Just as a heads up, the next ten days or so I am likely to be scarce around here and when I do show up it will be to post pictures of Caribbean vistas or cool events with awesome people, please don't hate me, actually it'll be okay to hate me a little bit, I totally get it
If you don't travel, then non voyage!
enjoy some well-deserved relaxation John!
you really are an inspiration on here, so refuel and come back soon!
a little bit
No hate.
All love for rest & adventures.
I may be in the minority on that, but that's okay. 😆 Us burrito maniacs have to maintain solidarity.
Have a wonderful trip!
F'ing tax season.
"Roving bands of EAs" is a physical impossibility outside of tax conferences or EA society meetings.
#TaxBS #TaxSky
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
You worked hard and earned your vacation.
I’m in Loveland for the Frogman Festival
Damn! Good timing.
Well planned, sir.
Here in the States, Project 2025 is at full throttle, and Putin is cackling.
"But don't worry about me, I will be great, skiing in the alps!"