As I understand it David Fincher has basically disowned this film, but even with all the studio fuckery he had to endure, there's no doubt when you look at this film who directed it. Aesthetically, there's nothing to be ashamed of here.
Reposted from
Matt Bors
Folks, I rewatched it for the first time in ages and it’s my favorite. Perfect aesthetic and tone for the series’ relentless villain: the for-profit business. Ripley’s nice little hookup with the doctor and Dillon’s rousing “dying in your feet” speech seal the deal. One man’s thoughts.
There is a graphic novel that gave them all an alternate ending, and it was much better.
Horror, Action, Thriller
Solo, Squad, Community
Survive, Save, Sacrifice
There were no doubt production problems, but I'll fight on the hill that it's absolutely a worthy part of the universe. I hope one day Fincher gets to look back on it with pride
It followed Aliens but wasn’t Aliens 2.
And, yes, it killed off Hicks and Newt.
If you can get past those - and that latter is REALLY hard to get past - it’s a masterpiece.
Not flawless, but a solid Alien film.
*Buying a collection of the first four was cheaper than buying just Alien.
also, Sigourney with a buzz cut is just epic!
Still, Charles S. Dutton fighting a Xenomorph with Sigourney Weaver is a treat.
Surviving is sometimes a curse.
I understand the people who were angry that it basically undid the "win" from Aliens, but as one of the few people who thought Aliens was a step down from Alien, it never bothered me. I like the Alien universe being a cold and uncaring place.
Imo, that many Xenomorphs just doesn't work.
Also a whole bunch of superb actors just chewing the scenery and spitting it out at each other.
And it does. The CGI is ropey, but the sets and atmos are amazing.