If Trump uses troops to invade Canada or Mexico, it will trigger a civil war in the US rank and file while creating a Ukraine like war in North America
The British, when Canada was a colony, invaded to Washington and almost burnt the President's House down. That's why it was then painted white. USA should forever thank Britain it did not stay on that occasion.
The majority of Americans wears red hats and says "fuck your feeling and do it to save our kids." That's what America is now. The stupids were given a SECOND time at the wheel. Any Americans hoping "concepts of a plan" will reduce your egg prices are clearly out of touch with reality.
We won the first time the USA tried this...ask why your white house is white. We will win again and the rest of the democratic world will be on OUR side against the fascists.
Fun fact, the political colours are reversed in Canada. Here, blue is conservative (equivalent of republican) and red is liberal (equivalent of Democrat). Just in case we need to start brainstorming a game plan to avoid confusion on the battlefield haha 😜
Hehe Green Party in Canada is very similarly aligned with Green Party in the USA. They're heavily left, and prioritize environmental issues. We have orange (NDP) which are also left leaning. 😊 So, red, green and orange are safely aligned with Blue ideologies in USA (speaking generally of course).
The White House was 'painted' with a limestone coating in an off-white color to protect the stone, which wears off and had to be renewed often. It was painted white using lead based paint in 1818 after the war of 1812. But point taken.
Just like 1812. Maybe the Canadians will eat the President’s dinner & set fire to the White House again (natural reaction to finding a McDonalds burger I would have thought)
What would really be hilarious is if Quebec chose that moment to rise up and secede, maybe even topple the Canadian government and turn it all into a French enclave.
Ironic that trumps first term he bragged about getting more NATO nations to increase their military strength. In his second term he may actually see that strength first hand.
trump has the power as Commander in Chief to replace military commanders with his sycophants. He's just waiting for January 20th when he will have FULL ACCESS and CONTROL of the world's most powerful military and weapon systems.
As a proud Californian, I wish there was *more* cultural exchange with our neighbors to the North. I was in my 30's when I had my first poutine. My immediate reaction was, "Where the fuck have you been my whole life!" It's almost impossible to find down here, and I have *no idea why*!
As am I, strictly speaking; though I’d happily join in the fight to resist an invasion. As a pensioner w/ no fucks left to give, provide me w/ a gun & some semblance of a plan and I’d be all in for the battle.
Canada is derived from the indigenous Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” Let’s be one village of sentient human beings, working together for the betterment of our village/world. 😎🇨🇦👍
if it is what they want, I am all In for that, the MAGAts have destroyed any notion of America so Being from Maine with a very large French British family , I would fight for Canada.
More people need to tell Trump that he is off the rails on this subject. We are a democracy. We do not invade allies. Established allies and our neighbors. Period.
A lot of Americans will be fighting for Canada, who are, ya know, also Americans being as they live in North America. It's a bit confusing but we all hate Trump.
So utterly fucked up, isn’t it? I mean lots of us have friends and family on both sides of the border, which – until 9/11 – was barely even a thing. Besides, do Americans really want to take on board millions of Canadians who know more about US politics than all of MAGA? Not to mention Quebec...
I hope that the elected leaders in Washington stand up and revoke that idea proactively to make the new administration know that that is not the will of the American populace. Democracies do not operate as aggressors to our own allies. Wise up, Mr Trump. The world is watching.
Canada is part of the British empire and nato. They do not stand alone! All Trump has as an ally is Russia. They are preoccupied right now. Can't see them coming to the rescue
She is a figurehead. The Canadian Parliament passes our federal legislation, she rubber stamped it.
She is on the $20.00 bill and coins. Most Canadians use Debit cards.
Polar bears are on our money as well.
The Commonwealth is voluntary, that doesn't make us British colonials.
Trump does not understand that the US military would turn on him and join Canada. Canada should annex Wash. St. And California. We get what we want and Trump can have the mindless mid-West USA.
Canadians are not losing any sleep. He never built his wall, pays his bills, or even keeps a marriage that lasts…. He’s not a finisher. He’s the drunk ranting uncle you nod at.
You're now dealing with #PresidentMusk and his fellow techbros, not just the TFG.
They have a clear goal of dominance in the Western hemisphere while disbanding existing nation states.
This is their (and #Putin's) vision of multipolar world🥺
The only thing that’s inevitable is change as everything is impermanent. Whatever change happens is subject itself to change and that’s why evil empires rise and then fall. All you can do is manage how you respond to changes to maintain your inner peace. 🪷. This too will pass.
I'm one of them. And I'm a veteran. I'd prefer there be none of this crap but the mango child rapist needs to distract us from whatever they're about to get up to.
People said the same of Finland in 1940 - yet the Soviets barely pulled off a badly pyrrhic victory; soldiers from across the USSR had abysmal morale and no motivation to fight other than their overlords' prestige.
The Finns, on the other hand, fought like cornered wolverines.
According to Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada is a post national genocide state on stolen native land. Also - I'm a settler - not a citizen. Don't expect me to lift a finger to protect Turtle Island.
I’m sure he hasn’t realized that, or the convicted felon thinks he can get away with anything, like he does here in the banana republic we’ve turned into.
Can Donald Trump himself be considered torture, or an act of cruelty, and thereby a walking public threat? Trump's very existence is a crime against humanity.
If the US went to war with Canada and we brought back the draft, where would the draft dodgers go? Let’s ask Trump. I bet he has a concept of a plan. 😜
What the orange turd does not realize is that it is CANADA & not United Provinces of Canada.
Unlike the USA, which could become Un-united states and parts of it could be renamed Magaistan.
Distraction is their play. So ignore & keep your focus on important policies they are trying to overturn.
All the New England States and NY will join Canada as well, add 7 more Provinces, Michigan and Minnesota would make 9. NJ, DE,MD and DC make 12 new Provinces, literally all the original 13 Colonies.
I get told different things all the time but whem i emailed border patrol they said it’s up to the discretion of the officer on duty, but who wants to go to that hassle of maybe not getting in, so I haven’t tried.
Well it was 20 years ago this coming june but if I wouldve been charged by the state it wouldve been a misdemeanor, but it went federal and I wouldnt rat so they fucked me. Only the president can pardon me😂
So there was a fundamental difference and the USA learned from their 1812 mistakes in a big way. For starters, the USA now has a funded, equipped professional army when in 1812 it only had militias.
The secret is the cheese curds. US Dairy allows for a lot more hormones and antibiotics in their milk. And they have to be "squeaky" fresh...24hrs old or so.
And wait until you try a Montreal Bagel...divine!
Re: Healthcare, I wish you luck but I don't know if you will ever get down there.
Even Trump doesn't currently say he'll send troops to Canada. Instead he is saying he'll beat them economically. It never occurs to him that he should not be talking about "beating" our friends. He really is mentally impaired, you know.
it will absolutely hurt the US, but it will also hurt us since any other trade would be by boat instead of train which would probably cost more, and trumps strategy is literally "starve both countries at the same time and hope canada starves faster"
Actually, that happened last time he was in power. He put tariffs on China. China went to Canada and bought all their grain, even their reserves. Canada made a fortune, and it cost the US 10's of billions.
Yep, everything I sold last time that had parts imported from China had tariffs which were passed along to customers, Not sure why so many forgot that?
Trump is trying to turn the narrative away from his nominees, the insatiable greed of his wealthy cohorts, and the Congressional Republicans supporting his lunacy.
Every day, Trump looks more unkept. He spews more and more idiocy. My money is still on his inner circle encouraging him so they can pull a 25th on him on day 1.
Growing up Minnesotan, I always felt more aligned with Canada. I'd LOVE to be Canadian! Even thought the cute PM isn't in office anymore, CANADA, COME RESCUE US!
1812 USA driven out by Canada. "American armies invaded Canada in 1812 , all three campaigns ended in failure. One army surrendered at Detroit at the western end of Lake Erie, a second army surrendered at Queenston Heights a third army withdrew after a skirmish north of New York."
The thing about not disarming and just learning to live with the existence of nukes is that the continued existence of human life relies on eternal balance of powers, something that has historically never lasted.
It's not true
"A lot" of Canadians...you mean the 1/2 dozen people they keep showing on edited news reels. 🥴
Canada likes being Canada...we'll stay that way.
I wonder how many people are aware that Canada and America were at war with each other in 1812.
US incursions into Canada were repelled. In 1814, British troops captured Washington.
I bet Trump\s knowledge of history is non existent.
I know the Scots hate him. If he lifts a finger against Denmark or Canada, he can kiss Turnberry goodbye. Scots are awesome and fierce. Well, so are the Danes. lol
People act like this is his serious plan. To an extent, he would do it if it could continue the distraction without harm to him, so it is a serious threat.
But he also has a sentencing coming up, and a multitude of problems he’s creating and has no solutions for. It’s first and foremost distraction.
Let’s stop the Trump’s destracted talk about taking over other countries and focus on holding Trump Administration accountable to lowering gas prices, cost of eggs, affordable housing as he repeatedly promised.
Yes, he has enough to do instead of digging up more turmoil. It is all in his motives to delay, derail and distract from his own woes and responsibilities. He's a little ADHD in my opinion. Not presidential.
One of the first things he said after the election was he couldn’t lower prices because it was too hard. And bird flu caused 4 million chickens to be killed so what would the president have to do with that anyway. And gas prices were already way down before the election.
My friends I feel the same way to I hope Canada 🇨🇦 wins drumpy dump needs to be put in he’s place quick smart and humiliated for all the world to see a laughing stock he’ll be
The problem is, how the US military will respond. This could get real ugly. I've been tdy in Panama. It's an extreme country. The extreme minority mega wealthy vs the extremely indigent majority. At dusk, I watched people come out of bombed out buildings to search for food in trash dumps.
CORRECTION: Smith announced in mid-December at the Fall Mtg of Premiers that she was attending the inauguration. There's no conference in two weeks. Sorry for the mixsteak. 🙃
Nah, the brain dead nut bar who the brain dead UCP supporters love. If Trump told her to kiss his bare ass,she’d swoon with delight! The woman is a right wing IDIOT!
They have the highest proportion of conservatives in parliament of all provinces.
Anecdotally, during the pandemic it seemed that every Canadian anti-vaxxer nutjob story I encountered was about someone in Alberta.
And some in Calgary. I’m just wary of generalizations such as all farmers are red necked hicks etc. Most of my family were wheat/dairy farmers in Alberta and while religious were/are lovely tolerant people and completely accept me.
Your cousins are without doubt lucky. If America had universal healthcare and not have the whole restrictions of “insurance” and all of the other unfair amount of bull America’s system dictates, I would’ve been in a MUCH better place in my life.
You are 100% correct. When my grandfather died in the late 70’s we couldn’t get grandma to move in with us in SoCal since she couldn’t afford US healthcare. Back then!
I deeply apologize for that, my friend. It’s not right, nor fair at all. 😔Lives are irreplaceable and must be cared for, something that the apathetic rich and powerful individuals in this country (a part of the government or not), don’t care for.😠
We are slow to anger (for the most part). But one simply does not joke about taking over our sovereign nation. Send some of these idiots to the Arctic & see how they fare.
Keep them arguing with each other is how this country,meaning America,is in the predicament we find ourselves in so yeah let’s argue with our nice northern neighbors because of our inability to deal with our own other than to type furiously on social media
Ron Filipkowski with Anthony Davis. They were discussing that the USA can no longer tell Russia to get out of Ukraine because Trump talks about taking other countries over. Ron said that’s been on Russian TV lately and that is probably the point of all this. He’s doing this for Putin.
His hypocrisy knows no bounds. From claiming he'd "take over Canada," to when he called Obama ignorant? Rankings speak for themselves: Obama in the top 15, Trump scraping the bottom. The MAGA myth is built on lies we’re all paying for and now so are our neighbors. #DefendDenyDepose
As much as I loathe saying, if the US military were to invade Canada in earnest, there’d be little physical opposition possible. Canadians are solid fighters. Well trained. Professional. But they just don’t have the stroke necessary to fight us off. Even if Europe and LATAM helped. Wouldn’t matter.
The internal chaos in the US would certainly play a part. It's already here. How different than the Orban model, we are literally going to see that. The alignment is rural vs urban. The military is already in turmoil. On a straight up fight like Iraq, you are right, that won't occur.
I dunno. I retired from the army last year, and currently still work in defense. I don’t see the turmoil. I am lost in a sea of complicity. I do not believe the moral courage to oppose this exists today significantly enough to make a difference. If Trump says jump, they will ask how high 😔
I fear the military will treat as enemy, anyone Orange Jesus tells them to with scant opposition. But I was referring to a fight with Canada. It would be over in hours. At best, a lingering insurgency. Their military is too small, their border too easy, and logistics in US favor.
No need to move. Let’s fight from within. Trump has already declared us “the enemy within” so let’s make him right about one thing in his miserable life.
Who wouldn’t opt for Trudeau over Trump; gun control over endless shootings, a nation with affordable health care over one stealing Medicare from grandmas to give billionaires more?
I love America but we are addicted to hate and violence. Some fights you deserve to lose.
More to the point is that the man talking this way is a buffoon and everything that emerges from his mouth is rank nonsense. His disinterest in the national sovereignty of others is one with his narcissism and an impulse inspired by Vladimir.
Trump is just alienating his allies…
This is dumb strategy
If America under Trump cannot be their ally, then I would guess that China would be very happy to jump on to buy their ressources and give them access to the Chinese market!
Trump doesn't see them as his allies. He sees them as weak chumps who have been riding the US's coattails and sheltering in our shadow. He sees Putin and Xi Jinping as his allies and is happy to court a change in alliances. Or wasn't that obvious 6 years ago?
This is illogical.
Trump clearly blamed CHina for Covid , for taking American jobs, and wants to impose heavy tariffs on. China.
If Trump betrays his allies, the USA will lose as China will gladly step in and outmanoeuvre him once again… America will end up weaker. Breaks my heart
He says a lot of shit. He's also praised Xi. Trump's rhetoric aside, he'll cut a deal with Xi. He won't interfere in Chinese territorial ambitions. Xi will get Taiwan, and Trump does what he wants in the Americas. Putin will back it and take Ukraine and whatever else he wants in Eastern Europe.
I wouldn’t worry. This is just Trump. It’s noise. He is trying to keep Americans in a constant state of agitation. It’s a form of control by chaos. He makes America look weak and disorganized. A banana republic. Same as last time. What’s different this time is Musk destroying relations with Allies.
For those keeping score, so far it’s United States 0 and Canada 2. Seems your Continental Armies didn’t much like fighting our French-British professional troops, habitant militias and allied First Nations in what passes for normal weather and ground conditions up here. Just saying, eh…
I would be with Canada. Working within America to do my bit to f**k trumps war machine.
I am certain there will be 10s of millions of Americans working with Canada to scupper the Orange menace.
Canada is secure enough with itself that we have no need to seize anything from a sovereign nation. Besides, we’re too busy helping put the flames out in LA. Because you know, NEIGHBOURS.
Canada is a peaceful country & generally provides only peacekeeping forces to international conflicts. If it really came to a shooting war, Canada wouldn't last even one day. That's just a fact.
That doesn't mean it's OK to annex it, any more than it's OK to murder your neighbors & take their house
Don’t bet your life savings on that! We are a country of hunters and a great many of us are quite capable of hitting very distant targets. We also have a very well trained army. And 30 other NATO countries that would come to our aid, three of whom our nuclear powers.
I do agree with the latter part. Can you imagine the Keystone Kops scenario if Article 5 were invoked? NATO standing off against NATO, while Putin and Xi laugh their asses off.
Don’t mistake our politeness for weakness sir. Our dark side runs just as deep, and while the monster within us may be sleeping, it most certainly is not dead. Putin thought his war was going to be a cake walk too & look how that’s turned out for him. Love of country is a powerful weapon.
I'm Canadian, and while there is a dark side, no it doesn't run as deep. I mean US forces have been fighting hot wars continuously since 1941. Also the entire Canadian military readiness doesn't account for defending the Canada-US border.
A real Supreme Court with an apolitical legal system
Fuck electoral college & the racists that shit on minority rights.
No sucking Putin’s dick bcs he has the Epstein videos of Trump
🖕🍊💩🤡 & MAGA too
The late John Pinette said you need a Tim's coffee to stand in line at Starbucks 😂
Fuck this country .
That was a Cdn internal squabble, trust me, they are proud Cdn’s
We need a version of this:
Canadian Soldier: "Maple syrup!"
American friendly: "Canadian bacon!"
When I ordered it I assumed I would get some nice thick slices of maple smoked and glazed back bacon.
What I was served was a hard shriveled pice of what looked like baloney. 🙁
New York.
But I’m still smart enough to steal.😂
I'm backing Canada.
Nazi Pedophile Rapist Traitor Felon Trump will never be my president!
USA keeps MAGA somewhere in South…Fla Texas wherever as no fucking way we allow them in.
We have enough issues with MAGA mentality infiltrating Canada.
Give up your AR 15 & get Universal HC, good deal
They can help defend Canada, and in return, we can help them take back their country. It’s only fair.
All we ask in return is to layer up with winter clothing, pick a hockey team to cheer for, and cozy up with a hot beverage of your choice.
Come on up, there's cold beer in the fridge and dart board in the garage.
Good Luck with Shitshow 2.0
Last time I was there, the Queen was on their money.
She is on the $20.00 bill and coins. Most Canadians use Debit cards.
Polar bears are on our money as well.
The Commonwealth is voluntary, that doesn't make us British colonials.
They have a clear goal of dominance in the Western hemisphere while disbanding existing nation states.
This is their (and #Putin's) vision of multipolar world🥺
so it might not work for long, especially if they dumb them down like they did with Americans. (How he won in the first place.)
And then, as if paint on a dent, it slowly blended it... But it's still there.
I guess we’ll see how Canada handles Trump, O’Leary, and the right-wing populism rise there🤷♂️
People said the same of Finland in 1940 - yet the Soviets barely pulled off a badly pyrrhic victory; soldiers from across the USSR had abysmal morale and no motivation to fight other than their overlords' prestige.
The Finns, on the other hand, fought like cornered wolverines.
Honestly, I seriously hope our leaders DO NOT do this. History doesn't always work out that way, but man I hope things stay peaceful this time.
If they do, please put our country in the dustbin of history where empire-builders belong.
They are just waiting for it.
MAGA forces I hope!
They will do anything for him.
Unlike the USA, which could become Un-united states and parts of it could be renamed Magaistan.
Distraction is their play. So ignore & keep your focus on important policies they are trying to overturn.
Oops, Trump has looked like a fucking idiot since 2015, but that's just details
Any chance you can update the map a bit…
Getting Hawaii & Puerto Rico piping in about seceding as well.
Ya gotta admit, a sun shine province be nice in depth of winter.
We use Mexico, but variety is nice & gotta love the people of Aloha & PR
We certainly love the Mexican people
That said, Canada does too.
And wait until you try a Montreal Bagel...divine!
Re: Healthcare, I wish you luck but I don't know if you will ever get down there.
Tune out the Reality Show and Stay focused.
"A lot" of Canadians...you mean the 1/2 dozen people they keep showing on edited news reels. 🥴
Canada likes being Canada...we'll stay that way.
That is a recipe for a civil war. With modern weapons.
US incursions into Canada were repelled. In 1814, British troops captured Washington.
I bet Trump\s knowledge of history is non existent.
Education doesn't seem to be as valued on the other side.
We should just send a special opps team to fill in the holes.
Stop participating in the chaos on social media.
But he also has a sentencing coming up, and a multitude of problems he’s creating and has no solutions for. It’s first and foremost distraction.
Anecdotally, during the pandemic it seemed that every Canadian anti-vaxxer nutjob story I encountered was about someone in Alberta.
God bless Canada. ❤️🙏🏻
To them, there’s no money in healthy individuals.
Plus, as a bonus, we can always have a giant bonfire 🔥 in the White House. Rocket launchers optional.
Plus, we will repaint the WH and send the bill to the USA. Elon Musk can pay for it. He purchased Trump and the GOP.
Screw the US.
I love America but we are addicted to hate and violence. Some fights you deserve to lose.
I can think of no better symbolism for the incoming Trump Presidency that this picture
This is dumb strategy
If America under Trump cannot be their ally, then I would guess that China would be very happy to jump on to buy their ressources and give them access to the Chinese market!
Trump clearly blamed CHina for Covid , for taking American jobs, and wants to impose heavy tariffs on. China.
If Trump betrays his allies, the USA will lose as China will gladly step in and outmanoeuvre him once again… America will end up weaker. Breaks my heart
Can't move due to work reasons and family who wouldn't be able to. So I'm stuck here.
He's working for Russia and wants to destroy NATO. He better be stopped.
In fact, it's the only thing in the situation that's fine.
I am certain there will be 10s of millions of Americans working with Canada to scupper the Orange menace.
The POTUS threatened to invade and subsume Canada is kinda hostile, isn't it?
That doesn't mean it's OK to annex it, any more than it's OK to murder your neighbors & take their house