Yeah, a bit of a hollow cry I'd say. She's been fence sitting for years & managed to keep herself mostly out of harms way w/ Trump but she's being a bit disingenuous if she's implying she's now just aware of this.
Don’t forget.
You helped Trump along to this end, Lisa.
You voted not to impeach him when he clearly abused his power to force Zelensky to buckle to his corruption.
You should feel more than sick to your stomach.
You should bear some responsibility.
YO! lisa did indeed vote to convict trump! not to impeach cuz she's a senator & only the house impeaches. it's like the indictment that sends the case to the senate for trial. first, pls get facts straight before venting your righteous rage; second, put that at the feet of the Rs, where it belongs.
I know she voted to convict for the coup which was the second impeachment.
She did NOT VOTE to convict for first impeachment in the Senate for abuses of power.
Only Senator Romney did.
quite so, tho that was not clear. but, again, impeachment is ONLY in the house. perhaps better stated " convict AFTER the second impeachment for the coup," &" convict AFTER first impeachment"?
disgusting enough this rotting orangutan was impeached twice. surely another is in his future. 🙏
She and her colleagues bear all the fucking responsibility. We wouldn’t have any of this fucking shit if it wasn’t for this treasonous bunch of Congressional Republicans. They could have voted to convict twice, they fucking didn’t. This shit is on them. The blood of Ukrainians is on their hands. now is the time to do something about the orange menace. He never learned his lesson. If you stand and watch, you are complicit and just as guilty along with all other congress members.
You didn’t see that coming???? Come now. Little too late for you to see this for real. But now that you have you need to grow a pair and gather some more republicans to fight this mess. 💙💙💙💙
Leave the Party become an independent and tell like minded people in the senate to do the same. Take their power you can, we can't. or you could just shut the F**k up.
Then why is she still in the senate? I hear this all the time from states, but the ones they hate always seem to wind up back there.
KY is another state you hear that from. Can someone explain please. I must be too dumb to understand this.
Thx. 💙
You fucking vote for all his shit bitch so don't gimme that "I'm sick to my stomach" bullshit. You're as much of a traitor as the orange orangutan. Nuremberg 2.0, you're complicit and will be judged as such. 🖕🖕🖕
I’m sorry, Ms. Markowski, you need to sit down and be quiet. You have been a flip-flop your entire career. If you would’ve had a backbone, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. It doesn’t matter what you say, we don’t care.
And she has done nothing but enable all this for a month. Gave him his cabinet and everything else. She is as responsible for this as he is. She needs to take substantive action or shut the fuck up.
Anchorage especially is quite diverse with a fairly significant immigrant population, Hmong and Somali refugees and so on, so I’m guessing these people are fully in support of freedom fighters.
I’m not specifically keyed into Ukraine, but I know letters to the editor in our local newspaper have been predominantly opposed to the Trump agenda, so I’m guessing that most people here support Ukraine.
I actually think that’s how the gop think though. That they have to bend to PAB’s will. It’s infuriating!
I honestly can’t say how many AKans are supportive of the Ukrainian commmunity(I lived in Wasilla & some were annoyed that their larger fams were eligible for PFDs🙄), but she should
#GOP Rep. #LisaMurkowski has the Spine of a #PoolNoodle, the Steadfastness of a #Tumbleweed and the #Principles of a #Weathervane. She’ll change her tune in the first breeze that blows her way! She always does!
Yeah well, Lisa Murkowski always wants to publicize that she has a brain/heart, but when it comes to the actual VOTE, she's just another brainless/heartless drone, afraid to buck how the cult was ordered to vote.
t***p has become nothing more than a distraction clown. He keeps the media busy with his verbal diarrhea. Meanwhile, the real crimes are being executed with military precision behind the scenes.
… and yet nothing is being done to actually stop it.
Anywhere else in the world what we are experiencing would be called an authoritarian coup but here in America, our so-called leaders simply call it 'deeply troubling' and are sitting by and letting it happen.
It's what happens when you flood the zone with so much disinformation and lies that people throw their hands in the air and go watch cat videos. This is a textbook example of how democracies are defeated.
She might do it if D's can gain three Senate seats in 2026 (highly unlikely). Her flip would change control of the Senate and she would have a LOT of power.
"Finance is a big gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger." --Michael Corleone
For sure. She is one of the few R's I respect. I'm just waiting for someone on that side to step up and do something. Dems can't do it on their own. They need help from R's that care more about their country than they care about being primaried.
This is part of a coordinated effort to dismantle the world order forged 85 years ago from the ashes of 80M lives. As allies like South Korea & European nations lose trust in the U.S. for security, nuclear proliferation will accelerate, plunging the world into a more dangerous and unstable future.
I love this app. The comment section never fails 🤣
She's upset, yet she has been voting for Trump's agenda. Her state is extremely poor and depends heavily on government assistance. Yet she voted against them if only more Republicans would stand up instead of being weak minded. Trump is a tyrant
Murkowski needs to start making anti Musk, Vought allies in congress, who will help push impeachment and removal of Trump, and every one of his treasonous Project 2025 cronies.
She needs to ally with democrats, and gain enough republican support for a super majority.
I live in Ak.I dreamed it 5 years ago. We had a year to leave or become Russian citizen’s. Our ferries were down, people were leaving everything behind. Those still here after 6mon were put in “ communities” until they could get out, but then they started disappearing. Wilds of Ak was to blame. 😱
I can't reach her from here, somebody SLAP her for me. The shit they say out loud and then the next day walk it all back. Pure hypocrisy. Step up lady and make a difference, or sit down your taking up space. Unbelievable.
Finally, a GOP member of Congress had the balls to call him out and as usual, it took a woman to do it. I’m surprised she hasn’t turned Independent yet. I’m sure Susan Collins expressed concern and furrowed her brow.
So are the rest of us. Now, DO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS. Get the decent half of GOP to help get both President and vp impeached asap. Appoint loyal Americans to take those seats.
Wouldn’t it be a fun world if we all did? Now, it’s fun to read this attempt toward me but I need to let you know I’m an old war horse and worked in the toughest family areas for years. You might be tired of waiting for Repugs to get off their butts and eliminate Trump/Musk. Work with us
I apologize - it wasn't meant as an attack on you, just a comment that "a decent half of the GOP" is as likely to exist as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are.
With all due respect, Representative Murkowski your words are sweet nothings if your ACTIONS and/or complicitness supports Trump/Vance. They chose oligarchs & authoritarianism. We choose DIVERSE people whose different contributions are EQUITABLE because our INCLUSION makes us stoney stronger.
What the fuck Lisa! You people put him in here! You can’t tell me you didn’t know this was coming. Yes I know you’ve helped us before but you aren’t helping now.
Only been 5 weeks and the Retard-In-Chief has managed to fuck the entire country and turn ever ally in an enemy all for the sake of pleasing Daddy Putin. Very impressive.
Hey thanks for your worldly advice. I suppose you haven't noticed that it's been fucked up for the last 4 years. I won't go through the list you know what they are. No need to reply I have a good memory. But thanks again for your advice.
Didn’t this piece of shit vote to confirm the cabinet members that 🍊 💩 shoved down their throats. Turning on and off the outrage doesn’t void the bidding they continue to do for it 🍊💩
Then why in the hell, Murkowski,you Republican Senators stand up to him and stop the insanity, you have the means to save our Democracy, you control all levers of power. Do something besides whine, he can't primary all of you. Stick together, you'll can defeat him
She did vote to impeach, and I must give her credit for that. However, she also voted for many unqualified cabinet members. Now, she needs to change parties.
It is time to go out on a limb and state that in Congress with your buddies,the Republicans. Don't be pushed around.State the facts, your concerns and hold a press conference to get the news out. We have been ambushed by Trump and company.
Then when does she expect to actually do something about of it? Her and all Republicans talk is less than cheap. Let's see some actual actions and votes against Trump's dictatorship.
Yes, but this is because Russia stole the election for Trump. You know how I know this is true? Because no one can talk about it. On tik tok they erased all the videos. But Americans need a genocide to do something. We'll all be killed while they get sick to their stomach.
You helped Trump along to this end, Lisa.
You voted not to impeach him when he clearly abused his power to force Zelensky to buckle to his corruption.
You should feel more than sick to your stomach.
You should bear some responsibility.
She did NOT VOTE to convict for first impeachment in the Senate for abuses of power.
Only Senator Romney did.
disgusting enough this rotting orangutan was impeached twice. surely another is in his future. 🙏
WTF is she watching that she’s still not sure?
KY is another state you hear that from. Can someone explain please. I must be too dumb to understand this.
Thx. 💙
That’s more than the other Republican senators have done.
this IS the something she does
I honestly can’t say how many AKans are supportive of the Ukrainian commmunity(I lived in Wasilla & some were annoyed that their larger fams were eligible for PFDs🙄), but she should
That’s a new reading on the meter folks, please update your graphics.
(907) 271-3735
Watch what they do, not what they say.
This cannot be stressed enough. Thank you for the reminder.
And also remember - every accusation they spout is also a projection.
Anywhere else in the world what we are experiencing would be called an authoritarian coup but here in America, our so-called leaders simply call it 'deeply troubling' and are sitting by and letting it happen.
"Finance is a big gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger." --Michael Corleone
Nick Begich.
Bitch, please, grow a pair.
She's upset, yet she has been voting for Trump's agenda. Her state is extremely poor and depends heavily on government assistance. Yet she voted against them if only more Republicans would stand up instead of being weak minded. Trump is a tyrant
~Lisa Murkowski
She needs to ally with democrats, and gain enough republican support for a super majority.
Another hypocrite.
Really…. gop is complicit at best and in bed with dtrumpf and putrid, too at worse
They know what they caused.💀👿
What trump & his toadies are doing is tragic— they know it but instead betray their oaths in fealty to Putin.
THAT makes me “sick to my stomach”!
Hope you can sleep at night with an upset tummy.
Actually, after careful consideration, I don't!!!
when she keeps saying administration.
What are you going to do about it?
More concern trolling. Yawn.