This motherfucker is going to kill children, and that's just for a start
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See? Batten the Hatches—aka, get yourself and your community all of the Legacy vaccinations before they are Outlawed by JFKJr.
What, RFKjr Worry?
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
He is a professional....
A professional asshat, that is.
Basically if you hear that they’ve said something that seems impossibly stupid .. you can go ahead and believe one of them actually stated it as fact.
Science could probably help, but:
"[Kennedy] said he’d been told that a dozen Mennonite children had been injured by vaccines in Gaines County."
He is incredibly ugly in the way only evil men can be. Arrogant as only the worst of royalty. Ignorant as only failsons can manage. Morally reprehensible, ethically evil, and more.
Keep 'em poor, afraid, ignorant, armed and pregnant.
Now contains sick & substance-dependent additives.
This term's specials are increased mortality and decreased safety.
Limit one death per customer.
So many hoping that Orange Jong Un and the people around him will suddenly have the basic morality that most Americans seem to have.
I have not given up hope in-general but it's well past time to give up hope on that one ever happening.
Measles isn't gout
Yeah, it's all that high living you aren't doing, that's why your child is dead.
He knows that his grift will kill people, but he doesn't care because his goal is "Necrosecurity".
He thinks only those he sees as untermenchen will die off
The man is a monster.
This is nonsense, of course. But for some it's easier to obliterate reality than make personal changes.