For all the South gets shit about the failures of reconstruction, the North doesn’t get called out enough on its lack of resolve. They won’t even defend their own backyards. Rural life has been so throughly Confederatized that you’re more likely to see a Confederate flag in rural NY than Atlanta.
Fucking Michigan.
I’m no longer nearly as tolerant, but I may have become intolerant too late.
I see damn near as many Confederate flags as I do south of the Mason Dixon.
I mean, maybe?
I've seen confed flags in northern vt near the canadian border.
I've seen them in rural NH though...
You see them in places like NY, OH & IL for the strict purpose that ppl there feel the need to advertise whereas the same ppl in Atlanta? Everybody there already knows how they feel. No need to display it. MTG’s constituents aren’t rocking it cause they all already know. It’s a given.
You can see the same in a lot of rural California too.
I've been driving over a repainted road graffiti that used to say: Black lives Matter but now says: ALL LIVES MATTER for two years. But the left here is getting engaged while the maga is zipping their fkng mouths.
It was pretty eye opening.