My 70+ mother is headed to a protest. She’s an artist, does a lot of very meticulous still lifes. She texted me that she was worried her sign didn’t look enough like Trump.
The question is "could it be mistaken for anyone else?"
The answer is "no". She nailed it.
Cause... they lie.
Suppose you've known of someone's work since a now-forgotten art/writing site. You live in a different country. You move to another country. You find out that you've somehow moved to (and just out of) a single specific town where aforementioned's mother lives
"You Go, Gurl," to all the grannies of America. 👵 🇺🇸
This is art.
This is apparently extra true when *your* mom is in the mix
Drawing an absolute banger and worrying it’s not good enough.