Thread on why you should buy books in a series, even if the series isn't done (and even if some other author has not completed their own series). It comes down to: 99.9% of the time, supporting the author at publication GREATLY increases the chance of getting to see the entire series published.
Reposted from
Alex White
Getting a lot of "I tried that, but Game of Thrones, Wheel of Time and Kingkiller ruined me!" replies.
Pull up a chair and I'll explain how publishing works.
Pull up a chair and I'll explain how publishing works.
I also think readers should be respectful, but not feel obligated as life changes for them, too.
Although, he probably wasn't hurting for a publisher.
When I was a kid, Tolkien and Foundation were the only series, except for comic books. Now, seems like half the books I pick up are ‘second in the WockaWocka series’, so back onto the shelf it goes.
It would seem good for your business as an author to keep some sort of schedule but at this point I’ve just checked out
I do know he wrote other books than the 3rd of the series. Ditto grrm.
Which is fine if you want to do that but accept some portion of your audience will
Move on
Just no longer interested in that one.
I’m not disappointed I’m disinterested
Often, when reading a series it’s not even the story that I’m most vibing with, it’s the world.
Needs to just kill off a bunch of folks so it’s manageable lol.
But at least he's writing and not being an anti trans bag of shit like Rowling
I wish other artists would do the same.
Can't help but hope he eventually gets back on the novel horse, though.
At the time it was really disappointing, but when fit into the total story arc, they really are the meat on the bones.
Sanderson's "Reckoners" trilogy is one of my favourite universes, however.
Get a grip, people. Enjoy what's there and stop being an entitled clown.
it's weird to frame that as "punishing" authors
(I'm also waiting for the book to be translated in French).
Don't gatekeep your own imagination, get in there and explore!
Wild to me Wheel of Time would ever be the example people use for this complaint.
I'm never lacking a book, I get regular dopamine hits from ongoing favorites, & then periodic treasures are so sweet whenever they drop.
I'm older and wiser - and have the funds - so buy the whole damned thing at once and binge.
He literally wrote an entire book that spanned a single day, and another where nothing of note happened in the story.
If you write things that have endings, I'm down to keep up with the books without worrying about being left hanging forever.
(No spoilers please).
Please take these with a pinch of salt: I may not remember correctly.
As someone who discovered The Gunslinger not long before book two came out, I've learned patience.
There are other things to read while waiting.
*At this point I would be surprised if ASoIaF was finished. He seems to have lost interest.
Dune by Frank H. is genius. Dune by Brian H. is horrible.
(Father vs. Son)
GoT endet by HBO not George (at the moment)
(TV vs. Book)
In contrast, even if A Song of Ice and Fire never actually concludes, I'll still relish the books that made it to publication. Tolkien never "finished" his universe either, really.
See, this is good guerilla marketing. 😀
He's very publicly lost interest in the series, while finding lots of time for other stuff.
Also, I don’t regret starting an amazing series even if it’s not finished. The king killer series is phenomenal writing and I’m better off as a person having read it
Unless the marketing department thinks it will push sales to have "Stunning Conclusion" in sparkling letters on the cover.
Then I’m forced to cave and buy from Bezos to fill the gaps.
But why? Who buys parts 1, 2 and 6 of a series?
But to me, it depends on how cliffhangery the first book in a series is. If I charge through Book 1, loving the ride and excited for the ending, and there's just... no resolution at all?
I am unlikely to 5-star it or preorder the next.
These were both mega hits so my slowness to join in shouldn't have had an impact on them 2/x
If writing is good, it's good.
Its the cliffhangers, the promise of more to come (and then taking ages to do so)!
(And maybe selling something that will need ?7? books to finish as a trilogy, is also suboptimal... but, youth /& enthusiasm is an excuse)
Goddamn but I love to read Douglas Adams, and goddamn but he was gritting his teeth with every single word he put on the page.