»Den Schnee, auf dem wir alle talwärts fahr'n, kennt heute jedes Kind«
(The snow we all slide down the valley on is known to every child.)
Falco, Der Kommisar
We're fine here in the Greater Cincinnati area; with 12 inches of snow we just sheltered in place yesterday and the streets have been cleared for the most part...🌞
And now it's causing intermittent power failures - just enough to drop my internet service. I need a new larger UPS to keep the network up. Happy Tuesday Bluesky.
(The snow we all slide down the valley on is known to every child.)
Falco, Der Kommisar
*unless it warms up slightly
Trying to land the ship while high on Nyborg:
"The round ship rams directly into a wall, and crashes down,
skidding to a stop in front of the loading bay.
EDSEL: Oh, wow, good landing, man."