There is a certain tier of very online person who chooses not to understand that people have lives outside of what they post, are often having struggles the rest of us don't know about, and in any event we all get to choose what we say about anything, and if indeed we say anything publicly at all.
Reposted from
Mary Robinette Kowal
Sometimes when someone doesn't comment about the latest controversy it's because they've spent a month in the hospital with a family member and have to pretend everything is fine because they have a new book coming out.
But feel free to send angry messages because they didn't share an opinion.
But feel free to send angry messages because they didn't share an opinion.
Yes,it can be correct sometimes, but no more often than any other wild-ass guess someone makes about another online.
Choose your words and silence carefully
Look, we're all on this site just venting, not trying to change the world. Don't act like this is real life.
We should also recognize that in this moment nearly all of America has continuously high levels of stress related hormones that push folks to even more aggressive online behavior, calling for greater understanding on all parts.
I wish these callout birds had the same restraint.
All considered, news today has now completely become the spectacle.. the only thing that matters is ratings.
Work self vs. home self vs. online self are all just different aspects of me.
I think if I were, though, I'd be terrified. My impression is, most of them aren't really looking for information or validation, they seek a target.
Compassion costs nothing.
Those that expect a response based on who you are.
And those who expect a response based of what you are.
And I dislike both.
Choose your words and silence carefully