows: Every time you complain, another hair will stick straight out
Me: But -
Eyebrow: (stares, sticks another hair straight out)
Seriously, tho... best wishes on the treatments. My partner is going through his own right now and his (thinning but still mostly full) beard is worrying him.
I feel like I should have figured this out a long time ago, given how many of your books I've read.
Especially more so after I started trimming the eyebrows regularly.
Me: Why do I always have to trim you?
Eyebrows: That does it. I'm calling for back up.
Nose hairs: Hey! Why you gotta pick on my eyebrow friends? Just for that, I'm gonna grow some long hairs too.
My husband was delighted to learn this.
embrace them
Nose hair convo next?
Aging is not for the weak!
This was not how I pictured my golden years.
Good times.