Leaving aside my own fairly vanilla predilections in this area, I don't write a whole bunch of sex scenes because a) they don't tend to interest me as a reader, b) so I don't write them with any great enthusiasm and c) they're usually not important to my story. And yet, you know, I do okay in SFF.
Reposted from
Duchess of Doom
So should my asexual ass just give up, or…
(Like, I agree that horny art is great and there should be all the opportunities for artists to get their freak on! But I cannot just decide to not be ace…and I would like to imagine I can make art anyway…)
(Like, I agree that horny art is great and there should be all the opportunities for artists to get their freak on! But I cannot just decide to not be ace…and I would like to imagine I can make art anyway…)
Sometimes the sex scenes feel weird or the author's kink that I do NOT share.
Not SFF, but I remember reading The Godfather as a teenager and having to skip chunks of the book.
But I did read Earth Dad's Are Weird without fully reading the tin (I missed the bit about it being more adult oriented).
i needz a but ton 4 edits plz.
Also, Kiva Lagos was probably my favorite book character I encountered from last year
The OP sounds like one of those Sad Puppy goobers who tried to wreck the Hugos.
Oh no, someone on the internet is wrong! Someone made a gate-keeping proclamation, projecting their personal preferences in a way which excludes most of the classics of the SFF genre.
Let me know if a month passes _without_ some loser issuing their gate-keeper proclamation on SFF.
Some classics of SFF which involve no sex scenes:
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
War of the Worlds
Lord of the Rings
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Call of Cthulhu
Rocket Ship Galileo
A Wizard of Earthsea
Doorways in the Sand
Tau Zero
(any sex in any of those?)
Also, corporations are fine with horny. Corporations routinely wedge horny stuff in where it barely makes sense.
closeted gay man unaware closeted transbian
"I guess I have to write/read this"
Between the homophobia of "Stranger," the ick of "Time Enough," and the facism of "Starship Troopers..."
Still love "Have Space Suit, Will Travel?"
My mom got it for me on a trip, I was 11. I think was a good job of pointing out that it was 1) a purely physical act and 2)sex is strange but beautiful.
It's like halfway through every book he got too horny to finish and transitioned to writing soft-core porn.
That was great when I was 15. Now not so much. I’ll take Old Man’s War any day.
Now I kind of prefer the more subtle scenes. Where you know why the characters ran off to be alone, but you’re not bogged down with half a chapter of detail about it.
Panning away to the roaring fire is fine by me.
People will have sex in the future, sure. But what else?
And if so, how exactly would they enforce their policies? 🤣
It's one of the reasons I really enjoy well-written children's books.
Purely preference, no judgment.
A lot of in-depth sex scenes are mostly pointless.
It's reprinted in The Collected Stories, and... just doesn't seem all that racy, now, 50ish years later.
Unless it's me, and I'm entirely jaded, but tbh that seems very unlikely.
BDSM implies responsible attention to informed consent. Pervert does not. Does he stan Marion Zimmer Bradley, or Neil Gaiman?
Every time a gold dragon goes on a mating flight, her rider apparently hooks up with the corresponding bronze's rider; meanwhile, a dozen other male riders are all in a room together, all hot and bothered...
However I've reached an age where frankly I'd prefer not to read the squelchy bits on my morning commute. Like chocolate chips, its value has become increasingly contextual as I've aged; not on my asparagus please