LOL that´s perfect recycling, but many vegetarian/vegan animals do not really digest their food, so there may still be nutritions on their poop and some animals eat it once more...
Every Halloween there's a wave of posts of "vampire" bunnies with red-juice-stained faces from eating strawberries and other berries producing red juice!
No, no, rabbits don't eat their own poo. They eat nutritious vitamin packed cecotrophs and leave their poo in the litterbox where it belongs. I wouldn't even let Trump anywhere near my poopy litterbox or my ballot. So unsanitary! That's how you spead disease! 🤮
When we kids we sold bunny poop to a neighbor boy and told him they were Bunny Beans and that was how we got all of our rabbits. He actually planted them. It wasn't a total loss. He grew some carrots. 😉
That's the first word I thought of when I read this post. I learned about it in college decades ago. Why can I remember the definition of coprography, but not remember where I set my phone? Sums up my life. And you're right coprography is normal and healthy behavior for bunnies.
😂 I’m telling ya?!? God. I’m going to be 52 and I’ve always been sort of an old soul but sometimes feels like I’m 80. I sort of twisted my shoulder reaching for Cheerios at the store earlier. A cereal injury!!!
Hello from Hannah, another poop eater for no reason other than that it tastes yummy. Any kind will do, but frozen horse poop tops the list of favourites.
Here is my bunny. Not only do they eat their own poop they will literally bend over and pull poop out of their asshole for consumption. At first it’s a little disturbing but at this point I’m like, “you go my poopie queen”
My biology teacher ate rabbit poop to demonstrate a rabbit's digestive system struggles to break down the food, so they eat it twice. The primary currents, the ones rabbits and biology teachers eat, are fibrous and the secondary, double digested, are squidgy.
Your biology teacher was full of it haha. Rabbits don't eat their poop (the round fibrous pellets). They eat cecotropes, which are soft, black, and usually not seem as the rabbit eats them immediately. They don't produce many and they're moving bacteria around their microbiome, not double digesting.
I love bunnies. I had 2 litter trained that had free run of the house. They were so sweet and very friendly. This guy in your photo is particularly handsome.
Rabbits are cecotropes. They eat there rabbit raisins to extract the nutrients not absorbed the first time through. You can use the poop for fertilizer. Make charcoal. And a methane converter can use the poop for fuel. Cute and practical. And you can box train them🐰
Yup! It’s actually pretty important for their over all health to eat it. Since that nutrient they miss out on in the first round is important. Rabbit poop tho is way less gross than other animals waste thankfully lol.
Rabbits make fantastic pets if you’re able to give them enough space and hay. But also yes you can clean up their poop regularly. They poop a lot and you can liter train them so they won’t leave it all over the place. Honestly probably the easiest pet poops to clean. They don’t smell and are dry.
Nope! They don't eat their poop, they eat cecotropes, which are a separate kind of dropping with a totally different appearance that is produced to help move bacteria around the digestive tract.
Night feces, nutritionally important. Helps recycle water, b vitamins and protein! Looks different from the normal poop. Kinda like a tiny cluster of grapes covered with mucus
Oh that's scary. I have heard of rabbits being electrocuted. One of my buns that I couldn't find had chewed a hole in the sofa and climbed up in the backing and then got trapped and couldn't move. Had been there for at least an hour before we felt her warmth thru the sofa
rabbits arent the only coprophagic animals out there either!!! even canines/wolves have cecotropes but their diet kind of works against them in that way lol… wouldnt want them consuming feces after the meal of another animal 🥲
Just for background, since the Blue Sky community is filled with smart, curious people, rabbits make two kinds of droppings: small hard round ones and softer ones—cecotropes—to reabsorb extra nutrients. Their diet is vegetarian so their poops aren’t stinky at al!.
Funny thing
Guine pigs #2 are stinky though.
Have had both (14 total).
Love them ❤️❤️❤️
Don't recommend them.
Unless you are willing to learn a lot and spend $$$ to properly care for them.
Good food, expensive Vets, LARGE cages and supervised floor time (gp) and bunny-proofed free roaming (rabbit).
For the curious, the House Rabbit Society, the main national group for house rabbit owners (i.e., folks who keep their bunnies indoors as house pets rather than in outdoor hutches as used to be the usual case until 50 years ago or so) has extensive material on which foods are best for rabbits.
Yes, they were a valuable resource for us when we had our beloved albino New Zealand, Momo (his photo is my user pic, btw). He passed back in October and I still miss his sweet face.
The usual proportion of food recommended is 70 to 80% timothy or other hay (alfalfa is recommended only for baby/young rabbits or nursing mothers), 20% or so green leafy vegetables, 10% or so high-quality pellets based on hay WITHOUT extraneous junk, and a sparing amount of treats daily.
Yes—I adopted two rabbits across time. A Netherlands dwarf and a small black lop-ear, both of them darlings that led active and social lives in our home.
Did you know koala bear moms make a special poop for their babies to eat when they're ready to start eating eucalyptus? Otherwise they won't be able to eat it!
So... Like a loop? You initially feed them to start the system and they just keep recycling? And clean up their own waste? No wonder they are so bountiful, hardly use any resources!
Bunnies have always eaten their poop - the first time it comes out greenish, and the second time black. Grass takes a long time to digest, and bunnies have small guts, so they recycle it.
Nope! Rabbits don't eat their poop (the small round pellets). What they eat are cecotropes, which are produced separately once or twice a day, and aren't really poop despite looking like it. Didn't know I was going to be the poop education police today but here we are.
❤️ Every animal of every species,favoured or not,is a unique individual with a personality,emotions,as sentient as we in every morally relevant way.Extend respect&empathy to ALL animals.Be vegan. 🙏💚
Depends on what they mean. It’s normal for rabbits to eat their cecotropes (“night” poops) because they’re high in protein and other nutrients and eating them helps extract more energy from them. Other coprophagic behavior could indicate a health issue.
Same with goats! But my dairy goats don’t eat theirs. LOL Also bunny and goat poop pellets can go straight into a garden without the need to compost. What we don’t use in our garden gets sold as fertilizer.
He looks like the train-robber in an old school western who seems like the Baddie at first, but when you find out he was only robbing those trains to buy medicine for his sick mom you realize he’s won you over
Although I have to say that this is the first thing that comes to mind when I read / hear "Nobody's perfect"
Okay this one is not a rabbit but I want to share pet photos too.
They are great pets!!!
I encourage you to try it 🙂
Guine pigs #2 are stinky though.
Have had both (14 total).
Love them ❤️❤️❤️
Don't recommend them.
Unless you are willing to learn a lot and spend $$$ to properly care for them.
Good food, expensive Vets, LARGE cages and supervised floor time (gp) and bunny-proofed free roaming (rabbit).
also didn't know bunnies ate their own poop = that can't be healthy
Do you want to know why flies...
Rabbits also eat there babies cause they lack a mineral. You have to feed it rabbit food with those nutrients it lacks.
Just chew the cud with some ruminants and see what they think!
If they steel a sip of apple juice, don't drink it afterwards...
Silly🫵🏼 🥕
Wait, I’m 99% sure that Trump also eats his own poop.
The perfect house guest, then?
That's a nice Wabbit.
I did learn there's a market for rabbit poop though.